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Anti Sex Work Crusader

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I watched the video through, it's very Pollyanna. My questions are: How do you banish the urge, are you advocating for chemical castration?

I reserve further op, you be the judge.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
She does raise more questions than answers.

...maybe she should read Anthony Burgess.



Active member
Feb 5, 2009
She is just trying to connect random facts and prove her point by disproving the other side's argument. Sounds like she went to trump university...

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I wouldn't say she's a Trump U graduate, she's too erudite to be. But she could gain a greater understanding of the world with some Burgess.

George Orwell + Kurt Vonnegut + Oscar Wilde = Anthony Burgess. We could really use him around now!



Well-known member
May 15, 2018
She lost me in the first 30 seconds. Essentially, her argument hinges on the idea that if sex work is normal, then sex workers are just workers, which makes pimps managers and that feels wrong to her.

First off, you can’t make laws based on feelings. You just can’t. Laws need to be rational. There needs to be irrefutable proof that breaking said law causes harm to other people or society as a whole.

Second, she implies that all sex workers have pimps. This is obviously not the case. I suppose in the very most literal sense it’s true, since owning/operating a brothel or escort agency, by dictionary definition, makes you a pimp, but we know that’s not what she means. She means a dude in a fur coat wearing a feather boa, a white fedora with a tiger print band and a giant feather, carrying a jewel-encrusted cane. This is not the reality for most sex workers. Plenty of them work independently or for ethically-run agencies. They’re not being exploited (hell, if anything they’re doing the exploiting!), they’re working a job they chose to work. Why are you trying tell them they can’t do that job? It’s completely nonsensical.


Jun 13, 2017
Managers in other industries can be exploitative as well. That doesn't mean we rally against those industries; we just work to make sure people aren't being exploited, which is exactly what we should be doing in sex work as well.


Well-known member
May 15, 2018
Managers in other industries can be exploitative as well. That doesn't mean we rally against those industries; we just work to make sure people aren't being exploited, which is exactly what we should be doing in sex work as well.
Exactly. I don’t get why this is so hard for people to grasp. If you really care about people and aren’t just objecting because “sex work is icky!”, it seems to me like the rational thing to do is to make laws to protect sex workers, not drive them underground and make them more vulnerable.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
An average female may be naturally inclined to take a position against sex work, because whether they're aware of it or not, sex work presents competition and acquiescence of power. In relationships, women wield sex in exchange for power, but that power is significantly diminished if the male can pick up a phone and get laid. So... the anti-sex worker crowd is likely to be a loud and powerful voice in society forever.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Once again I can thank the posters of Terb for stopping me from wasting time watching some idiot spew off in a video on a topic they actually know nothing about.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Are there any videos of her naked...she is hot!
Looks like a bat shit crazy psychopath...look at that expression and eyes like no soul beyond the eyes like looking into an empty space like a plastic doll....

When will people learn and respect the value of other people and allow them to have A CHOICE what they want to do wth their bodies.

Who da fuck is she to tell others whats right and wrong. These are fundamental issues being violated here and this delusional girl has her head too far up her ass to realize what is the fundamental issue at hand.
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