Vaughan Spa

Airline Nightmares & Woes -- Who has Stories?


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
after flying into O'hare from YWG (winnipeg) in what even I would call a pretty bad snow storm. I transfer my plane to manchester, NH. Only to be told from the cockpit "we have a failure in the water, there is no pressure, so no coffee, but we can provide you with toliets cloths if you need to use the bathroom OR wait one hour for a new plane" ONLY in America did this full plane say, "Let's go" After the first hour, this was the worst smelling cesspit I had ever experienced, not just the bathroom the whole plane, darn shared vent systems!

Oh and there was the time when on my way to Vegas, my luggage from the first plane never arrived in Vancouver. Air Canada would look for it and deliver it on the next flight. Two days later I arrive home to Winnipeg still with no luggage, just new clothes when the Vancouver police contacted me. A woman took home the wrong bag, called the airline to report it, but REFUSED to return it to the airport requesting it to be picked up when her's was dropped off. The police actually charged her with theft! Contents, untouched thankfully one week later.

I have though, never been bumped or deleted from a flight. Once(YYZ-YWG) my son (at the time 7 months old) got upgraded to business and I remained in coach, only after pointing out they would be responsible of his behaviour for pouring champange into his bottle and changing him, did they also upgrade me! So it is looks that get you upgraded, NOT your loyality points.

Snake Pliskin

New member
Sep 14, 2003
Planned trip: depart Toronto early, around 6:10am. Fly to Chicago to catch a connecting flight to Palm Springs CA, then 20 minute cab ride to spectacular resort in Palm Desert. Should arrive at the resort around lunch time, and have a great day drinking Pina Colada’s by the pool(s)!

Actual trip: Hatch warning light delayed our departure from TO. Hail storm delayed our arrival in Chicago. Nothing delayed my connecting flight…it left without us. Wait an hour and a half, and they put us on a jet to L.A. Get there and we’re checking in for our next flight, to Ontario. This is before 911. Only two groups per day were getting searched at L.A. X. Guess what! Ya, we were one of the two groups. But no big deal, we hadn’t seen our luggage since TO, so we didn’t have much to search. We get on this crop duster plane which was huffing and puffing to get over the mountains from LAX to Ontario airport, where the luggage pick up is a covered area like where we get gas. One friend gets all her luggage. Next friend goes 1 for 2. Me…I go O for 2! About one hour suicide run from Ontario to Palm Desert in a mini-van built in the first model year they made mini-vans. Arrived about 7:00pm. Had to buy some clothes at the resort for the semi-formal dinner. The only tie I could stomach wearing was $77USD. Farg! Still no luggage next morning. Go golfing. Won long drive contest (woohooo!). My golf clubs (one of my two pieces of luggage) arrived at the resort just as I was returning from the round of golf…go figure! Oh well…the rentals were better than my clubs anyway! :)

Lessons learned:
1.Always bring a carry on.
2.Always bring the next days clothing in your carry on.
3.My golf clubs suck.
4.There’s an Ontario in California.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003


Mar 13, 2004
incognito said:
Freaky, isn't it? That was the old airport and was considered to be the most dangerous runway in the world.
The title of world's most dangerous airport goes to Honduras' Tegucigalpa international airport. The city and airport are on a valley that is 190 ft below sea level, it's ringed by 8,000-ft mountains. The 747's have to climb over 8,000 feet before approaching the city, then they have to descend to ground level at break-neck speeds and try to land on the runaway, in case they can't make it they have to re-climb as steep as possible to fly over the ring of mountains. American Airlines was trying to refuse flights to that city.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
The worst flights have to be the commutors flights..

