An SP's Pleasure


New member
May 1, 2003
Should I care if the sp I'm with doesn't orgasm when I'm with her? Or should I only care about my self gratification, I mean, I am the one paying for the pleasure right?


New member
May 1, 2003
as do i, but should i care if she doesn't cum was the question? she can get completely turned on and get comletely soaked, but if she doesn't cum is that my fault?? or hers?


New member
Jul 14, 2002
ohh man,
this is funny,
what would happen if u cum before the sp, but she was about to cum but u stopped for her.

i want some input from the sp...


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
no matter how turned on, wet or damn, gonna break the hoover dam soaked a lady is, she may not cum.

If you are concerned about pleasing the lady there are two ways of looking at it, are you fine with the illilusion she may come, then be content with her efforts to make you belive she has. There are three main orgasms a woman can have, each will produce totally different levels, but even if no 'juice is produced' can you be pleased with the illilusion?

and as some may gush you know, even the gushers can't gush all the time, dispite trying. One lady may soak your member, but another may come and you only feel the contractions, don't be swayed, she may have cum, but is it to your expectations?

if cumming is an issue, I say, see her a couple times she may be reserved in that reguard, and don't see a lady who has just completed her moon cycle, the immune system will dissallow a lady to open herself up.

Plus, as I was saying, see her a couple of times if the cumming means something, when a woman cums, she has lost control of her being, her body, she must trust who she is with, she will spnd her kisses wisely, it takes a great man to care for a womans body after orgasm, and some ladies are reserved to let go infront of just anyone, even Service providers.


Active member
Feb 26, 2003
just under the radar
Smoke and mirrors

As long as you think that you've pleased her that should be enough.

You'll seldom, if ever know for sure.


New member
May 13, 2003
No, I dont think shes in the business for sexual pleasure, shes in the business for the money. The second you put the money in her hands, you have done your part, her part is to make you cum. If she ends up getting off of it, then hey, jobs have their perks. But I would never feel bad if I didnt make a woman cum when im paying for sex.


New member
May 13, 2003
See, I dont know, if I was having sex with my girlfriend/wife, then yeah, it is my responsibility to make sure she is having a good time in the bed. But when you are paying for sex, thats pretty much what you are trying to get away from. You dont want to have to wine and dine a woman. You'd rather just pay the money upfront and have a guarantee that your getting laid that night. So if you start worrying about if shes getting pleasure or not, then you start worrying about if shes really attracted to you, then you start worrying about if you call her enough, then you start worrying about if the conversations you have with her are actually interesting to her or not, shit, your pretty much defeating the point of why you are paying for sex in the first place.

Yeah, a SP is definitely gonna say you should care, but if the men keep on giving in to what women want, women will keep pushing for more and more as we go along. Soon enough you'll be paying just to have a conversation with her and if you're lucky, for an extra 500 she might even sleep with you.

I know thats an extreme, and I dont mean to give anyone a bum wrap, all I am saying is that if you are paying for sex, first and foremost make sure you are getting your moneys worth, then, and only then, if you're nice enough of a person try and satisfy her as well.


Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
The way I see it is that your paying for the SP's time, and the sex is just something that happens between consenting adults. So, why shouldn't she get as much enjoyment as you?

Yes, Goober is living in some sort of fake utopia, but let him think what he wants....


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
assigning blame ...

electrol69 said:
as do i, but should i care if she doesn't cum was the question? she can get completely turned on and get comletely soaked, but if she doesn't cum is that my fault?? or hers?
it is no one's 'fault' if she doesn't cum despite your best efforts. sometimes the more pressure you put on a woman to make her cum, the less likely she will have one. or she is likely to fake one just to make you stop.

as mentioned above - some women can orgasm a lot more easily than other women.



I'm not really back
Oct 27, 2001
electrol69 said:
Should I care if the sp I'm with doesn't orgasm when I'm with her? Or should I only care about my self gratification, I mean, I am the one paying for the pleasure right?
Going back to the original question, do I "care" if the sp I'm with doesn't have an orgasm? Well, not really, at least not in the sense that it is going to keep me up at night. As has already been stated, there are any number of reasons why a woman, despite her desire and your good work, would not be able to come. I don't see it as a sign of failure or anything.

Would I be pleased if she did? Sure. Much of the enjoyment of sex is seeing that your partner is also enjoying themselves. But it is not all selfless, because I know that a lady who is relaxed and enjoying herself is more likely to give me a red hot session, so everybody wins.


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
"If you really want to get an SP or MPA to cum pay her far more than the required rate"

You know you are onto something there. For many ladies, the money is half the high of the encounter. I know in my first two years, it turned me on majorly. it kinda moulded me into the person I am now, I'd get the money and stars in my eyes would light up thinking, "this complete stranger, just gave me another complete stranger, equivalent to two paychecks" bloody right, I was excited, and to have sex with him, hell I was all for that at that point, I thought the men seeing me were automatically 'cool' and thought there was some sexieness to all of it.

Don't shoot me, I was 20, making salads and deserts in a resturant. Getting paid for being a woman, at that time was the sexiest thing on earth.


Who Am I? U first!
Jan 2, 2003
electrol69 said:
Should I care if the sp I'm with doesn't orgasm when I'm with her? Or should I only care about my self gratification, I mean, I am the one paying for the pleasure right?
Hold on! Wait a fu*king minute here! WTF, SPs don't cum? Shit, just burst my bubble! Unbelievable! Damn bunch of oscar caliber actress! Self gratification? I thought that's what jerking off is for? ;)
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