So subtle that it doesn't exist.
What I said
" Maybe you can say a few kind words about Paul Bernardo while you are at it... except at least he never bragged about being a rapist piece of shit. "
I never said anything remotely that they are in the same league. I was just saying if you are going to defend an asshole, might as well go all the way. However when it comes to hurting women they do play the same game, just not in the same league, more like a woman's beer league vs the NHL.
It would be a bit like asking someone wearing a Che T-shirt if they were out of Hitler shirts at the asshole store. Yeah they are both assholes, but that does not imply they are anywhere near the same level, only that they are both assholes.
My fault I suppose when I suggested you read it again, I had expectations you could figure it out on your own. Alas I held you in too high of a regard.
Ya feel me now? Please don't, I never gave consent