From Hamilton - St. Johns NFLD, Had my wife drive me, no airport transportation charge. Arrive two hours before flight it only travels on Fridays.. needed to be there Monday, Standing in line.. they announce to the 33 people there that the flight is canceled. BUT we can all travel to TO and get a regular scheduled filight for only.... 399.00 more.. (airport taxes, government graft.. stupidity tax....) If I had booked the same flight from TO to NFLD.. it would have cost me only 113.00 more plus 100.00 for airport delivery service.. I would have saved over $100.00 and traveled at my leasuire.. Just goes to show you that taking easy way isn't cheaper


Mar 13, 2004
I got another story, this happened in 1997. I was going to my country and had the usual plane transfer in Miami, I always had a 45-min window to change planes. The plane here in Toronto was late departing. Fuck, when I arrived in Miami I only had 15 mins to transfer to the other plane, Miami international is MASSIVE, had to take a mini-train inside the airport and when I arrived at the desk to confirm my ticket for the other plane there were these fat south american ladies with huge carboard boxes filled with clothes and bicycle parts waiting to get them checked-in, there were about 45 people ahead of me. I went directly to the front desk and told them that my plane was leaving in 5 mins and that I had to get my boarding pass. Some fat ladies start to tell me off, I told them to fuck off that I wasn't going to lose my flight. I get my boarding pass and run to the next plane's gate. Then I see U.S. customs (and even the DEA I think) searching everybody for cash money, another 10 mins wasted. I miraculously arrived on time, I was the last person to get in before they slammed the door shut. When I looked for my corresponding window seat another shitface was already sitting there, I had to seat on the aisle seat.

If I had been delayed 3 minutes more (literally) I would have missed my second flight.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
yychobbyist said:
To this day I'm still wondering why a Dominican would have any interest whatsoever in a fat Canadian's underwear.
Lots of big booty mamasitas there, apparently.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
Saturn_Alien said:
American customs are the worse man, especially after 9/11 they are on permament PMS. If you have a latino face and are travelling single with only a handbag at Miami International they will take you to a room and treat you like a drug lord, checking your shoes and having a dog sniff your balls and stomach.
I guess depends on where you are travelling to. I don't have any complaints regarding post 911 US immigration/custom. Did travel to a few major US cities between 911 till the end of 2001 then, in fact I found them, including those auto weapons bearing soldiers, to be very polite.

However, I could not say the same thing regarding our Canadian counterparts. All I can say is that, right now, we have a lot of very young and inexperienced people doing the customs/immigration work at various major int'l Canadian airports, those of you who travel a lot will indeed notice that. I don't mind being asked "questions" for the sake of national security, my tax $ at work. But a few young ones I have seen were just unnecessarily plain rude.

It's been a couple years since they deploy a few to a whole batch of immigration officers in the area right before baggage pick up, waiting to randomly/selectively hand pick tavellers who just passed through immigration, for further on spot questioning, usually during day time int'l arrivals.

I am sure they were trained to do that in that certain way: they would ask you any questions, I mean any, in a very loud, intimidating , almost hilarious voice. I got no problem dealing with this jouvenile tactics, but I have seen a few travellers getting very offended from that. And I don't blame those travellers.

Not a very nice way to welcome visiting tourists and returning citizens IMO. It's still happening as of last week at T3, Pearson.

So, be warned.

Not much beef against any airline in particular.

-Air Canada has the best and hippest North American in flight magazine, and audio channels.

-JAL and Singapore airlines have the best service.

-Sandwiches at Lacsa/Tacca suck big time.
I fly about 20-25 times a year, mostly in Canada, but some to the US. I've seen it all from 7 hour delays, to damaged engine on landing. Aborted take-offs to screeming kids. Randy flight attendants to sitting beside celebs.

But the damed thing that gets me every bloody time is some 4 foot tall college girl setting out for a weeks vacation from the "trials' of school life...EVERY time she'll recline the damed seat and fall asleep, and the chair back will rub this 6'5" gentelmans knees raw!

EVERY TIME! I hate this more than winter!


or getting stuck in a window seat beside the sleeping guy with hygene problems. Nothing worse than breathing recycled air and BO
Hey Nibbler, I always try for the Emerge Rows, but they go fast.
Quite frankly I find the MD-80's that Jetsgo flys not that bad for seat dwell...And they have the Hottest Cabin Attendants ( female) with cute leather jackets.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land

The airline crap stories is probably the best thread this month. How can I start mine. I will star in chronological order.


