Again - your opinion. I don’t think we should have “how to interact with police” educational course. Yes, as far as responsiblity is concerned, it is an either/or. The police have the responsibility, not the civilian. That is where the full responsibility lies.
Now because police are incompetent and don’t have enough training and apparently won’t get enough training, then yes citizens have to take matters into their own hands and yes, have to try and figure out how to deal with cops when they get pulled over into traffic stops or any other altercation they may have with police, but bottom line they should not have to, period.
Now please, look into this case and tell me what education she missed that would have helped her not get shot. Show me where she failed in the responsibility you seem to think she has in getting properly educated and how that education would have avoided this shooting.
Show me where her responsibility in her own death should have started??? When they illegally asked her for her ID instead of looking for the prowler? When she followed instruction on removing the boiling pot of water. I want to hear from you, where education would have helped her with these police. I’m not talking generalized situations anymore. I’m talking this case. Let’s deal with this case solely.
This case you refer to appears open and shut. But I have not been talking about this case. I started my original post with a disclaimer that I'm not talking about that case. You keep referring back to this case. Not me. Please note that.
And I'm glad we agree that cops need more training, and so do people. And we agree that it sucks that we have to brief our kids, particularly if they are men of color, to be extra careful in situations in dealing with them. We agree we SHOULD not have to. But I would be derelict as a father if I DID not do it. And if it can save my kids lives it can save others. And I'm sure, as you're a kind and thoughtful person, you agree with that. And, as you've noted, no amount of training works if you have some total bone head cop. I get that and agree with you. But most cops aren't bone heads. But they're humans, and armed. Thus painting with a broad brush ...well lets just say if training helps save a few lives....why not?
You seem furious that it is even being raised. Me too! Made me sick to my stomach having to find a yellow plastic wallet to put the car registration and insurance card into VS the black one it was in, so as to make sure it does not get mistaken for a gun if my lads get pulled over.
But there is a reality that exists. Teaching people the reality is better than not, which is why what i am advocating is actually being done that in schools right now in the USA! The new "run, hide, fight" trainings (school shooters) given to students in high school and uni teaches them the cops POV (rushing to the scene, shots fired, not knowing who, what, where, etc), and things to do when you break cover so you minimize the chance you get confused with the perp. I think we'd agree that training should continue, despite our disgust we have to do it in the first place. So we agree alotmore than disagree.
Thanks for the robust discussion.