Airline Nightmares & Woes -- Who has Stories?


Mar 13, 2004
Who has a nightmarish airline incident to talk about here man? Here are some of mine in quantious travel trips to my country down south:

1. June 1994~ American Airlines I was ready to leave for a kick-ass vacation to my country and I packed a lot of stuff into one large suitcase, when I arrived at the airport it weighed 87 lbs. The chick at the counter said "You are 17 lbs overweight". I said "What the hell you're talking about girl, the limit is 140 lbs, I'm 60 lbs under". She says "No, you're overweight". I tell her to send a supervisor. This pot-bellied slob comes and tells me that I'm overweight, I then say "Okay I'll pay the overweight", he says "It comes to $520 u.s. dollars". I told him off and told him how could 17 lbs come out to $520 u.s. bucks and that we lived in Canada, it's supposed to be canadian loonies. After 35 minutes of arguing the stupid woman and the slob tell me: "Well what you can do is take some stuff out and shove them into this carboard box and that way you don't have to pay anything". I told them off and told them why they didn't opened their traps from the beginning and why they had tried to make me shell-out money before telling me that.

2. December 1995~ American AirlinesThe same story, they give me another cardboard box and I had a plane transfer in Miami, as I climbed on the second plane I sat directly above the loading ramp of the plane and could see all the suitcases being loaded up, I saw my cardboard box squashed and ripped apart, half the stuff had fallen out and were still falling. Several plastic watches that I had bought for $5 and $10 fell to the tarmac in Miami and the guy loading the box didn't bothered to pick them up-- even with me tapping the window and yelling at him.

3. Can't Remember the Date ~ TACA airlines A fatso sits besides me with his elbow resting on my chest from here to Miami. When I went to the washroom he made rude remarks about me getting up "every 10 minutes"-- I told him to fuck off and almost punched him out-- I asked the flight attendant to move him or move me. Halfway through the trip the hippopatumus falls asleep.

4. November 2000 ~ Continental Airlines I bought a $3,000 home stereo (full size) and didn't even opened the box, just wrote the destination on it and took it to the airport. The idiotic woman at the checking booth said that cardboard boxes were no longer allowed into the airplanes, I told her she was full of $hit, that I have never heard of the news before, she said "we make monthly briefings, you didn't hear them". I had to leave my stereo behind and spend Christmas with NO music in my country.

5. November 2001~ TACA airlines Plane leaves after 3:00pm from Pearson to Miami, the plane lands at night at about 7:00pm. I took another TACA plane and it took off from Miami over the Caribbean, about 1 hr 40 mins into the flight I noticed that the plane made a subtle 360-degree turn and was heading back to Miami. Islands that I saw pass under me an hour ago were visible again. I was the only one that noticed this. When we started to approach land and lights the people were saying "We are there". I told them we are NOT there, we are approaching Florida. Sneakingly the pilot came over the mike and said "Our flight navigation system malfunctioned, we are on backup, as soon as it gets fixed in Miami we will resume our flight". When they finally fixed the plane past midnight they told us that the pilots had gone to sleep at their hotel but another pilot was going to take us to Central America. Then when the dude arrived they told us that the airport at our destination closed after 1:00am due to bylaw rules so we had to stay until next morning.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Air Canada - March 5th --

On a three hour flight.. the stew brings out the food cart.. and starts selling the sandwiched.. She gets about 6 rows in and runs out of food.. no soft drinks or water either... for this I paid $1,075.00


Mar 13, 2004
Oh I forgot this one.

