Vaughan Spa

Air Crash at Pearson

May 4, 2005
Thank Goodness Everyone is OK

It's a miracle that everyone survived.

MSNBC is now reporting that the airport is actually going to resume flights soon.

At least, for once, Toronto, and Canada in general, is getting the limelight in the US media.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
If we thank God they survived, should we blame God if they had died? :confused:


New member
Oct 22, 2004
Svend said:
If we thank God they survived, should we blame God if they had died? :confused:
For any other airline, the answer would be a definite "yes". But this is Air France so it will be really tough for many North Americans to NOT find ways to blame this on French cowardice, French incompetence or both. Already the anti-French jokes have started....


Oct 18, 2004
I have to agree with Jamaica Lover on this 1-CNN is the biggest media whores on this planet,they thrive on the threat let alone reality of death & destruction-case in point everytime last year & this year when there's a threat of a hurricane that could hit American soil.They can so excited,get Viagra like hard-ons when a hurricane jumps up a Category,the higher the number the better the odds for death.
CNN are a bunch of sick,goulish bastards.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
What I don't like about CNN, and news channels in general, are the spinning icons, flashy wording that crosses the screen, like "Plane Crash" and then the phrase breaks in half, comet style lights beneath correspondent names, melodramatic piano music underneath what they claim are "news stories", exscessive drama imposed by anchors reading the news, and the like. The Mary Tyler Moore show is better. :D

And if you want to talk about horrible USA news reporting from the majors, they initially claimed this was a Boeing 737 Lufstansa. Then it was a 737 Air France. Well, these news organizations don't have any excuses by promoting 737 domestic planes for long haul International flights. It took pilots, on-air, to correct them with calls like "You better remove that and re-check your sources. A 737 is a domestic craft and not used for long-haul Trans-oceanic flights".

Well, the tunafish sandwiches at Pearsons are still $5.50 CAD, right? And they don't sell Munchos potato chips anymore! What else does the media not know... (??)


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
If you were watching CNN you may have heard Roel Bremer being interviewed.
He was on the plane and also owns the Rotterdam pub on King West


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
They Opened the Black Box!

The recordings were pretty routine until the end.

Flight 304: Zees is Captain Clousseau speaking to Toruntooo towweeerrr.... Yeur Ronway iz oot uf Rheum!

YYX Control Tower: Please repeat last message.

Flight 304: I say, put een yeur hearing aid! Yeur roonway eez oot of Rheum! Oh dear....

YYX Control Tower: Flight 304 if you're going to taxi off the runway eastbound adjacent to the 401 please try to avoid the new Tim Hortons...

Flight 304: Sacre Bleu! Le Merde! Le double Merde! Le Double Merde du fromage!

YYX Control Tower: Flight 304 are you hurt? Are there casualties? do you need assistance?

Flight 304: certainment Non! I errrr.. MEANT to do that...

YYX Control Tower: You meant to veer off the runway and destroy your craft in an open field outside of airport property?

Flight 304: eeeet izzzzz joost un petit scratch! Do not concern yeurselves. Yeur termeenals are too --- how you say... crowded. We find our own space n'est pas?
(faint cries in the background of "Mon Dieu!", "Asseeestance!", "Mon Legion!" "Conflagration!")
May 4, 2005
WhaWhaWha said:
The recordings were pretty routine until the end.

Flight 304: Zees is Captain Clousseau speaking to Toruntooo towweeerrr.... Yeur Ronway iz oot uf Rheum!

YYX Control Tower: Please repeat last message.

Flight 304: I say, put een yeur hearing aid! Yeur roonway eez oot of Rheum! Oh dear....

YYX Control Tower: Flight 304 if you're going to taxi off the runway eastbound adjacent to the 401 please try to avoid the new Tim Hortons...

Flight 304: Sacre Bleu! Le Merde! Le double Merde! Le Double Merde du fromage!

YYX Control Tower: Flight 304 are you hurt? Are there casualties? do you need assistance?

Flight 304: certainment Non! I errrr.. MEANT to do that...

YYX Control Tower: You meant to veer off the runway and destroy your craft in an open field outside of airport property?

Flight 304: eeeet izzzzz joost un petit scratch! Do not concern yeurselves. Yeur termeenals are too --- how you say... crowded. We find our own space n'est pas?
(faint cries in the background of "Mon Dieu!", "Asseeestance!", "Mon Legion!" "Conflagration!")


I guess you couldn't post this on MERB, eh?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I just heard something strange on global, exactly to the minute, 20 yrs ago today in Dallas TX a DC9 was slammed into the ground due to wind shear.....I don't know if it was to the second, but damn, to the minute?


New member
May 21, 2005
damn Air France

A friend's sister was on that plane, flying back after her dad died a few days ago, flying back with her dad's ashes. Almost eight hours later and we still do not know where she is. Air France is covering their collective asses, and are being extremely unhelpful. The hospital staff are not giving out info. My friends were turned away from the airport hours ago. NO ONE KNOWS WHERE THIS WOMAN IS. She could be wandering the 401 for all we know. She's on meds for the grief of losing her dad. If she's at a hospital, surely she would have gotten to a phone.
the_big_E said:
Astonishing there were no fatalities!

The 911 boys deserved big praises to be on scene less than 1 min. Tonight, the envy of the 911 world. Good to see their hard training kicked-in. Don't often get the recognition putting their own lives at risk running into burning buildings or in midst of violet disputes.

If we ever run into such mass situation, for example Spadina subway crash years ago, I know they'll have things under control. It may be chaotic but they are well-prep when put to the test.

To the 'volunteers' on 401, in future, stay at safe distance as backup, let the Professionals do the rescue. With burning fuels, you don't want to add to the casualities and to the confusion, if things got worse. Never take someone from the scene as they may need immediate medical treatment best administer first-aid onsite asap.


Sugar daddy II
Oct 17, 2003
God Bless all that survived.

By the way... Stacy.. saw your webiste, saw your pictures.
Horribly disgusted... IMO :confused:

"Your friendly Anal Provider and submissive. If a Dom please be a respectful one and know that a true Dom knows how to control himself as well as his submissive. I see both Doms and Gentlemen."


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
kkarn said:
The business of 24hr. news lives/dies on the intensity of the event being covered. Like any other business, they do what's in their best interest right the line. I'm sure you do the same in your business.

Business is just that, Business.


It's hard to believe that it's in their long-term best interest to be considered a joke and have people comment about them ( quite rightly) as they are here.

Not much of a business plan in my books.


Apr 10, 2004
TO - aka The Big Smoke
All the passengers survived and were rescued but they still havent found the black box. isnt it usually the other way around? What are they hiding? Maybe it was Captain Clousseau after all.


Crotch Sniffer
Oct 22, 2003
Caledon East
toronto.... home of the 'mad at the world' people. whatever you do, don't mention the leafs.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts