AIDS conference seems surreal

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Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Is it just me, or does the AIDS conference as it has been described in the media seem almost surreal.

To me, it feels like the conference is trying to reinforce the old idea that 'everyone is at the same risk' of getting AIDS.

It's almost like there is a fear of looking politically incorrect by mentioning the extent to which the disease has hit the gay community, and there is an over-the-top emphasis to promote cases of people with HIV who aren't gay men. We all know that certain activities are riskier than others, yet this doesn't seem to be a topic at the conference.

Health Canada's website has the same problem. If you read the page on AIDS, you would think the chances of contracting HIV from oral sex are about the same as the chances of getting it from anal sex, when we know that isn't true.

I guess what bothers me is that no one wants to provide an honest assessment of the real risks of contracting HIV from certain activities, and we hide behind the idea that every sexual behaviour has the same risk.

Yet, at the same time, our politicians and media criticize young people for not knowing the risks.

Anyway, that's my view of the conference so far. What do others think?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
I agree with your perspective, Mr. Moviefan. In my view, a very significant part of the problem of the spread of AIDS in the early years, just as it is now, was exactly this kind of 'Political Correctness' bullshit. Everyone in my World knows in their heart what the Truth is about where AIDS comes from and how it got started. No real solution can ever be found to a problem if one refuses to acknowledge the Truth about the essence of the problem. Sincerely, Jon .


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
acutus said:
Everyone in my World knows in their heart what the Truth is about where AIDS comes from and how it got started.
Fine and dandy. Go ahead and keep it in your World, as I doubt it has any basis in fact given your previous posts.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Asterix said:
Fine and dandy. Go ahead and keep it in your World, as I doubt it has any basis in fact given your previous posts.
Thank you for your reply and comments, Mr. Asterix. Please note that it was Mr. Moviefan who asked for the views of others in this Thread. Why not offer your own view point on the question that was asked? Sincerely, Jon .


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
acutus said:
Thank you for your reply and comments, Mr. Asterix. Please note that it was Mr. Moviefan who asked for the views of others in this Thread. Why not offer your own view point on the question that was asked? Sincerely, Jon .
Actually, my post was in response to you, and your conviction of "the Truth about where AIDS comes from". BTW, do you try and use your mechanical politeness in real life, or is this just for our entertainment?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

Asterix said:
Actually, my post was in response to you, and your conviction of "the Truth about where AIDS comes from". BTW, do you try and use your mechanical politeness in real life, or is this just for our entertainment?
Do you have such a confrontational manner in real Life, Mr. Asterix? You seem angry that I may have a point of view that is different then your own. Sincerely, Jon .


Registered and a User
Jan 6, 2003
In a deep, but well lit, hole
acutus said:
I agree with your perspective, Mr. Moviefan. In my view, a very significant part of the problem of the spread of AIDS in the early years, just as it is now, was exactly this kind of 'Political Correctness' bullshit. Everyone in my World knows in their heart what the Truth is about where AIDS comes from and how it got started. No real solution can ever be found to a problem if one refuses to acknowledge the Truth about the essence of the problem. Sincerely, Jon .
AIDS started when African tribes that hunt and eat Pan troglodytes troglodytes became contaminated with SIV (simian immune deficiency virus), usually from the butchering of the animals. Urbanization of many African countries brought these infected tribes people to big cities where the virus flourished.

How do you think it got started?


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Asterix said:
BTW, do you try and use your mechanical politeness in real life, or is this just for our entertainment?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
acutus said:
Do you have such a confrontational manner in real Life, Mr. Asterix?
Yeah, sometimes. Especially with people who I think have no clue of what they're talking about.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

acutus said:
Thank you for your reply and comments, Mr. Asterix. Please note that it was Mr. Moviefan who asked for the views of others in this Thread. Why not offer your own view point on the question that was asked? Sincerely, Jon .
Please review as required, Mr. Asterix. Sincerely, Jon .


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
acutus said:
Do you have such a confrontational manner in real Life, Mr. Asterix? You seem angry that I may have a point of view that is different then your own. Sincerely, Jon .
I dont think he's angry as much as he's annoyed with that stupid signing you do of all your posts.
And then that dot at the end really takes the cake :eek:


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA

Esco! said:
I dont think he's angry as much as he's annoyed with that stupid signing you do of all your posts.
And then that dot at the end really takes the cake :eek:
This coming from someone with a cartoon as his signature. Sincerely, Jon.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
moviefan said:
It's almost like there is a fear of looking politically incorrect by mentioning the extent to which the disease has hit the gay community, and there is an over-the-top emphasis to promote cases of people with HIV who aren't gay men. We all know that certain activities are riskier than others, yet this doesn't seem to be a topic at the conference.
At least the gay community knows better. There has been a push in the gay community to stress using protection as complacency and overconfidence in medical advances among gay men has caused a rise in infections. Apparently 40-50% of gay men go bareback (much higher than heterosexual couples) and in bathhouses it is even worse than that.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
moviefan said:
We all know that certain activities are riskier than others, yet this doesn't seem to be a topic at the conference.

