Dream Spa

Agency Owner Banter


Nov 8, 2005
I probably shouldn't be posting this. I'll try to keep this humorous. I'm really starting to get irritated about how seemingly every agency owner on terb literally kisses the other agency owners asses:) .

I don't want to name specific agencies as I don't want to get banned from terb. I'm very addicted to this site.

For example like a knight in shining armour when one agency is getting criticized in a thread for some issue then another agency owner will suddenly pop up out of nowhere to defend the agency in hot water at the time. The agency owner coming to the defence of the criticized agency will say something like well **** has been in the business for years and she/he is such a sweetheart or a gem whatever the case may be.

This starts to get sickening to read after a while. Why can't the agency owner be a true man or woman and defend themselves from the occasional criticisms that they endure? Why do they always have to rely on backup?

It sort of reminds me of the 1950's tv show Leave it to Beaver. No sexual pun intended. I don't know if any terbites remember the character Eddie Haskell. He played a phony charmer who always said Oh Mrs. Cleaver you're looking very beautiful this evening. Eddie played a total phony and suck-up.

That's how I view some of the agency owners who stick up for each other. I know it's important to be cordial with your competitors but this whole buddy buddy thing is getting ridiculous.

What would be truly funny is if one terb agency owner ever criticized another agency owner in a public forum. I realize that this would never happen as per terb guidelines but I can dream can't I?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
i believe you're talkin abt arse lickin! but fear not ol chap not everyone is like that!

pretending to be nice on the internet gets you no where unless you're a feckin knob!


New member
Dec 27, 2004
squash500 said:
What would be truly funny is if one terb agency owner ever criticized another agency owner in a public forum. I realize that this would never happen as per terb guidelines but I can dream can't I?

I thought that has happened a couple of times...but it is subtle.

Maybe something like:

My esteemed colleague may very well run his/her business in this way and be quite happy to do so, and while I am happy it works for them and wish them all the best, I myself choose a radically different approach… :)


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Bunch of sissies!

squash500 said:
I probably shouldn't be posting this. I'll try to keep this humorous. I'm really starting to get irritated about how seemingly every agency owner on terb literally kisses the other agency owners asses:) .

Hear hear.... agency owners in Toronto are nothing but a bunch of nancy boys IMO. I yearn for the days when we have a city full of warring pimp tribes that open gun fire on each other at every opportunity. Something like Haiti or maybe Sierra Leone would be nice.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
squash500 said:
Vanessa thanks for responding . Ironically one of the reasons I started this thread was because of your agencies controversial cell phone policy. What I don't understand is let's say I go to 7 eleven and buy a pay as you go cell phone? So then I proceed to give you my cell phone contact number which could be in a totally different name or a ficticious company name etc. How is this cell phone purchase going to furthur protect your sps during an incall?

Why do I have to spend over $60 a month on a cellphone just to have the privilege of using your agency for an incall? Why isn't my home phone contact information enough?

That thread posted by Helmetofhades a couple of days ago really touched a nerve with me.

Then ironically Andy of Mirage comes to your rescue and starts really kissing your ass---lol. Personally I think Andy is a great guy and I love the comments that he posts on terb. However I have never done business with his agency either because his phone guy Chris has been very rude and abrupt with me on the phone the couple of times that I have called inquiring about sp availability. I realize that Mirage is a very busy agency but I made a vow with myself that if I am not treated decently by the agency phone guy or girl then I will not do business with that agency.

Anyway back to the cellphone issue. Vanessa you never said the reason why your agency has this controversial cell phone policy? Yet Andy in the same thread said the reason for Exquisite's cell phone policy is to protect your girls? Then Andy said another reason is in case one of your sps is running late etc. Which one is it? Or is it both reasons?

Why is it Andy's job to do your dirty work? I personally have nothing against either yourself or Andy. The reason I have never used your agency is because the only sps in your agency that appeal to me are charging $300/hr which is out of my price range.

I then got furthur irritated when you replied in the helmet thread that Angi and yourself are sick of posting your cell phone policy in the terb agency advertising section. Why is that?

Vanessa it is not my intention to pick on your agency. All I'm saying is that you have to start looking at things from a prospective clients view. I personally still feel somewhat ashamed about having to use sps in the first place. Therefore the moment I pick up the phone to call an agency to book in the first place I am already somewhat nervous and on edge.

Therefore because you choose to impose this iron clad cell phone policy it could rile up a potential customer such as Helmet or myself for example.

All I'm saying is that instead of having this joking love fest with Andy throughout that whole helmet thread maybe you could consider the feelings of your prospective nervous and irritable clients instead?
I swear, some of you are really strange...A few weeks ago I got slammed for stating that we require a last name for out-calls..now Vanessa is getting slammed for requiring a verifiable cell phone. This IS NOT A NEW POLICY for either of us. Then Andy offers up a possible reason ( while at the same time telling you that it's his policy as well ) and you all think that he's kissing ass!!! Really, Andy may be a lot of things...( 80's rock n' roll throwback comes to mind ;) ) but a "kiss ass" is certainly not one of them.
Some of us get along and support one another from time to time. What the hell is the big deal. But if it'll make you happy ...here goes.