February 2002 ~ I was returning from my country and this shitface at Pearson airport marks a red X on my declaration card even though I told him I wasn't bringin anything. This chick at the airport starts to rip apart my suitcase like a dog ripping apart a McDonald's paper bag filled with a BigMac, throwing some of my clothes into the counter, I told her "Hey man be careful what the hell are you doing?". She snaps back at me: "Sir we have to check your luggage", I then said "Well check the fucken thing, don't destroy it", She then says "Umm excuse me I don't have to put up with foul language from you" I said to her "And I don't have to put up with your attitude and brutal treatment of my suitcase". This fatso canadian guy in Canada Customs uniform walks closer to us as in a "back-up" manner. I told him "Relax dude, I'm just telling your niece here not to destroy my suitcase". The chick again says "Cool it, alright". I said to her: "Cool it? with all my underwears on the floor?". The fatso canadian guy then stands behind me, about 6 inches away from my back. The chick overturns every jar filled with spice I had brought back, asking me "what is this?".

I got pissed and stopped answering after the 3rd jar, I told her, "Hey man, I'm not going to answer you anything anymore, look for what you're looking for and don't ask me anything". She then threatens that I'm not "co-operating". I told her "You guys are the ones not co-operating, I told the idiot at the dront desk that I was NOT carrying anything to declare and he still shoves me into this Nazi interrogation chamber". The woman and the fatso canuck guy finished opening every jar and then just slopped my clothing back on top again. As I was leaving I said "You guys are lucky ya work here in a government job, in the real job market ya would be fired for being rude and gross". The idiots just walked away without saying anything.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Sheik said:
A few years back I was flying into hong kong.... I'll be damned if the plane wasn't flying between apartment buildings.
That's the old airport (Kai Tak). The new airport is apprently out in the middle of nowhere so there are no apartments in the way. ;)

Madrid, Spain early 1990s - get to the airport for the flight back to YYZ on Iberia (Spain's national airline) on a code share with Air Canada. Go up to the counter to check in but our flight isn't up on the board yet so we can't check in. Told to come back in an hour.

One hour later we go there and our flight still isn't up. Told to come back in one hour. Well lady, the flight is supposed to leave in one hour OK? Sorry, it's not on the board so it can't leave. Come back.

We wait 15 min. Then the lady tells us the flight is cancelled. "Why?", we ask. "It's just cancelled, that's all. Come back tomorrow." Well hold on a sec lady, the tickets say today on them. How can we come back tomorrow with tickets for yesterday? "Whoever is on duty tomorrow will take care of it."

So we bicker and try our damndest to get anywhere except Madrid. We try to get to Frankfurt, London or Paris figuring that once we're in a major European port we'll be able to get back to YYZ. We go through stupid, we go through her supervisor, we go through his supervisor. We're ready to go the farking president & CEO of Iberia if we have to.

12h later, we finally get onto an Iberia bound for Miami. Once there we're able to lean on some sympathetic Air Canada agents who get us back to YYZ. Total time from arrival at Madrid to YYZ - 26 hours!


Mar 13, 2004
SHEIK: That was the old airport, I just saw a documentary on TLC about Hong Kong's massive new airport, the world's largest and most modern, it was built in the middle of the sea, about 300 million cubic tons of dirt and rocks were dropped into the sea until an island was formed, then bulldozed. Then they had to built the world's longest bridge to the mainland and massive freeways & a subway.

Ham2004: That's unbeliavable, but I believe you, Air Canada ranks among the worst in customer satisfaction and professionalism-- especially now that it has no competitors.


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
AC sucks

Have to agree - Air Canada is really sucking the big one these days. The Maple Leaf lounge is crowded and noisy. On board amenities in economy is the pits. And the crew just doesn't seem to give a damn. But at least the pilots & maintenance crews seem to be competent. I guess in the end that's the important part.


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Not an airline but a still dealing with customs and idiots..

A number of years ago, long before 9/11, I was going to over to the US crossing at Buffalo. I was driving a new '77 Datsun 240Z adn had a friend with me.

Get to the US customs and this really large female customs officer asks me where I was born.. I replied Canada, my friend who happens to be chinese, got asked where he lived, and he replied Canada. wrong answer.. this woman jumps on my brand new car screaming at the top of her lungs...

Where is your visa... where is your visa..

