Angela Hearts Erotic Entertainment


Active member
Feb 4, 2021
Is this a real review? Or what.
I don't think so, just her or one of her friends trying to boost Business... She is not really the type of girl anyone younger than 60 would pay to see, if it was free, then she is a TOFTT.. but no way anyone would pay 150 or more


Oct 13, 2006
I don't think so, just her or one of her friends trying to boost Business... She is not really the type of girl anyone younger than 60 would pay to see, if it was free, then she is a TOFTT.. but no way anyone would pay 150 or more
Some guys like the older cougar type experience . Just sayin...


Active member
Feb 4, 2021
Wow - skeptical much lol...
So.i guess when you join there is a waiting period before you comment on something, eh. 🙄

I wouldn't use her services again. Just giving my review.
Nah, just funny that after she has a couple reviews about her age members started showing up to only post a review about her lol.... Good try though, some ppl might fall for it

Angela Heart

New member
Mar 26, 2025
So I've been advised by a couple of clients that there is some Angela bashing going on.. a review is something you give after using a service whether it be good or bad.. but since funstuff admits they haven't been to see me then it's called bashing and internet bullying. Nothing sags and I have my own place to work out of and very far the opposite of some fat butchy blonde with a gambing and crack habit that keeps her working off some else's couch, I'm running a legit classy business.. but funstuff keep up the good work of making yourself look like such a wonderful person

Angela Heart

New member
Mar 26, 2025
Oh and just to make it clear, all my clients are being offered a 50.00 discount if they give me a good review so you may see even more "NEW MEMBERS" pop up.. although I wasn't aware they had to explain why they signed up nor that there was a time frame before someone could post.. funstuff can you let terb know you have imposed these rules thankyou

Angela Heart

New member
Mar 26, 2025
Oh and funstuff I read your review you put up for yourself as well.. nice twist to keep it real lol... p s: my reviews are real, as you can see I'm not hiding behind a user name like some
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