Pickering Angels

Amy Coming To Ottawa March 7th To 9th! :)


New member
Oct 3, 2006
Amy will be in Ottawa from March 7th to 9th! :)

She will be offering incalls in downtown Ottawa March 7th from 7pm to 11pm and March 8th and 9th from 11am to 11pm.

Amy is a sensual lady with a body to die for....

Here are some reviews of Amy: https://merb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=15233&highlight=Amy*+Devilish , https://merb.cc/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=20499 .

Here is Amy`s profile: http://www.myprimetimeescorts.com/amy.htm

Her rates: 250$/hr, 500$/2hrs, 750$/3hrs, 800$/4hrs dinner date, 2000$-2500$/ Overnight visit ....

To reserve some time with Amy, please send me an email with the date and time you would like to see her and for how long.: PrimeTimeEscorts@yahoo.com

Thank you,
(514) 518-8880


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005

No reviews on this lady?
I was out of town and unable to see her......can any one fill in the blaks for me?


May 17, 2005
Yes, we have not been too receptive to Michelle's ladies for some reasons (myself included). I wonder why???

I was hoping for Helen to come but she's gone before her planned o-town tour took shape ... now I have to see her in NYC or Montreal some time ... the same with Layla ... damn!!!

There is a new Elyana but I thought she is the same Sarah that I-N sent here 2-3 weeks ago for a $220 special but I could be wrong.

Michelle, if don't mind answering, is Stacey actually working or not???? The site still says Ottawa Only in red.


New member
Oct 3, 2006

Yes, Amy's visit to Ottawa was canceled because there was not enough pre-bookings for her to come....

Elyana did work a little for I-N, I do not know tho if her name was Sarah... :)

As for Stacey, she is on a break (so not working)....

Jen should come back in April, I will announce her dates when I have them...

Have fun with the lovely Raphaelle!!!!!

Thank you,


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
PrimeTimeEscorts said:
Yes, Amy's visit to Ottawa was canceled because there was not enough pre-bookings for her to come....

I can not believe she did not have enough incentive to come to Ottawa.......:eek:

Please try again in the near future.....maybe after the Ontario March break....like the end of the month.....


New member
Mar 28, 2004
These girls are $180/hr in Montreal, $250/hr in Ottawa, and $300/hr when in Toronto. Yes yes yes, different markets, travel expenses, all that, but I am not going to pay a 30% premium when I know she's "only" a $180/hr girl, just two hours down the road.

A market can justify differing prices when the product in question is not obtainable locally or is radically exotic/different compared to what can be produced locally. Ie. we will pay more for a kiwi fruit here in Canada, than they will in New Zealand, simply because we cannot grow kiwi fruit here and there is no locally-produced fruit that tastes similar. So Canadians happily pay 50 cents each for kiwis, even though they might cost 50 cents a pound in Aukland; we probably aren't even aware that the price difference exists, and if we are, we accept it because after all, they can grow kiwis in NZ whereas we can't.

But there is not suitable justification for the $70 markup on the girls, between Montreal and Ottawa. Plus, we as consumers are aware of the markup, which makes it even harder to sell. We know we're paying extra simply because we live 2 hours down the road. Unfortunately for PT, there are cheaper options available to us that are acceptable substitutes, whereas there is no substitute for a kiwi fruit. So, if I want a kiwi fruit I have to pay 50cents each, since eating an apple or a raspberry is not a close enough substitution for the experience. But if I don't want to pay the "Ottawa tax" on one of the Montreal girls, I can get a pretty good local SP for $200.

There are of course some guys who will pay the premium, feeling that the quality of the PT girls is worth it, but most of us won't. At least that's my theory. Look for it in the next issue of Sex and Gambling Economics Quarterly!! :p

And that's more than enough of me sounding like my former professors!! Sorry for the horribly boring explanation of why I don't book these ladies!! It comes down to my ability to get a 20-year old ottawaatnight girl like Amy or Alisin for $50 cheaper, or an OPG girl for $70 cheaper.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
While I agree with you explination of basic economics.....I have not found a kiwi on our town that looks like Amy.......

Maybe.....if PTE was able to offer some sort of incentive to book the traveling kiwis......discount on repeat orders...or on more time.....well...it might help change a few minds.....


May 17, 2005
Do you mind elaborating more??? Who are the good ones here at $200/hr you are talking about???

Does Amy or Alisin offer incall? I think Amy does but not sure about Alisin. What was she like and the others you were talking about?

CapitalGuy said:
But if I don't want to pay the "Ottawa tax" on one of the Montreal girls, I can get a pretty good local SP for $200.

And that's more than enough of me sounding like my former professors!! Sorry for the horribly boring explanation of why I don't book these ladies!! It comes down to my ability to get a 20-year old ottawaatnight girl like Amy or Alisin for $50 cheaper, or an OPG girl for $70 cheaper.


New member
Oct 3, 2006
no need to fight!! :p

Altho I agree with your theory, like Gmuoo said it is more then just Kiwi... The ladies also offers incalls and I do not send just any lady to Ottawa (or Toronto) the ladies I send are "worth" more then the 180$ in Montreal, but the market is so in Montreal that we have no choice to be at 180$ and even then, Montreal clients finds us expensive compare to other agencies.... It is no secret the difference in rate for different cities and it is ok if you choose not to use PTE's ladies (you can come to Montreal, rent a room($) and call).... Just to clarify something, the ladies when they travel after all of there expenses paid, they do not come back home millionaires. :rolleyes: I do not think Amy's lack of demand was because of the 250$/hr, it is more because of the time of the year (Spring Breaks, taxes, etc...).