My friend looks scared, and replies I don't have Visa will you take Mastercard..

Spent the next 9 hours in lockdown interigation, my friend was strip searched and we both had to appear before a judge, who laughted so hard I was sure he wet himself.. needless to say.. the US Customs have not had any humour .. ever..


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Ever have one of thoses days..

Decided to fly out of Buffalo to Fort Wayne Ind. Used American Airlines to Northwest connection in Detroit.. Just going down for the day on business, should have a total travel time of under 4 hours. Took the airport limo to save time and hassle.

Going down was great... no problems.. take off and arrive right on time..

Coming back we got diverted from Buffalo to John C. Munro airport in Hamilton. They were having trouble of some sort. I am sitting on an plane, 6 miles from my home and those idiots wouldn't let me off.. Canada Customs refused to allow the passenagers to deplane..

After waiting over 2 hours we are deplaned to a security area.. I tryand talk to Customs, I explain to the idiot that I am a Canadian and that I live in Hamilton.

Do you think he let me go home.. a $15.00 taxi ride and I would be home.. No instead I am BUSED to Buffalo, at 3:00 am, clear US customs on a Greyhound, turn around and have to wait for the first limo at 5:30 A.M., go all the way back to Hamilton and arrive home 12 hours after I first landed there.

I did get revenge.. a short while later, I got a call from the Customs office in Hamilton Airport, that their computer was down and they needed it repaired. I walked in and who should be there but the a****** himself and his supervisor whom I knew really well. So I told Peter my story and you could see the colour drain from the dicks face..


Mar 13, 2004
American customs are the worse man, especially after 9/11 they are on permament PMS. If you have a latino face and are travelling single with only a handbag at Miami International they will take you to a room and treat you like a drug lord, checking your shoes and having a dog sniff your balls and stomach.

The best and most professional airline of the world is reputed to be Singapore Airlines with JAP and Swiss Air following 2nd and 3rd place out of more than 100 airlines. The worse one was this domestic russian airline.


Oct 31, 2001
ham2004 said:
Air Canada - March 5th --

On a three hour flight.. the stew brings out the food cart.. and starts selling the sandwiched.. She gets about 6 rows in and runs out of food.. no soft drinks or water either... for this I paid $1,075.00

When did they start charging for sandwiches? Last time i flew air canada (about a year ago to orlando) that was all still free.

One a side note... anyone watch that show airline on A&E? If you want to see some people throw a hissy fit this show is where it's at.

Jim Rome

Aug 9, 2003
Flew Air Canada once and had part of my luggage go to Vancouver, part to Saskatchewan so next time I flew Air Canada the check in chick asked me "So where are we going today ?". Told her "Well I'm going to Florida, and my luggage is going to Vancouver and Saskatchewan". "She said I'm sorry but we can't do that". So I smiled and winked at her and said "You did last time !!" .... hehehe.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Xarir: If I'm not mistaken, that new super duper airport in Hong Kong harbour is sinking about a foot a year. So much so they have to keep jacking up the terminals so all the glass doesn't crack. When they assessed the settling problem they had a number of studies done, some said it would sink at a low rate, some said a higher rate. They "chose" the lower rate...OOPS!!!

I have travelled about 100,000 miles on airlines and a couple of things to point out these days:
1) With security getting tighter don't try to bring anything back you're not supposed to
2) be extra polite going into the US, if you thought they were paranoid before......
3) Don't joke around about anything, especially "bombs, terror, weapons etc" its always been a federal offence to do so and now its even worse...

