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Al-Jezeera Coming to your living room


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Whats that, back tracking ??

Here is what you missed Musketeer, there are groups (civil rights groups, muslim groups, feminists groups, female-arab groups) that are fighting the establishment of religious court... but you fail to recognize that and instead use the opportunity to bash muslims and arabs... so forget the spin, you are intollerant, you are a bigot and have proven so....

These courts in fundamentalist Muslim countries, allow women to be stoned to death, and allow the hanging of 'heretics,' and moderates from cranes. Great!!!!! Now, they want to impose their 'Middle Ages' mentality in Ontario.[\QUOTE]


Well-known member
Nov 17, 2002
dear loaded

You obviously don't read the papers to see what goes on in 'fundamentalist' countries. Do you forget the Taliban and what Osama Bin Laden and El Quaeda stand for? Do you deny that women are being stoned to death in these countries.....female- arab groups are fighting the establishments of these courts in Ontario right now.

Maclean's magazine ran a whole article on the 'saria,' courts awhile back. you should have read it. It might have 'enlightened,'you.

Bigotry No, difference of opinion, YES. And, that's what democracy is all about. But I won't stoop down to your level of name calling!


New member
Jan 22, 2003
Re: dear loaded

Musketeer said:
Al-Jeezera......what's this country coming to!!!! Multiculturalism running rampant.

Now they even want the Ontario government to allow Islamic 'saria' courts.

These courts in fundamentalist Muslim countries, allow women to be stoned to death, and allow the hanging of 'heretics,' and moderates from cranes. Great!!!!! Now, they want to impose their 'Middle Ages' mentality in Ontario. Whatever happened to separation of Church and state. Britain said "NO" to such courts as did France and Germany. We should too!!!

No matter' how modidied these courts will be in Ontario, it's still designed to 'put down women,' and an affront to civil libertarians.

So why aren't all the feminists and civil rights folk screaming?
Musketeer said:
First of all, let me state emphatically that I am not a bigot. I clearly believe in the separation of Church and state in the matter of government and courts of law. That used to be the way it was in Canada, until recently.

I believe in the rights of all citizens to a life of 'liberty, equality and fraternity,' and to judged equally before the law of the land!

Musketeer said:

You obviously don't read the papers to see what goes on in 'fundamentalist' countries. Do you forget the Taliban and what Osama Bin Laden and El Quaeda stand for? Do you deny that women are being stoned to death in these countries.....female- arab groups are fighting the establishments of these courts in Ontario right now.

Maclean's magazine ran a whole article on the 'saria,' courts awhile back. you should have read it. It might have 'enlightened,'you.
First you try to genralize and connect al-jazeera with arab-muslim fundementalists and you cry about religious courts being established without any opposition from civil rights groups......I tell you there are groups screaming about it, but given the tone of your messages, you wished to ignore these groups because that would negate your generalized view of arabs and back track and state all your suddenly politically correct views... I tell you you missed the point, and did so intentionally, again trying in vain to maintain your view of who muslims and arabs are......then you do a little research and point out that YES there are groups fighting the establishment or religious courts, and ask me to enlighten myself.... I am glad that you enlightened time please try to comprehend a little better


New member
Jan 18, 2004
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Talking outta both sides of your mouths again?

Musketeer: You got served!

To the rest, get off your high horses. Certain groups are "fair game" for discrimination. Especially the men in these groups. People might be nice to the women, if only to shoplift the pooty. But they're horrible to the men, particularly in social situations. In business and at work, the oh-so open minded civilised folks hide behind well worn phrases and methods of discrimination. Then of course, there are the docile, "model minorities". In China for instance, the gleaming products of the raging economy are advertised on billboards by Caucasian models. I guess mental colonialism is hard to shake.

And so is dyed in the wool bigotry. You have white people brought up in "under the radar" racist homes reporting news, and you expect fair coverage. Give me a break! The few minorities have to "whitey up" or they walk the plank. It's true.

If Pazira or others like her weren't palatable to the Western eye , she'd be another "sand ni&&er". You have to have the right set of beliefs to get play. Not all beliefs are protected. I'm not putting Pazira down, but I am more moved by the recounts of how Afghan men were tortured and killed by Civilised Good-Looking Democratic Clean Fragrant Blue-eyed invaders and their luggage carrying "full citizen' wannabes.

What gets me is the mediator on "issues" shows are always biased. I'd like for once to see the mediator on the other side, I mean get a right wing brown boy Muslim to mediate a show on the Middle East. I'm sure you'll trust him to set aside his personal beliefs in the interest of democracy. If not, what does that say about you?

When all your arguments fail, use this: it's evolution, Darwin said so. I love it when Creationist-by-day use this one. How does one shame the shameless? Their consiensce is already dead.
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