Vaughan Spa
Toronto Escorts

Allisha Myst- CL - Pleasant Surprise


New member
Dec 19, 2009
Well I guess its time for a new Its is only misleading to men looking for a They will have to trust there is no package!


Mar 26, 2002
I have not reviewed anyone in quite a while but I was compelled to write a short note about AllishaMyst. I will preface my comments by saying that there will obviously never be two people who are identical and everyone's perception of a particular person will be different. Having said that I have to say that there are alot of similarities between Allisha and our beloved Shauna. And I say that as someone who has always considered Shauna to be one of my all time favorites - someone who I did not think we were likely to see the likes of again. But I saw Allisah today, CL ad and $100/hh rate and all, and my expectations were totally blown away. Her incall was impeccable - much like Shauna's was. Her skin was soft and completely unblemished. Her figure, again, is comparable to Shauna's - very curvy, very womaly - certainly not a "spinner". But it was her personality, her ease in conversation that really reminded me of Shauna.

I would highly recommend Allisha to one and all and will definitely be repeating. A final note, to those who adored Shauna, keep in mind my comments above - I do not say that Allisah is the reincarnation of Shauna (if that were the case, my house would be triple mortgaged and my bank account bare) but the whole time I was with Allisha I was constantly reminded of Shauna. If you do not agree with me than that is certianly your perogative but please do not let this thread deteriorate into a bit@# session where a perfectly innocent person ends up being demeaned (intentionally or not) because I had the gall to offer a comparison to someone you had a connection with.

Meat Manager

happy hands
Jan 5, 2010
LOL It's definitly the rug, I have first hand knowledge of that,had a great time,Your Sexy,Sweet and Pretty with a great attitude!!! TTYS
I have to say, she is pretty cute looking. I think the pic is her ankle from her kneeling, it just happened to be in the shot. Definitely a new pic is in order ;)

Jay Zac2

New member
Jan 15, 2005
I saw this sweet lady tis afternoon. Just a great time. I agree that she is very specil lady.

Treat her nice. $100 for hh is a steal!!
Toronto Escorts