This happened on a trip back from Dallas 2 yrs ago: This was one of those milk runs where I connected with 3 airports on my way home. I had a 2 hr layover in BF Kansas and I was popping out for a couple of smokes. I usually dump everything but my nuts into my briefcase and send it through the x ray but this time I forgot to put my smokes and my lighter away (it was in my shirt

Well sure enuff the alarm goes off and I'm pulled aside. This was just after 9/11 so there were M16's all over the place. So this cute little black girl (she was REALLY cute) asks me to put my arms out...BTW there were 2 military guys with 16s at port arms standing behind me... She waves her magic wand over me finding my lighter, I pull it out, she waves the wand again, out come my smokes, waves it again, it STILL beeps...I said: (big mistake) I guess it was my "chest of steel" video eh? heheh WRONG answer DOH.

She then asks me to undo my belt and undo my jeans (in the middle of the terminal), and she starts frisking me, as she's running her hands up the back of my legs over my butt I ALMOST went "WOOP" but just turned my head in time to see one of the soldiers move his finger off the trigger guard of his rifle....(no sense of humour here hehehe). Anyhow she didn't find anything of course but seeing that finger moving to the trigger cooled my jets pretty quick.

I had to get one more in (couldn't keep my mouth shut) and she says: ok, you're good....and I say, (with an evil grin) you're right, I AM good *wink* and walked away.....

Needless to say, I don't goof around any more ! heheheh


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
HEY ALIEN were you saying you was from TEXAS and your Daddy owned a kick ass ICE CREAM stand at one time?????


Mar 13, 2004
I lived in Texas, but my father's ice cream stand was in my country. I lived in Texas in 1987, Houston,Texas.

Texas is wild man, I loved it.

It's true that Hong Kong airport is sinking, it's also on the way of cyclones, a cyclone broke all terminal windows about a year ago.


Active member
Sheik said:

A few years back I was flying into hong kong.... I'll be damned if the plane wasn't flying between apartment buildings :D
Freaky, isn't it? I've been there countless times when i was a kid and it always freaked me out. That was the old airport and was considered to be the most dangerous runway in the world.



Active member
tboy said:
Xarir: If I'm not mistaken, that new super duper airport in Hong Kong harbour is sinking about a foot a year. So much so they have to keep jacking up the terminals so all the glass doesn't crack. When they assessed the settling problem they had a number of studies done, some said it would sink at a low rate, some said a higher rate. They "chose" the lower rate...OOPS!!!
I believe that Japan's Kansai island airport is also sinking about a foot a year however, it has survived several earthquakes.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
[/bold]March 1995 American Airlines[/bold] flight from Toronto to Dallas.

The flight was going well until we got to Dallas and they were in the midst of a large thunderstorm cell complete with tornado's and such. We go into a holding pattern for 1 hour then get deverted to Oklahoma City. We land it Oklahoma City at 8pm. Most other planes heading to Dallas had also been deverted to Oklahoma City, therefore, when we land there is no vacant ramp available for us o de=plane. So we sit on the plane on the tarmac and they won't let us off. The phones on the plane don't work, so i can't call my wife. They had limited food and water left so airline staff decide not to give any of it out in fear that passengers who didn't get something would cause a passenger uprise. So while we sit on the plane and airline ground crew person breaks one of the hindges on one of the planes doors. They say we will take off when it is repaired. We finally take off at 1am in the morning and land at 2.20am. Now, no American Airline ground staff are left, they all went home, so it is up to the few American Airline managers left to unload the baggage from the plane. I get my baggage at 4am. Now, at this point I'm really pisses along with everyone else and we want blood. The American Airlines Senior Manager let's us know we will be compensated for our troubles. I get a taxi and he to my hotel downtown, my room was given away, so I sleep in the lobby until a room becomes available at around 9am. I get to the room and lie down on the bed and forget to set the alarm for my business lunch at 12noon ( the reason for my trip ) and I awake at 2pm. Realizing I've missed this meeting I get really upset and break a few items in the room ( which I paid for ). I did make a couple of other smaller appointements I had and leave the next day in the evening.

My compensation from American Airlines = 250 extra air points!

Have never flown AA again since!


