Do you not believe Hamas knew what the ramifications of pulling off such a "travesty" would be???
They were counting on the ramifications.
Why take hostages? That's what I don't get.
That's a 100% guarantee of what's happening right there.
Hamas can't win on a straight fight with Israel. All the surrounding Arab countries tried over and over and got beat badly to the point where they gave up.
No amount of terror attacks will cause Israel to agree to leave the middle east, that is pretty much a non starter.
Their only hope is to goad Israel into attack and to hide behind civilians and even better children so that when their human shields get killed the useful idiots and fellow travelers and other self hating westerners will demand that Israel stop... defending themselves.
Apparently there are times when the IDF has told Hamas that they are going to attack a building and to get the civies out and Hamas has responded with a meh, we don't care.
I wonder what would happen if the Mafia or the Biker gangs would start strapping on babies as body armour... but unless Hamas they are not that degree of monsters.
Funny thing, instead of blaming Hamas for using human shield tactics to manipulate the useful idiots they put the blame on Israel and expect them to do nothing, yet they have 0 fucks to give when arabs or blacks kill each other, it's only when Israel does it that they get their panties in a knot. Kinda like how Black Lives Matter go all derka derka jihad every time a cop kills a black person even if said person is a criminal scumbag doing shit that would get a white person killed [and it's almost always that] and go on about how silence is violence but stay very very silent when blacks kill each other, including children caught in the cross fire [ergo by their own words BLM commits violence against black children] but we all just ignore that.