James is 33, living in a house he owns for the last 7 years. Sara is 27 and has been renting. James and Sara have been together for 3 years. It is time to start living together and planning a life together. Her lease is coming up, she will have her rent upped and anywhere else the rent is higher then what she pays now.
They have started talking about the financials. She is willing to pay her share of all bills, food, gas, household expenses, except the mortgage, property taxes or house insurance without an understanding of some sort of equity protection for her.
For example, if she pays into the house for 5 years and then they split, she wants half of the five years worth of equity?
Is she the asshole for refusing to pay for into house mortgage without an equity protection.
He says he would be like a landlord to her and she would just be paying him rent? She says if they split, she would want all her “rent” back. I think this part is ridiculous. Both her getting her “rent” back. And him being her landlord.
If the roles were reverse, would your answer be the same?
They have started talking about the financials. She is willing to pay her share of all bills, food, gas, household expenses, except the mortgage, property taxes or house insurance without an understanding of some sort of equity protection for her.
For example, if she pays into the house for 5 years and then they split, she wants half of the five years worth of equity?
Is she the asshole for refusing to pay for into house mortgage without an equity protection.
He says he would be like a landlord to her and she would just be paying him rent? She says if they split, she would want all her “rent” back. I think this part is ridiculous. Both her getting her “rent” back. And him being her landlord.
If the roles were reverse, would your answer be the same?