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Andrew Scheer resigns as leader of the Conservative Party


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2012
Well, Rob did smoke a lot more weed than Tory and that would explain the "vision".

But seriously, Toronto is the fastest growing, most transformed city in North America. Someone has to be overseeing that growth!
Tory scolded Chow during the mayoral campaign because she didn't give a straight answer on contracting out the other half of the city's garbage collection. She then asked him what his plan was and he said he would contract it out.
Campaigned on increasing property tax at the rate of inflation. Then introduces a new tax which collectively blows past the rate of inflation.
Has done nothing about transit that wasn't already in the works, and has snarled traffic with more and more bike lanes.
Toronto Community Housing is still a mess.

But he talks nicely and looks ok so I guess that's what a lot of people put more importance on.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
He used party funds for his kids' education.

Sounds like everyone went along w it at CPC HQ and even probably slapped Andy on his back for being so clever..... until it became time to force him out of politics and another rightie loser needed to take the helm after yet another defeat. And then of course, one of the party "faithful" phoned his favourite corrupt reporter and forced Andy's handy.
This is absolutely correct. Dead on.

He was given the opportunity to resign, with his own words. He dug his heels in and refused to do so out of ego and entitlement.

When he didn't go willingly, it was time to force him out. He even messed up his own demise.

Small minded loser.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
1) Patrick Brown speaks fluent French. There were some rumors before he got married (to a woman) that he was gay. So yes, he would probably march in the Gay Parade. It's unbelievable that the most important issue in voters' minds is whether their PM march or doesn't march in a gay parade.

2) Some/many people who enter politics take a pay cut. Allan Rock was a Bay Street lawyer making the equivalent of $600,000 in 2019 dollars when he entered politics.

Not everybody has a rich grandfather like Trudeau or a rich father like Trump. I think Schere comes from a family of modest means and needed money to fund his kids' education. BTW: Those funds came from private sources so he was not sucking on the public purse costing taxpayers paying teachers $92,000, rich benefits and a Cadillac pension plan.

It would be terrible if only rich people can afford to enter politics and run for PM.

3) "Friends of Trudeau" paid for Trudeau Senior's swimming pool.
Ashley Madison
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