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Another Washroom Thread... Anybody ever go into wrong washroom? LOL.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
While we are on the topic of washrooms.... (awile back there was a thread about washroom attendents and now public washrooms) just to add a little bit of fun to this wonderful topic. Did anybody (I know it's embareassing to admit) go by mistake into the wrong washroom? Or have you ever found someone in the wrong washroom? What did you do or would you do if found someone in wrong washroom?

Funny story about my own adventure:

Years ago when I was a courier driver... I had to go bad but kept putting it off saying to myself "OK I'll make one more stop , then I'll go" By the time I did stop... could not hold for even 30 more seconds. I RUN into a major hotel in downtown Toronto. I RUN to the washromm. RUN inside and 'sit' just in time. With a 'sigh' of relief I sit and relax for a couple mins. All of a sudden I hear the unmistakable sound of two female voices! They are washing up and fixing make up. They are talking, talking, talking. OMG I thought I was going to be in there for ever!. LOL. All the while I am just sitting there... thinking if one of those ladies looks down she will see my construction boots under the stall door... and start to scream... lol. At long last they leave! So I quickly get up and start to open the stall door thinking I can make good my escape now. Just then the washroom door opens and I close my stall door very quick! I wait till the lady walking in sits in stall next to me then make good my escape. When I get outside I have parking ticket on my van. Not one of my best days! rotflmao.
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New member
Jan 31, 2003
a parking ticket, $ 30

not having to crap , shit, or piss in your pants, in public,

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senior member
Aug 18, 2001
wrong washroom

yes I have!!!! lmao

My first time many years back at "The Fox n Fiddle" they have signs on the bathroom doors "foxes" and "Vixens" well being hammered I of course walked into the vixens figuring the females had to be the foxes!!! lmao

ok leave me alone!! I know it was a dopey mistake but I was drunk!! lmao :p


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Not Rush Hour...

Berlin said:
a parking ticket, $ 30 not having to crap , shit, or piss in your pants, in public,... PRICELESS.
I am just glad it was not rush hour. Cause during rush hour downtown in the spot I was parking they tow you away. Then I REALLY would have shit! lol.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Atlanta Airport... they have those generic international symbol signs that are almost indistiguisable from each other. Walked off the plane, turned left when I should have turned right, and surpised about 8 women in various stages of primping and adjusting.

Oops, my bad.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
Mens drinking fountains

Oh does this bring back fond memories! I went to York and at one time the "politically correct police" (read screaming feminists) decided that having separate mens and ladies washrooms was discriminatory and so pulled all the signs off the doors. This meant you had to remember which was which when you went to the pub.

A rather innocent young freshman/lady leaves our table and comes back telling us she ended up in the mens room by mistake. While she was somewhat embarassed by what happened she wanted to know why did we have so many drinking fountains in the mens room. It took awhile but eventually we figured out she was referring to the urinals. Needless to say for the next 3 years we never let her forget it.


senior member
Aug 18, 2001
shared bathrooms

hahah poor girl ! BB you guys must have tormented her! lol

I was recently at a bar downtown called "7 Lounge" on richmond st W ,the bathrooms there are shared,actually it is quite nice there is a row of clouded glass doors ,behind each door is a private bathroom.when you come out they have the mirrors and sink which you share with the ladies.
Oh and not to forget the washroom attendent.It was the first for me in a shared bathroom! :Dlol

think Club 107 at Dixie and Eglington has gone that route too.


Who Am I? U first!
Jan 2, 2003
No-But Sex in Girl's Washroom yes!!!

Fortunately, I never unintentionally went in the ladies’ room. This thread does bring back memories.

I was in a lounge/club’s washroom once, and while getting a BJ from my GF, a girl almost walked in on us (no we were not in a stall). Lucky I had my back against the door. With my pants still down, I was pushing the door shut while my GF was telling the girl to come back in a few minutes. I don’t if the girl knew what was happening, so she kept trying to push the door open. Anyhow, after what seems like hours, she finally gave up and went away. My GF left right after and I was about to leave until a couple of girlie voices convinced me to run and hide in a stall. Thinking the coast was clear, I decided to finally get the hell out and as I was about to open the door, my GF’s friend came in looking for me. Apparently my GF told her friend what happened and asked her to come down and check on me. Well, words spread and everybody I knew at the club knew what had happened.

That was one embarrassing night, but hell, I would do it all over again. The one thing that pissed me off is the fact that I didn’t get a chance to get off. Damn!!!:(


Jan 20, 2003
South West Ontario
Indian Restaurant in London England after a few cocktails... Approaching the rest rooms, which were side by side. A lady is just behind me, She says something along the lines of " I always get confused with the signs" (stylised male and female stick people). I say " I always remember because the female one has it's legs apart". Of course this is wrong, it's the skirt looking picture. Wanted the ground to swallow me up, I still have flashbacks.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
When ya gotta go ...

