Discreet Dolls

Agency Ladies Moving Around

The Sage

Sep 24, 2003
Near the Airport
Why do escorts jump from Agency to Agency change their names and frequently wind up back at the first one. Is the grass always greener?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


New member
Jun 12, 2003
For one, I'm assuming like any business each agency has their own list of regular clients that use only their agency. Eventually, if a girl is at one agency long enough all the regulars will see her and, well, this may sound harsh but don't you guys get bored? New faces always seem to be busy on review boards, and over time you don't hear about them anymore. Or at least not very often. So if she jumps ship, she may not be new to the business but she's new to the clients in that agency, and she'll be busy again.

A lot of escorts that travel from city to city tell me its the best way to make money. People in one city get bored so you move on to next. When you've gone through your whole list of cities you go back to the first and by then there are new clients in the city, and the old ones see you as a fond memory and book you a whole lot. Besides everyone knows you leave town eventually so they take advantage of you while you're around. Seems to me the same would apply within the agency world.

I've also had some girls tell me they aren't getting along with phone girls or drivers or sometimes even other girls, and its making the work environment unpleasant so they go to another agency - even if it means going to agency which isn't as popular as the one they just left.

And of course there's always rumors going around - another agency pays more, they have wealthier clientele, girls pay less to the agency etc... Most of these are false. For the most part as far as I can tell most agencies are run on the same premises. I haven't heard of any of these agency rumors coming true.

As far as changing names - well every time you go to a new agency, its basically a matter of re-inventing yourself. You want to attract new clientele so you "refashion" your image. Some will even have pictures redone with a different flavor in the shots to complete their new image. In the adult industry you always have to be new if you want to make money.

I know one girl that changes agencies and changed her name to avoid an old client that was pretty much stocking her and driving her nuts. She changed agencies and names hoping he wouldn't find her. I don't know if he did nor not. I doubt that's common though. Girls have told me some interesting stories but I dont' hear anything that extreme very often.

The Sage

Sep 24, 2003
Near the Airport
Excellent well written thoughtful response. Answers all my questions. Thanks
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