If hotels can survive, AirBnB should be able to.“Everything indicates that Airbnb income around the world has just stopped,” he said. “It [coronavirus and lockdown] has exposed the Airbnb business model, and it’s going to pull thousands and thousands of people down with it. People [hosts] have gone into it as an absolute business and they’re in a very, very difficult situation.”
Businesses are just sleeping, not dead.
They are enjoying a government paid extended holiday till they start up again.
The economy is merely on pause.
For the most part this is true, but I don’t think restaurants are simply on pause collecting government welfare. A 75% wage subsidy to operate a closed business doesn’t go a long way towards survival.Businesses are just sleeping, not dead.
They are enjoying a government paid extended holiday till they start up again.
The economy is merely on pause.
For the most part this is true, but I don’t think restaurants are simply on pause collecting government welfare. A 75% wage subsidy to operate a closed business doesn’t go a long way towards survival.Businesses are just sleeping, not dead.
They are enjoying a government paid extended holiday till they start up again.
The economy is merely on pause.
It appears that in many urban centers many entrepreneurs have bought condos and furnished them for explicitly renting them out on AirBnB. Some people have bought houses, etc. in tourist areas with the idea that AirBnB would be supplemental income.Small businesses are not like AirBnB. The quarantine is devastating their businesses. Many will not survive.
That's unfortunate. AirBnB serves a great need. It's so popular because everyone that vacations or travels can tell you how awesome it is to use their service.F*ck AirBnB and those have abused their platform to enrich themselves and in the process to f*cked renters, communities and society.
New regulations have been put in place in Toronto, yet they were challenged at the LPAT.
Ghost hotel operators, yes that is what they are, LOST. The regulations STAND.
Yet, they filed an appeal in a court of law. They do not want to follow the regulatory framework put in place.
So F*ck you and obey the law.
I believe that vast majority of principle residents, whether they are owners or long time tenants, don't want to see their street, their building, their neighborhood or their community being abused for profit by non-resident property owners by short-term renting the non-resident properties to unending revolving door of strangers.That's unfortunate. AirBnB serves a great need. It's so popular because everyone that vacations or travels can tell you how awesome it is to use their service.
You want hotels to remain a monopoly just like taxis wanted maintain one and crush uber?
I'm not sure anyone in the U.S. is going to be selling anything at a good price for quite awhile. I suspect similar for Canada.People are selling off their airbnb property.
I agree with you regarding non-resident owners.I believe that vast majority of principle residents, whether they are owners or long time tenants, don't want to see their street, their building, their neighborhood or their community being abused for profit by non-resident property owners by short-term renting the non-resident properties to unending revolving door of strangers.
That would classify these non-resident property owners as basically hoteliers.
Want to short term rent? By all means go ahead ..... but ONLY in you PRINCIPLE residence as per law.
Do you how many destination city's inner cores have been destroyed by AirBnB type short term rentals?