Health Canada's website has the same problem. If you read the page on AIDS, you would think the chances of contracting HIV from oral sex are about the same as the chances of getting it from anal sex, when we know that isn't true.
Yeah that is a bright thing to tell the kids of today (or anyone) when they already think they are invincible. Don't worry about the blow job Becky, you aren't as likely to get AIDS that way as you are if you let Billy put it in your ass.


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
I would almost think that as the drugs get better that it becomes more of a nuisance than a death sentence (similar to Herpes). I would also think that AIDS would have somewhat lower numbers if we didn't use all these drugs, it sounds cruel, but it keeps the virus around for much longer.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
jeffham29 said:
How do you think it got started?
Doesn't everyone know that it is god's will to punish the sinners? Either that or aliens have been playing with our DNA.


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
jeffham29 said:
AIDS started when African tribes that hunt and eat Pan troglodytes troglodytes became contaminated with SIV (simian immune deficiency virus), usually from the butchering of the animals. Urbanization of many African countries brought these infected tribes people to big cities where the virus flourished.

How do you think it got started?

Interesting site jeffham29. I spent a couple of hours reviewing it as well as the assorted links and found it very resourceful.

I was quite surprised as to the dating of AIDS going as far back as the 30's and would not be surprised to find out that many deaths over several decades that were AIDS related were written off as "other causes".

It was also enlightneing to see the results of aids awareness and prevention being re-inforced by various nations. Though the data of reporting between nations such as Brazil, Thailand and the USA can be skewered dramatically (due to reported figures), the fact remains that data calculated within the same geographical market from one period to another, entitle interpretators the opportunity to compare statistics within a regional area to further identify the positive or negative trends associated with their efforts towards addressing the AIDS situation.

All in all, thanks for the link.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
This has been a spirited thread to say the least.

I have not looked at the info that suggested AIDS was around in the 30's

But I am throwing out for discussion the previoulsy reported media coverage that back tracked the HIV/AIDS virus to a londg since deceased Air Canada steward who was described as patient zero.

I have a friend who worked with this guy at that time and his stories ( personal accounts not documented) were astounding in what this guy did. He was pretty much a sex-aholic. If if breathed he'd fuck it. And he bragged to the flight crews all the time...which is why I said..not documented. But it was interesting a few years back that the CDC did attribute the main spread to this one man.

He hasn't been mentioned in years and maybe now they have discovered the research was incorrect..but it was an interesting story that seems to have faded considerably.



Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
Is the alternative any better?

Sasha Jones said:
Yeah that is a bright thing to tell the kids of today (or anyone) when they already think they are invincible. Don't worry about the blow job Becky, you aren't as likely to get AIDS that way as you are if you let Billy put it in your ass.
Sasha: That's an interesting point, but I'm not sure the alternative is any better.

The current practice is to concentrate on what is politically correct and ignore the science, thereby providing young people -- and all people -- with information that isn't credible. The result appears to be that young people are just ignoring it.

I seem to recall a news report that said many young people favour BBBJ because they don't think there is a risk of getting AIDS. They may very well be right (although they are overlooking the possibility of getting other STDS).

The problem is the so-called "experts" would never tell people what the actual risk is, if there is one, because they have their own agenda and it seems to be more political than research-based.

When you think about it, this subject has been debated on this board, with no clear answers -- which is kind of amazing when you consider AIDS has been a public issue for 25 years. Surely, there are people who could tell you what the actual risks are. So why is this information so difficult to find?

If we truly believe education is one of the solutions to the AIDS crisis, I would suggest the first step is to be honest and believable in the information that is provided.


Registered and a User
Jan 6, 2003
In a deep, but well lit, hole
Ref said:
Interesting site jeffham29. I spent a couple of hours reviewing it as well as the assorted links and found it very resourceful.

I was quite surprised as to the dating of AIDS going as far back as the 30's and would not be surprised to find out that many deaths over several decades that were AIDS related were written off as "other causes".

It was also enlightneing to see the results of aids awareness and prevention being re-inforced by various nations. Though the data of reporting between nations such as Brazil, Thailand and the USA can be skewered dramatically (due to reported figures), the fact remains that data calculated within the same geographical market from one period to another, entitle interpretators the opportunity to compare statistics within a regional area to further identify the positive or negative trends associated with their efforts towards addressing the AIDS situation.

All in all, thanks for the link.
You're all very welcome. This Frontline line special was fascinating and helped dispel a lot of myths about the history of this terrible disease. It's a must watch.
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