Advice Needed - Nice Girl


New member
Feb 6, 2008
So, I just got out of a long term on again off again relationship with a girl I've dated since High School (I'm 26). She's a great girl, but a bit of a bitch. We broke up due to the fact she has zero ambition and was living with me for free, and it just got to the point where enough was enough.

Anyway, I've met this new girl and she's the polar opposite. Owns a place, works hard, and is just overall a sweet girl. She knew my family was away from Ontario for this Thanksgiving, so she made me a wicked dinner and we spent it together and it was great.

Question, how do I deal with a nice girl like this? I'm used to bitches, have always dated bitches, so I know how to deal with 'em. But this girl is so sweet. Are there different ways to go about being with one? I know this sounds dumb, but I cannot act towards her as I would with previous gf's just due to them being the antithesis of one another.


Tokyo Heights

Tokyo Heights
Aug 29, 2009
Just take good care of her, and be equally nice, humble and kind to her, so you can both enjoy the bliss of being togather and enjoy every moment in your lives, you are lucky to have such a nice girl in your life, so first thank Lord Almighty, that he has given you such a nice girl! Treat her like a real princess, and worship her from head to her toe:) Lol Goodluck my friend!


New member
Apr 1, 2007
Just take good care of her, and be equally nice, humble and kind to her, so you can both enjoy the bliss of being togather and enjoy every moment in your lives, you are lucky to have such a nice girl in your life, so first thank Lord Almighty, that he has given you such a nice girl! Treat her like a real princess, and worship her from head to her toe:) Lol Goodluck my friend!
I really really hope that TH here is kidding.

In my experience, the best relationships I had with women were the ones in which I I took charge. No waffling, no "where do you want to go tonight, honey?", no "That's ok, we can just cuddle", no "We can watch whatever you want to watch." She may actually like it when you're a doormat, but like doesn't get you anywhere.

Respect does. So you have to earn her respect. That means saying "no" more often, that means saying, "We're going to such-and-such restaurant," saying, "I'd rather watch the game. If you wish to watch the movie, feel free to use the TV in the bedroom."

I know it sounds absurd and counter-intuitive but dammit it works.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I know this sounds dumb, but I cannot act towards her as I would with previous gf's just due to them being the antithesis of one another.
Yes, it sounds dumb. You have an ideal new situation and you're looking for cracks in the relationship already. You can't treat her nice?

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
My advice, for what it's worth, is don't try to be something you're not. It seems clear to me (based on your post) that this new girl really likes you for who you are already, and respects you already. So therefore, just take it one day at a time, and treat her with respect. I wish you the best of luck, and hope it works out!

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
A piece of advice............take the bitch up a steep hill and tell her to bend over, grab her ankles and crouch like a frog. Then to rid yourself of her, you put your boot against her puckering ass hole .............................................

........................................and give her a shove. She should roll down the hill in a ball and make this sound at the bottom of the hill.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
Thanks guys.

Yeah the previous gf, she lived in my condo for free, didn't work, did NOTHING. Finally I lost it and booted her ass out.

And nah not looking for problems yet, I just wanna make sure I dont screw it up either. I'm used to dating dumb ass waitress bitches not women with careers and ambition so it's new for me. A huge turn on tho hah.


Apr 24, 2005
women with careers and ambition so it's new for me.
A woman with a career and ambition is usually not "needy" or "clingy" which is good. It means she is also independent and will often do her "own thing" with or without you, which may also be good or bad. She will also be attractive to other Alpha males.

BTW: Jennifer Aniston in Friends and that cutie on Bang Bang Theory are also waitresses. Waitresses are prime meat for male customers, especially if they work in a bar.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
I'm 3 times older than you and have yet to figure out how not to be an ass.

Oh, there you have it. Don't be an ass. Everything else is gonna work out fine.

IMHO, women are women. We should always respect them, cherish them and love them no matter what they do for living.

And, bitches are bitches no matter if they are escorts or the CEO in my office.


New member
Sep 25, 2006
So, I just got out of a long term on again off again relationship with a girl I've dated since High School (I'm 26). She's a great girl, but a bit of a bitch. We broke up due to the fact she has zero ambition and was living with me for free, and it just got to the point where enough was enough.

Anyway, I've met this new girl and she's the polar opposite. Owns a place, works hard, and is just overall a sweet girl. She knew my family was away from Ontario for this Thanksgiving, so she made me a wicked dinner and we spent it together and it was great.

Question, how do I deal with a nice girl like this? I'm used to bitches, have always dated bitches, so I know how to deal with 'em. But this girl is so sweet. Are there different ways to go about being with one? I know this sounds dumb, but I cannot act towards her as I would with previous gf's just due to them being the antithesis of one another.

Be respectful, be honest but be in control. Women (especially working women) like men who take charge.


New member
Mar 23, 2007
So, I just got out of a long term on again off again relationship with a girl I've dated since High School (I'm 26). She's a great girl, but a bit of a bitch. We broke up due to the fact she has zero ambition and was living with me for free, and it just got to the point where enough was enough.

Anyway, I've met this new girl and she's the polar opposite. Owns a place, works hard, and is just overall a sweet girl. She knew my family was away from Ontario for this Thanksgiving, so she made me a wicked dinner and we spent it together and it was great.

Question, how do I deal with a nice girl like this? I'm used to bitches, have always dated bitches, so I know how to deal with 'em. But this girl is so sweet. Are there different ways to go about being with one? I know this sounds dumb, but I cannot act towards her as I would with previous gf's just due to them being the antithesis of one another.

I'd take some time before making judgment on her man. Let her actions over the course of a few months demonstrate who she is, not what she says or does early in the relationship. Dating is all about good impression but it's a facade. In my opinion the facade of dating is why relationships fail (people aren't really that way).

Otherwise, as with most women, have some confidence, remember important days to her, randomly call or text her to say Hi & generally learn to think like a female does. What impresses a female is much different than what impresses a man.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
treat her the way you want to be treated and for no reason at random parts of the day just give her a hug. just walk up behind her, put your arms around her waist pull her close give her a kiss on the neck and say hi.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
The best Answer I have read !!!!
while i may be a bit fucked up in every other aspect, i was raised to treat women properly. raised by a single mother, small town boy with small town values.


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I really really hope that TH here is kidding.

In my experience, the best relationships I had with women were the ones in which I I took charge. No waffling, no "where do you want to go tonight, honey?", no "That's ok, we can just cuddle", no "We can watch whatever you want to watch." She may actually like it when you're a doormat, but like doesn't get you anywhere.

Respect does. So you have to earn her respect. That means saying "no" more often, that means saying, "We're going to such-and-such restaurant," saying, "I'd rather watch the game. If you wish to watch the movie, feel free to use the TV in the bedroom."

I know it sounds absurd and counter-intuitive but dammit it works.

The "nice guy" approach doesn't work most of the time


New member
Mar 23, 2007
A more cynical guy might question why someone is asking for women advice on a forum filled with divorced pooners LOL
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