George from Select.... drives a car that may be partially responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.

Nicole from GOE...might be a CG voice and may actually not really exist. We're not sure.

Vanessa from Exquisite... makes up completely unrealistic policy just to piss her clients off. It's fun.

Jillian from Cupids... uses her impressive assets as a hypnotic device to lure you all in like the Pied Piper.

Sheik... Isn't an agency owner. He thinks he owns them all. LOL.



New member
Mar 18, 2009
steph@vixens said:
I swear, some of you are really strange...A few weeks ago I got slammed for stating that we require a last name for out-calls..now Vanessa is getting slammed for requiring a verifiable cell phone. This IS NOT A NEW POLICY for either of us. Then Andy offers up a possible reason ( while at the same time telling you that it's his policy as well ) and you all think that he's kissing ass!!! Really, Andy may be a lot of things...( 80's rock n' roll throwback comes to mind ;) ) but a "kiss ass" is certainly not one of them.
Some of us get along and support one another from time to time. What the hell is the big deal. But if it'll make you happy ...here goes.

George from Select.... drives a car that may be partially responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.

Nicole from GOE...might be a CG voice and may actually not really exist. We're not sure.

Vanessa from Exquisite... makes up completely unrealistic policy just to piss her clients off. It's fun.

Jillian from Cupids... uses her impressive assets as a hypnotic device to lure you all in like the Pied Piper.

Sheik... Isn't an agency owner. He thinks he owns them all. LOL.

Now that's some funny shit! Without really knowing anyone since I'm so new to this, it's still funny!


Nov 8, 2005
steph@vixens said:
I swear, some of you are really strange...A few weeks ago I got slammed for stating that we require a last name for out-calls..now Vanessa is getting slammed for requiring a verifiable cell phone. This IS NOT A NEW POLICY for either of us. Then Andy offers up a possible reason ( while at the same time telling you that it's his policy as well ) and you all think that he's kissing ass!!! Really, Andy may be a lot of things...( 80's rock n' roll throwback comes to mind but a "kiss ass" is certainly not one of them.
Some of us get along and support one another from time to time. What the hell is the big deal. But if it'll make you happy ...here goes.

George from Select.... drives a car that may be partially responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer.

Nicole from GOE...might be a CG voice and may actually not really exist. We're not sure.

Vanessa from Exquisite... makes up completely unrealistic policy just to piss her clients off. It's fun.

Jillian from Cupids... uses her impressive assets as a hypnotic device to lure you all in like the Pied Piper.

Sheik... Isn't an agency owner. He thinks he owns them all. LOL.

Steph I understand your point:) . That's why I deleted my last post. Ironically Andy just sent me a PM and said that he would even accept an incall booking by payphone and I could use the Mirage toll free number to even save the pay phone costs.

Andy did warn me that if for some reason the sp was running late or didn't show up for work then I would have to understand and not bitch about it since Mirage would have no way to get in touch with me. I replied back to Andy that that sounded reasonable to me.

I guess I could be booking with Mirage in the future after all even without owning a cellphone!


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
I guess the one thing that some people fail to realize is that the escort scene in Toronto is a "small community ".
Yes we are competitors, but people also fail to realize that we often get together for drinks and talk to each other on the phone on a regular basis. We are all doing our best to keep Toronto one of the best places in North America in which to hobby. With agency owners that actually give a shit about having repeat clients and running their operation professionally.

Many of us owners talk on a regular basis, sharing ideas and having some fun at the same time. I get calls daily from many agency owners asking my advice on certain matters and vice-versa. We also help each other out when we have bookings that we cannot accomodate.

And yes Squash, I know that your post was directed right at me, but Im a big boy and I can take it. But trust me, if you really knew me, Im far from a kiss-ass. I have been called much worse..lol...There is nothing wrong with having a little fun on the boards once in a while, or giving my input to a thread that causes injustice to a reputable agency, or can clear up some industry related issues. The industry might be small...but the Toronto market is a pretty large one. Happy hobbying

God Bless........Andy


Sexus Perplexus
Feb 15, 2004
Wandering the peaks
squash500 said:
I probably shouldn't be posting this. I'll try to keep this humorous. I'm really starting to get irritated about how seemingly every agency owner on terb literally kisses the other agency owners asses.
Agency owners kissing each others' asses?!
WTF!! Get in line and pay like the rest of us!



Nov 8, 2005
mirageLadies said:
I guess the one thing that some people fail to realize is that the escort scene in Toronto is a "small community ".
Yes we are competitors, but people also fail to realize that we often get together for drinks and talk to each other on the phone on a regular basis. We are all doing our best to keep Toronto one of the best places in North America in which to hobby. With agency owners that actually give a shit about having repeat clients and running their operation professionally.

