Airshow Trauma


New member
Apr 3, 2011
While we do measure things in terms of numbers and proportion, there's something to be said for dealing with issues in excess. That's the main issue of acute stress disorder. There is such thing as a healthy amount which can contribute to overall productivity, but as we all know, copious amounts of the same thing is detrimental to your health. Same deal here.

I'm not even for the entire article itself but it does open my eyes to how someone else may interpret the celebration. Why is that so terrible? I personally like the air show, but I empathize with those who may not enjoy it due to the negative conditioning they've been subject to. My heart goes out to them. I'm just annoyed by the blatant bigotry of some of the comments here surrounding refugees as a whole. It's one thing to say that someone should attempt to embrace their new surroundings and something completely different to state that they should assimilate or leave.
I personally have never even been to an airshow, unfortunately it falls on tomato sauce season lol. Im close enough to get a free view and take some nice shots with my camera.
But the principal of the matter where people like the guy who wrote the article, and his supporters attempting to shut down western culture and tradition is for lack of a better word..offensive.
Writers that are using empathy to tear down western values are dealing a cheap shot and setting up a classic counter argument of white privlage, racism and bigotry if there is any opposition.

Its expected and respected to have empathy and understanding for the less fortunate. But if you let people know your heart bleeds for them, the predators with bad intentions will smell the blood and consume it, taking complete advantage of their own personal interests.


New member
Apr 2, 2009
So this must be why there was no traditional fly-by over the city yesterday to signal the start of the show.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Thing is, all the economic migrants from the middle east are supposedly fleeing from ISIS.

ISIS doesn't operate jet air craft. In fact, ISIS doesn't operate any aircraft.

What I see ISIS operating time and time again is Toyota light duty pickup trucks (and Toyota has been asked the question, "so how did all these mental nutcases come by so many of your pickup trucks?)

So really, if there was anything that should induce PTSD in any of the economic migrants fleeing the Islamo Fascist whack jobs known as ISIS, it should be the sight of white Toyota pickup trucks.

I would further argue that the sound of jet fighters and like are being flown by the countries who are actively fighting to destroy Islamo Fascism in the middle east and the sound of said fighter aircraft would be cause for celebration. (In occupied Europe during WW2, French civilians would stand on roof tops to waive at the allied warplanes and would even light up markers at night pointing the allied bombers to their targets.)

So really, if everyone is so worried about inducing PTSD in the economic migrants, we should consider banning Toyota pickup trucks, not air shows. Air shows are the sound of freedom. Let freedom ring out.



Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
Author of the article looks almost exactly like you'd expect:

You could name any topic and I could likely pen how the Toronto Star would position it. Their ideology is pervasive and predictable among nearly all of their columnists.


Mar 31, 2009
The Toronto Star. Now that they don't have Rob Ford to bash, they are picking on the RCAF. The problem with Western liberals is that they don't have any real problems in their life so they invent problems like the Air Show, naming sports teams after animals, etc.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008

Maybe you should do some reading. An f15e can carry a payload probably larger then a lancaster....but definitely larger then a b17. I love seeing the lanc fly aa well it looks and sounds magnificent
My father and father in law were WWII Vets Army. As I was back in the 70's They both told me that when the Lancaster Bombers were overhead the ground shook.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Thing is, all the economic migrants from the middle east are supposedly fleeing from ISIS.

ISIS doesn't operate jet air craft. In fact, ISIS doesn't operate any aircraft.

What I see ISIS operating time and time again is Toyota light duty pickup trucks (and Toyota has been asked the question, "so how did all these mental nutcases come by so many of your pickup trucks?)

So really, if there was anything that should induce PTSD in any of the economic migrants fleeing the Islamo Fascist whack jobs known as ISIS, it should be the sight of white Toyota pickup trucks.

I would further argue that the sound of jet fighters and like are being flown by the countries who are actively fighting to destroy Islamo Fascism in the middle east and the sound of said fighter aircraft would be cause for celebration. (In occupied Europe during WW2, French civilians would stand on roof tops to waive at the allied warplanes and would even light up markers at night pointing the allied bombers to their targets.)

So really, if everyone is so worried about inducing PTSD in the economic migrants, we should consider banning Toyota pickup trucks, not air shows. Air shows are the sound of freedom. Let freedom ring out.

Great response here, Kirk. This puke from the Red Star need to get his act together. Talk about using your privilege to draw attention to yourself. With all of the issues facing society, this its what gets this guy out of bed in the morning???


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
Thing is, all the economic migrants from the middle east are supposedly fleeing from ISIS.

ISIS doesn't operate jet air craft. In fact, ISIS doesn't operate any aircraft.

What I see ISIS operating time and time again is Toyota light duty pickup trucks (and Toyota has been asked the question, "so how did all these mental nutcases come by so many of your pickup trucks?)

So really, if there was anything that should induce PTSD in any of the economic migrants fleeing the Islamo Fascist whack jobs known as ISIS, it should be the sight of white Toyota pickup trucks.

I would further argue that the sound of jet fighters and like are being flown by the countries who are actively fighting to destroy Islamo Fascism in the middle east and the sound of said fighter aircraft would be cause for celebration. (In occupied Europe during WW2, French civilians would stand on roof tops to waive at the allied warplanes and would even light up markers at night pointing the allied bombers to their targets.)

So really, if everyone is so worried about inducing PTSD in the economic migrants, we should consider banning Toyota pickup trucks, not air shows. Air shows are the sound of freedom. Let freedom ring out.

Great point.


Mar 31, 2009
Compromising one's integrity and principles because of feelings is a weakness
Agree. I would also add that being "tolerant" does not mean one abandons one's culture, tradition and history. Just because someone is offended by the cross on my necklace does not mean that I should remove it.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2012
Agree. I would also add that being "tolerant" does not mean one abandons one's culture, tradition and history. Just because someone is offended by the cross on my necklace does not mean that I should remove it.
Of course, when you only have non-conflicting cultures nobody needs to be tolerant.
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