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Amare Stoudamire a Knick


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Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Settle down.

Amare Stoudamire will be a Knick because he likes Coach Mike D'Antoni who doesn't believe in playing defence just like Amare. Amare is not going to be the saviour for any team, nor is he going to be the highlight reel for any team.

Lebron James wants a better defensive group around him.

Dwayne Wade is meeting with Pat Riley this week. The Dwayne Wade consideration is Miami or Chicago. Wade is from Chicago, his mother and sister live there; he is petitioning for sole custody of his children who are rooted in Chicago. If he stays in Miami, he's bringing his sister there to be the nanny. Chicago may be his best scenario for basketball and family. Chicago has lots of money an all star point guard and strong frontcourt. Bosh is a good possibility to join him there or Miami. Derek Rose is a key factor b/c he's just so good at the point.

Now, Carlos Boozer could be in the equation for Chicago as well.

Strangely enough, I think Lebron stays put. They give him part ownership. Who knows.

Kenyon Martin is available if he wants to be. However, he's not a team guy.

Several stars have actually been taking pay cuts. Pierce and Nowitski for example.

Joe Johnson getting 119million. He's not even the best player on that team. Marvin Williams and Al Horford should get out of Atlanta asap!

When it's all said and done, it will be fun to see who's where.
May 22, 2008
My thoughts.

Bosh to Chicago. There, he still has a great perimeter player in Rose.

Wade will stay in Miami. I'm thinking Boozer will join him there.

Lebron is still up in the air. I think the finalist is Cleveland (most likely), New Jersey and New York (least likely). If the Nets were heading to Brooklyn this year, I think I would have placed them the most likely.

I can see Jefferson going to New York with Amare.


Nov 13, 2008
Congratulations to Amare and i wish him all the best in New York. IMO one of the most hardworking and humble athletes in the league. He gave it his all with Phoenix; recovered from surgery and also did not leave last year with all the trade speculations. He tried one more time in Phoenix and Kobe was in their way. I really would have liked to see Phoenix advance from that series, because Nash and Amare played their hearts out.
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