Mixed reviews on Monica.yep, Monica from PK. She has gorgeous features...she is from the north (Katmandu I believe)....
Not sure about her ecxact origins, but Kianna may fall into this list as well.
You got a pic/profile somewhere? I have been looking high and low for someone like you!Yes I am an East Indian Sp
Kianna is one of my favorites....she will not disappoint. Take the plunge, you will not regret it.You got a pic/profile somewhere? I have been looking high and low for someone like you!
Isn't Luxie Indian as well?
Kianna is one of my favorites....she will not disappoint. Take the plunge, you will not regret it.
Next week, apparently yes. You might want to check out this post: https://terb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?396288any east Indians SP in Ottawa ?
None here in Toronto section???Her cousin Kareena looks better without much photoshopping? I wonder if anyone here has any review of her (Kareena)? I know her website has a long list of reviews, but I am more interested to hear from hobbyists here (from terb).
I have seen Kareena numerous times while in Toronto on business...highly recommend. Gfe, boderline Pse...take the two hours, you'll be glad you did.Her cousin Kareena looks better without much photoshopping? I wonder if anyone here has any review of her (Kareena)? I know her website has a long list of reviews, but I am more interested to hear from hobbyists here (from terb).