An SP's Pleasure

Average Joe

Senior Member
Mar 28, 2002
Re: Oh PLease ......

Mystique>Misty said:
yes you should care !!!! If you dont she may not make her time with you very pleasant . Its not your fault if she does not cum but the fact that you give it your all and get her wet shows her that your concerned and this will turn her on . Some ladies take a long time to release and have to feel totally comfortable to make it happen , others can release at the drop of a hat . So if you have the time why not make it last for you both . As for those that are into for only the money in most cases if is very mechanical for them and they dont want to feel the passion so would rather just get it over with . But for those of us that offer GFE , we want the passion and all that goes along with it which often includes and orgasm or 2 . Bottom line for me .... mutual stimulation works the best of both the body and the mind ...the brain is the largest sex organ if you can stimulate my brain then your a shoe in >>Misty

I have to agree with you 100%. The best experiences I've had have been when I paid just as much attention to her pleasure as my own. Like with any other human interaction you get out of it what you put in (no pun intended). Of course, this does require that the lady in question is open to her own enjoyment. Unfortunately there are too many escorts who can't see past the money so for them the effort would be wasted. You certainly don't sound like you're in that group. :D
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