America puts Iraq up for sale


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Is the bib still at 7.50?????????????

Ok I bid 11.00 and remember if I win there will be plenty of sand for those snow covered road; this winter.


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
Re: Disrespect is an appropriate reaction...

telemack said:
to conspiracy theory cranks.

First, a definiton: a crank is someone who develops a theory about something without bothering to study it first. You could look it up. Of course the cranks won't bother.

For you non-cranks, it goes like this. Iraq needs to have capital. This is can get by selling oil (which it will do), it can borrow or it can sell ownership in its businesses to foreign investors. The latter source of capital has many advantages. An easy way to understand the advantages is Mexico (until the peso crisis of 1995 (?)) borrowed money and so did Argentina until its recent belly-flop. In contrast, the Big Three auto makers invested in ownership of Canadian auto plants, so they have stuck around more than global bond holders would have.

Ownership of Iraqi (or Canadian, or Mexican or US businesses by foreign investors is call direct foreign investment - DFI).

Like the wee guy in Ali McBeal used to say, "say it with me" - "DFI is good, foreogn borrowing is less good and lack of capital to invest is very, very bad".

Surrender, anti foreign investment cranks.
Oh Boy! Of course Iraqi businesses would be interested in some foreign investors. Any country would. But moderation is not what's happening here. All Iraqi businesses are going to be sold off completely(or should I say given-away at bargain prices) to foreign corporations. Clearly Iraq has become a victim of the US 'Bomb and Buy' strategy. Wreck it and then buy the whole mess at a bargain. Its a shame because Iraq has oil, lots of it, and in time it could fix its own mess -if only it had the proper leadership with an interest in the well being of the Iraqi people, not the well being of corporate America.



New member
Aug 16, 2003
Mistaken Identity

He Fang--They will EAT the Blond of course---But please the PIG .

Life is too short to hurry.
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