I am a teen and I sent to Peru to see “family”. Fly some airline then called Ecuadorianan ( Ecuador’s airline back then). Besides the screaming of people in the plane land in Quitos; (Ecuador capital city) plane is delayed by 5 hours. Get to Lima, Peru and my luggage doesn’t arrive with me. I am with no the clothes, and I only have the clothes on my back and extra clothing because I had a small backpack with me. It took two weeks to get my luggage, nothing missing 3 days before returning to Toronto. While there I bought a fair size backpack which is allowed as a carrying on the plane for 8USD. I still have it and last year I retired it from airline travel. I bought another one. On departing Lima the customs agent tried to make me confess that I was Peruvian so I can pay the airport tax.
Well it turns out nationals have to pay airport tax and not tourist or foreigners. I had a Canadian passport with no birth location so I was prepared for them.

1990 xmas

I heading to Cuba, Varadero. When we land the ground crew is trying to line up the stair vehicle with the plane. He is bumping and not getting it right. The pilot is at the door screaming and swearing at the ground crew. I thought to myself I just want to spend the week in a hotel not jail because of you. On the way back the plane is only 1/5 full. The crew announces there isn’t enough food for everyone. This is a 5pm – 8pm flight. So we had to share a plate. Later in the flight the other passengers tell me that the crew had spare trays and they were having a feast at the back of the plane. They kept people happy by giving us free alcoholic drinks. Open bar. A girl who came with her b/f and stayed at the same hotel as me. Her luggage never made it with her to Cuba and she used her b/f clothing that whole week.


Vancouver to T.O Canada 2003
Check in girl says to me: I have to put my backpack in the cargo area and I couldn’t have it as a carryon. By this time there is frame measurement tool in front of the check in counters as I am sure all of you have seen. It fit in loosely after she explained to me the rule. I said “this backpack does not leave my side for anyone. IF you want me to put it in cargo please get a blank paper, fill in your name and such info. Because if this doesn’t arrive at my destination with me I won’t be the one worrying”. She smiled and let me go.
I hate to wait for luggage. That is why I only travel with backpacks.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
more travelling

2000 Europe

In June of that year I did Europe in 3 weeks I did 5 countries by train. Canada3000 lands in Nova Scotia before heading to TO. We had to deplane and go through customs. 50% of the German passenger got off and another group got on. So I get this college/university customs girl. She gives me the usual 3 questions. But then she says what did you buy over there?
Food, shelter bus tickets and museum passes.
No, what did you buy and bring back with you?
You mean you being there for 3 weeks and brought nothing back.
Are you seriously telling me you bought nothing?
Yes, they weren’t giving anything away for free and I don’t like to carry stuff with me for 3 weeks nor do I like souvenirs that I will be throwing out in a month or so.
And you travelled all alone?
Yes, I hate to travel with people who rely on me and bitch and complain about everything. When I am alone I can do what ever I want.
Okay then bye.

== all this time I looked her in the eye when I responded. Actually always do.

2001 November TO – LAX

This prick passenger Air Canada ( I am darker than skim milk but not darker than chocolate) takes the seat next to me which wasn’t assigned to him. He switched seats with another passenger because the other passenger wanted to sit next to his tribe/groupie. Fine by me, so this prick says to me “how are we going to handle this”
So here I am thinking is he being racists. So we get into a dual conversation where I say what about the Indians ( apaches) whose land was taken by whites and the conquistadores. So anyway the couple in front of me were embarrassed and pissed off at him. After 3 minutes I guess he realizes everyone is looking at him. ( Mind you I am 5’7” and he is 6”5” doh) he shuts up and just reads his book. On our landing at LAX he apologizes to me. I said sure bye. Then I was off to a nice holiday for two weeks. At this time Canada 3000 goes bankrupt. Mind you the rental car girl tried to charge me extras for crap when I told her no more surprises okay. Anyways removed all her extras and no insurance because my credit card and car insurance would cover it.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
it won't get better

