Obsession Massage
Toronto Escorts

Alexa- Ottawa and Toronto


Nov 3, 2001
small town
I NEVERWAS reluctant to give credit when it is deserved. I very recently had my second visit with Alexa. Without intending to imply anything negative about any of the other fine escorts I have seen, I must say this was the best escort experience I have ever had.
Her advertisement reflects her conservative values so you are not likely to be compatible unless you can accept those values. It implies many restrictions, but her actual restrictions are the same or even less restrictive then some other well known and respected escorts. Her ad does not emphasize the real warmth and sensuality that she brings to a meeting. Other than that, the ad gives you an accurate picture of this bright, serious, articulate person.
Appearance, 8 but I believe it will return to 9 very soon.
Attitude, 10, give respect, warmth and a concern for her feelings and you will get it back doubled.
Quality of Service, 10, YMMV, but I could not hope for more in any client/escort experience. She was very sensitive to my wishes and feelings.
I am now in competition with ElectroGuy (see ER review) for the affection of the fair Alexa:)


Nov 3, 2001
small town
Paul Waters raises an important issue.
Since YMMV is always true, for Paul she might not allow any physical contact.
I think she prefers men who are sufficiently literate to read the whole paragraph.;)
Toronto Escorts