Not to worry, I will continue to send ladies to Ottawa from time to time and I thank you for supporting the ladies when they come....

Thank you,


New member
Mar 28, 2004
gmuoo said:
Do you mind elaborating more??? Who are the good ones here at $200/hr you are talking about???

Does Amy or Alisin offer incall? I think Amy does but not sure about Alisin. What was she like and the others you were talking about?
Alisin and Cindy(was Jennifer) are 200. Amy is 220. All three are essentially the same - early 20's, pretty, look great in jeans, shy at first but easy to get warmed up. Amy is model-quality. The warning is that YMMV applies big time. For me, though, they work great. Alisin and Amy do incall; don't know about Cindy. Admittedly they aren't of the same calibre (performance wise) as a Luv sister, but they aren't mechanical either.

Anyhow, point is, between them and the even cheaper OPG, I personally don't need to spend $250 or $300 to have a great time in Ottawa. Although now that Joey is on a break, I need to find a new fave.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
you got links for photos for these two you are talking about...I would like to compare......


May 17, 2005


Jun 23, 2005
Well Michelle you handle yourself very well. The facts you quoted are quite to the point. In Ottawa with not such an abundant amount of ladies in the biz. It's nice to see the ladies from Montreal & Toronto come to Ottawa to pay us a visit. If your were to go to Montreal you would pay alot more after a hotel gas and meals. If you go there often on business than that's different. This year I haven't gone once so far.

As far as Amy is concerned I saw her pictures and she looks to me to be a very attractive young lady. I wouldn't mind visiting with her. I was in the US when she came to Ottawa hopefully the next time she comes I'll be here. Only if I could go to Montreal once this year would be great.

PrimeTimeEscorts said:
Altho I agree with your theory, like Gmuoo said it is more then just Kiwi... The ladies also offers incalls and I do not send just any lady to Ottawa (or Toronto) the ladies I send are "worth" more then the 180$ in Montreal, but the market is so in Montreal that we have no choice to be at 180$ and even then, Montreal clients finds us expensive compare to other agencies.... It is no secret the difference in rate for different cities and it is ok if you choose not to use PTE's ladies (you can come to Montreal, rent a room($) and call).... Just to clarify something, the ladies when they travel after all of there expenses paid, they do not come back home millionaires. :rolleyes: I do not think Amy's lack of demand was because of the 250$/hr, it is more because of the time of the year (Spring Breaks, taxes, etc...).

Not to worry, I will continue to send ladies to Ottawa from time to time and I thank you for supporting the ladies when they come....

Thank you,


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
Thanks Gmuoo.....

Capital....how can you compare the ladies you mentioned against Amy(PTE)? I know it is personal preferance and all....but Amy (PTE) is not in the same catagory as the two you mentioned.
I mean these are spinners vs. a busty lady with all the right curves.
You also have to take into consideration...that maybe some of us can not have outcall and prefer the incall.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
antlerman said:
Thanks Gmuoo.....

Capital....how can you compare the ladies you mentioned against Amy(PTE)? I know it is personal preferance and all....but Amy (PTE) is not in the same catagory as the two you mentioned.
I mean these are spinners vs. a busty lady with all the right curves.
You also have to take into consideration...that maybe some of us can not have outcall and prefer the incall.
You're absolutely correct on all points, especially personal taste. Some of our friends on this board prefer rubinesque women in their late 40's..........it's all wonderful stuff.

I think though that many Ottawa hobbiests prefer to/are economically required to spend their time with the less expensive gals, than with the higher priced touring ladies. Which explains why some of the Montreal girls have troubles getting booked in ottawa. For me, I am grateful that there is a small selection of locals who knock my socks off.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
you are lucky that you have the taste for what the market has here in Ottawa.....as for me...well.....it is limited...............


New member
Feb 23, 2007
Bi-town ;)
CapitalGuy said:
These girls are $180/hr in Montreal, $250/hr in Ottawa, and $300/hr when in Toronto. Yes yes yes, different markets, travel expenses, all that, but I am not going to pay a 30% premium when I know she's "only" a $180/hr girl, just two hours down the road.
And having lived in Montreal for so long, I can tell you for sure that even those local prices are exorbitant over there. Those are really the "tourist" prices. You can get much cheaper prices over there, sometimes by half. Now I'm sure they'll tell you that you're extra paying for "quality", whatever that means. But I've never found paying extra gets you more quality for anything.


May 17, 2005
I wish Ottawa is like Montreal too ... but it isn't so we have to live with whatever good scraps we get.

There is a certain degree of truth to "what u pay is what u get". While sometimes this may not be true, you can't really comvince me, having been to both worlds, that you get the same quality with someone like Lily or Sydney for a $180 girl . There is a huge huge huge margin of difference and a totally different experience.


bbbl67 said:
And having lived in Montreal for so long, I can tell you for sure that even those local prices are exorbitant over there. Those are really the "tourist" prices. You can get much cheaper prices over there, sometimes by half. Now I'm sure they'll tell you that you're extra paying for "quality", whatever that means. But I've never found paying extra gets you more quality for anything.
Toronto Escorts