2003 Lewiston border

Customs rejects me entry into Canada after driving from Manhattan. I was carrying my female cousins belong. Male guard says all these clothing are mine and not a woman’s clothing. He is a student so what does he know. So his senior officer who is a woman tells me to go back to the states. So 2 hours later I find a place to dump her stuff and by this time my cousin contacted the office in Lewiston for being pricks and so on. I think she threaten them with a lawsuit. The guard I get at the booth is the same woman who reject me earlier she was pale looking didn’t even look in the car and said just pass. The next day I return with proper paper work on a Monday night. The male guard in the booth pretends to look the proper paper work. The computer scanner must have told him who I was by reading my license plate. And just asks stupid questions and lets me pass. My cousin must have really threatened the manager of the facilities that all guards must have been on the look out for me after they rejected me. Later she told me that they couldn’t even find my case in their computer system. But the US border side stopped me on my return after dumping her stuff in a garage coming into Canada. I know US customs doesn’t search when heading to Canada from there but they stopped me. Actually my license plate is in their computer system so every time I pass into the states the car is tagged and stopped. So my cousin is pissed because she can’t get a ride from me when she wants to use Buffalo Airport.

2004 February.

This is a warning to anyone traveling with Skyservice. Part of those Holidays packages from travel groups like conquest and sunholidays. Skyservice might go bankrupt between 3 months to a year from now. Unless they are smart.
They did this discrimination act on a guy who was darker than me on our way here from Dominica Republic to Toronto. I won’t go into details but he is going to sue them. The crew thought they played him but once we landed he asked them for the manager in charge in this shift, they turned red.
So I see this customs old guy when I arrive and I put the passports on my mouth. ( my mistakes I was pulling out other papers) He says to me don’t swallow sir. Then he says would you grab this with germs on it? I wouldn’t want to hold it. I apologized and told him I wasn’t thinking this early in the morning (6am) and he let me pass.


New member
Jan 31, 2003
more travelling

xix said:
So I get this college/university customs girl. She gives me the usual 3 questions. But then she says what did you buy over there?
Food, shelter bus tickets and museum passes.
No, what did you buy and bring back with you?
You mean you being there for 3 weeks and brought nothing back.
Are you seriously telling me you bought nothing?
Yes, they weren’t giving anything away for free and I don’t like to carry stuff with me for 3 weeks nor do I like souvenirs that I will be throwing out in a month or so.
And you travelled all alone?
Yes, I hate to travel with people who rely on me and bitch and complain about everything. When I am alone I can do what ever I want.
Okay then bye.

== all this time I looked her in the eye when I responded. Actually always do.
For a fact, I know those imm/custom staffs can travel to anywhere in the world for a mere $200 to $300 PP, but sometimes I wonder how many of them newbies have actually ventured out of this country, and are experienced enough to critically query folks from all walks of life ,and make......ahem... [size=-2]professional [/size]..judgement.


New member
Jan 15, 2004
While travelling to California for a three day weekend with my wife and one year old we're told our luggage was overweight. We start pulling things out right at the counter and stuff them in my backpack. Finally the suitcase is under weight but the backpack is a little large. After a little manipulation we,re good to go. Now through customs. My wife and rugrat go through no problem then it's my turn. The x-ray shows something in my pack. After struggling to fit all this extra shite into the pack customs start to pull it all out, and find nothing.They rex-ray and still see something. I try explain it's a toy and point it out to them but they keep looking. After three times through the x-ray and checking me out personally they let us go. The plane was supposed to leave 10 minutes ago. We run to the terminal and the gate attendant is waiting and telling us to hurry. We get on the plane to some of the dirtiest looks imagineable. But we made it.


New member
Jan 9, 2002
US Air april 2003 .Came back from business trip to Dominican Republic .Connected at philedelphia had to claim luggage pass through US customs drop luggage on a conveyer.That is the last time I saw my luggage . Lots of paper work to fill out then get capped on payout because was an international flight .Nice scam by airlines Got to love US LOst


Mar 13, 2004
Re: Travelling

xix said:
The crew announces there isn’t enough food for everyone. This is a 5pm – 8pm flight. So we had to share a plate. Later in the flight the other passengers tell me that the crew had spare trays and they were having a feast at the back of the plane.
Jesus Christ man, was this a pirate airline or a professional one? What's the name of the airline?
Toronto Escorts