Took a French course at Université Laval where the dorms were co-ed. That was my first (& only) experience in a co-ed residence. Must admit, over the 6 weeks I was there I never did get used to taking a pee when all of a sudden a girl walks in to take a shower.

In one of the clubs here in Toronto (can't recall which one - it was a wild night!) I remember standing in front of this wall. I couldn't figure out why it was vibrating. I mean, the music was LOUD but still, a vibrating wall? Then, in the darkness I figure out that this gigantic black wall is actually a gigantic bank of black speakers! Anyhow, later on I had to go so I wandered around looking for the facilities. Finally found them, walked in and had to pause. I actually couldn't tell if I was in the guys bathroom or the girls! Everyone there had dyed their hair in ultra wild colours. Their attire matched their hair too! It was only when I didn't see any urinals that I figured (in my alcoholic induced haze) that I was in the wrong place. Weird thing is, none of the girls seemed the least bit fazed by my being there. Anyhow, I found the right one and did my thing.

Most recent incident occured at a high end restaurant in Milan, Italy. I go there and on the doors are beautiful elegantly hand-painted ceramic signs. One said "Signori" and the other said "Signore". Umm ... so I ever so slowly crack one of the doors open and saw another guy in there just washing up. Woo-hoo!


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

When I traveled through Europe I quickly learned that the Hostels and "Y" hostels are shared dorms and bathrooms. More interesting was the Musee of D' orey in Paris. Went to the mans bathroom and saw a line up for the womans bathroom. Then I saw line for the man's bathroom. For a moment I thought the mans washroom was at the other side of the building because woman were waiting in line to use the mans bathroom. While the door was open the man just simply used the urinals. My first time experinece with Co-ed dorm almost gave me a heart attack. This is the 2nd night I was there. The girl ( she was with a guy and another girl ) started to undress. And belive me when I say this. Sex was not in my mind at that moment. IT was more like Clarence Thomas & ANita Hill case before my eyes. BUt I learned quickly and adapted quickly. I say one thing. It is nice to sleep with swede, korean and montreal chicks even if you don't do it. But start to run if an American girl walks in. Man are they ever ... ANti-SEX Miniacs or Anti-Co-ed dorms.
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New member
Oct 18, 2003
I am sure many of you have experienced this before. At a busy game at the ACC, many girls will run to the guys washroom to take a leak since their washrooms are full. There I was, taking a leak in the urinal with the girls watching. Boy, its interesting to say the least.


New member
Sep 7, 2003
Not just me...

A few years ago a friend and I made our first visit to Eastern Hills Racket Club. (OK, a LOT of years ago...) We went into the locker room to change and as we were changing into our racquetball clothes, we kept noticing how really nice the locker room was... lots of mirrors, seats at the mirrors, hair dryers... As I went to take a pre-game pee, I commented, "Where the heck are the urinals?" As I looked unsuccessfully, it slowly dawned on us where we were! We changed back to street clothes in record time and slipped out before anyone noticed.

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
Transferred to a new office. They had what I thought were two similar private washrooms (later learned the adhesive on the signs wasn't very good, and they had fallen off).

I was sitting there and saw a large, tall waste basket like in any washroom, and a smaller container mounted on the wall for some other purpose. I'm wondering "What's this for? Maybe I'll have a look inside while I'm sitting around and learning my new environment."

I reach...........for it...........and...........
(to be continued)


Aug 16, 2003
After a 4 hour flight, landed in Edmonton, had to go real bad, didn't look at the sign on the door, when I came out, people were looking at me and laughing, I turn around and saw the sign, oh well life goes on. Also had the experience of those co-ed washroom, was taking a shower, came out with towel around my waist, and there she was standing there in bra and panties, putting on her makeup, she smiled and said Goodmorning, I'm sure I was red in the face, didn't answer and went back to my room.


New member
Aug 18, 2001
I swear this is true, one late afternoon at Fantasia I am in the side mens washroom when in runs a dancer straight from the floor and she is naked carrying her purse and whatever she had to wear. She was in one hell of a hurry and offered no apologies. The stalls if anyone remembers were either without a door or were flooded most of the time. Up to the urinal she went, positioned herself and let it rip.....then out the door and back to the VIP!


New member
Sep 15, 2003
Niagara Falls, Canada
While backpacking through Europe, I walked into a large, busy public bathroom on the French Riviera and just stood there in the chaos, confused: guys and girls all over the place, a bunch of urinals, a bunch of stalls, guys peeing, girls putting on makeup, people chatting. Finally my brain started working again, thinking, okay, foreign country, that's cool; and I took my place at a urinal, peeing freely while hearing girls chattering away behind me. I was just thinking, what a psychologically healthy country.
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