Senior Retired User
Jan 16, 2004
retired from the game
Once got five hundred dollarsand a free car rental from AA. I flying into Florida with my wife and kids for a "special holiday", everything went wrong. Luggage lost, overbooked, the whole 9 yards.. it was a nightmare. Get to the airport in Florida and this young cocky attendant had the nerve to say ' please fly with us again, thank you for coming.."

My wife unleased on him a rage she usually only reserves for me. They ended up calling security they were so afraid of this 5' fuck all woman.

They comped our car rental and gave her 500.00 for inconvience.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Last summer arrives in airport for flight to Europe. I find out that there are no flights leaving for that city that day.
When I go to Air Canada ticket office, they cheerfully inform me that I have been rebooked on a flight that left the day before. No attempt to contact me was made.
well, I got to Europe with a few hours delay on a flight through Frankfurt.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Ah, airlines, the industry that everyone hates.

Summer 2003, leaving Mont Joli Quebec for Toronto. Booked on a flight to Montreal, then transfering on the last flight out of Montreal to Toronto.

I get to the desk in Mont Joli and the woman tells me that my flight has been "cancelled". "WTF, how can you do that?"

They just do.

"So what now?"

We are putting you on another flight that goes to Baie Commeau, then Montreal.

"So, then I catch my flight in Montreal?"

"No, you will probably miss that flight, we will put you up in a motel in Montreal."

"But I don't want to stay in a motel in Montreal, I want to go home, I have been working here for 2 weeks straight and I want to go home, I paid you guys 1800 bucks for that."

Sorry, can't help you.

"Well, why doesn't the connecting flight in Montreal just hold?"

That's up to the pilot.

"By how much will i miss the connection?"

Well, you actually should land about the same time as he departs the gate.

"And he won't wait?"

Can't help you. You will have to speak to the inflight crew and see what they can do.


On the flight to Baie Commeau, then Montreal, I talk to the stewart. Blah blah blah.

He says, "I will talk to the pilot" He comes back and says, well, the other plane won't wait, but Air Canada will have someone shuttle you right from this plane across the tarmac and you can get on the jet to Toronto.

(Fucking right i think. Well, you know that it can never be that easy.)

About 5 minutes from Montreal, the stewart comes back, "as a result of the "cut backs" (seriously), there is no one who can meet you as you deplane, you will have to go through the terminal.

"You have to fucking kidding me" (Now I am getting hot, and I feel like I am going to throw a rod.)

Well, if you run through the terminal, you might make it.

(So, the flying culvert lands and of course, it seems like everything is taking 5 times as long as it should. I go tearing through the terminal at the speed of light, knocking over all these Air Canada workers standing around smoking and doing nothing (you know, the ones who were experiencing all the "cut backs")

I get to the gate just in time to see the jet backing up away from the dock. (No word of a lie.)

The lady at the gate says to me, "You are late"

I say, to her, "look, I know this isn't your fault, but....."

"I want to speak to someone from Customer service NOW."

They've all gone home.

(Holy fuck.)

We will get you a room in Montreal, you can catch the first flight out in the morning.'

"I don't want a room in Montreal, I want my own bed in Toronto"

Sorry, can't help you.

"Yes you can, you can call me a cab."

Call you a cab?

"Yes, Air Canada is going to hire me a cab back to Toronto from Montreal"

We can't do that sir, that will cost thousands of dollars.

"Yes, I know."

Can't do it.

"What about a Via ticket?"

There are no trains now.

"Yes there is, there is the midnight train leaving Montreal for Toronto, and I want on it."

To her credit, she got me on that train.

Made it home by about 8:00 am.

And why did i want home so fucking badly you ask?????

BECAUSE I HAD A 5-10 SLIM GOOD LOOKING BLONDE WAITING FOR ME AT MY PLACE. She was from Owen Sound and was passing through Toronto the previous night and I had arranged for a neighbour to let her in. We were to hook up for a night of sex that night after I got back from Mont Joli. She had to leave in the morning.

Fucking Air Canada.
Toronto Escorts