Many of us owners talk on a regular basis, sharing ideas and having some fun at the same time. I get calls daily from many agency owners asking my advice on certain matters and vice-versa. We also help each other out when we have bookings that we cannot accomodate.

And yes Squash, I know that your post was directed right at me, but Im a big boy and I can take it. But trust me, if you really knew me, Im far from a kiss-ass. I have been called much worse..lol...There is nothing wrong with having a little fun on the boards once in a while, or giving my input to a thread that causes injustice to a reputable agency, or can clear up some industry related issues. In the end we are one big family, terb members included. The industry might be small...but the Toronto market is a pretty large one. Happy hobbying

God Bless........Andy
Thanks for the excellent response. I apologize to all the agency owners that I probably offended by posting this thread.

Have a good long weekend everybody!

I guess I am now the person who is kissing ass:p !


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON

SL when did you take that picture of me ?

God Bless...........Andy


New member
Dec 26, 2006
mirageLadies said:
I guess the one thing that some people fail to realize is that the escort scene in Toronto is a "small community ".
Yes we are competitors, but people also fail to realize that we often get together for drinks and talk to each other on the phone on a regular basis. We are all doing our best to keep Toronto one of the best places in North America in which to hobby. With agency owners that actually give a shit about having repeat clients and running their operation professionally.

Many of us owners talk on a regular basis, sharing ideas and having some fun at the same time. I get calls daily from many agency owners asking my advice on certain matters and vice-versa. We also help each other out when we have bookings that we cannot accomodate.

And yes Squash, I know that your post was directed right at me, but Im a big boy and I can take it. But trust me, if you really knew me, Im far from a kiss-ass. I have been called much worse..lol...There is nothing wrong with having a little fun on the boards once in a while, or giving my input to a thread that causes injustice to a reputable agency, or can clear up some industry related issues. The industry might be small...but the Toronto market is a pretty large one. Happy hobbying

God Bless........Andy

Obviously my 80's rock n' roll throwback comment wasn't enough. ( hey I'm starting a war here...gotta keep the terb readership happy ) So I'll throw a chocolate cream pie at you instead!!! :D
* runs *.



Feb 14, 2008
All Agencies Owners are Members of Civilized Union, so they definitely defend when they see any member in hot soup, which in fact is a good sign to protect one another in a biz like Adult Industry, that also makes their bonds much stronger, and now a day's lots of known agencies have joined hands in even merging their agencies as brother and sister agencies, which is a good sign of assisting each other in their time of need and in the time of fun! This union of agencies is rather good for clients even, and the Adult Industry too!
Atleast they are all standing on one Platform, which is really great, instead of fighting amongst themselves, its a healthy union of Escort Agencies. Goodluck to all of them. They should also open Associate Member-Ship to join their boat for Independent SP's as well as Active Hobbiest to protect their intrest as well ahahahaha LOL!


Supporting Member
Jun 4, 2007
Toronto, ON
fuji said:
You actually don't own a cellphone? In 2009???


Neither does my father...never had a credit card in his life, nor a cell phone.

God Bless............Andy


Nov 8, 2005
fuji said:
You actually don't own a cellphone? In 2009???


I don't think so:) . I work from home so I don't need a cellphone. I figure I'm saving myself between $60-70/month.

Therefore I have more money to hobby and to invest in the stock market. Every bit of extra money adds up as right now I am debt free. I don't believe in credit card debt either. I pay cash for everything.

When I did own a cellphone a couple of years ago my cellphone bills sometimes were over $200/month as my friends kept calling me during peak hours to talk about basically sh**!


Apr 24, 2005
squash500 said:
accept an incall booking by payphone
Where are you going to find a payphone in 2009? Do what I use to do before I got my cellphone. Stop a passerbay on the street and ask to borrow his/her cellphone (say you lost yours).
squash500 said:
I don't think so:) . I work from home so I don't need a cellphone. I figure I'm saving myself between $60-70/month.

Therefore I have more money to hobby and to invest in the stock market. Every bit of extra money adds up as right now I am debt free. I don't believe in credit card debt either. I pay cash for everything.

When I did own a cellphone a couple of years ago my cellphone bills sometimes were over $200/month as my friends kept calling me during peak hours to talk about basically sh**!
Get a 7-11 pay as you go phone. Total cost if not used, $1 per month. 25 cents a minute. Minutes last for a year.

Even get specials now and then when you get a free phone with airtime purchase.

Don't give out the number, don't even turn it on when you don't need it.

Problem solved.


Nov 8, 2005
DistantVoyeur said:
Get a 7-11 pay as you go phone. Total cost if not used, $1 per month. 25 cents a minute. Minutes last for a year.

Even get specials now and then when you get a free phone with airtime purchase.

Don't give out the number, don't even turn it on when you don't need it.

Problem solved.

That's a good idea:) . My previous cellphone was through Rogers. Enough said.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
You guys know, from ALL your experiences here on TERB, which agencies to choose and to avoid. The good ones defend eachother as they know the bul***it they each have to deal with on a daily basis. They 'get' it. Good on them.
Toronto Escorts