Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
the rusty tromb said:
Hehehehehehe. How do you expect Ref to take you seriously when you rip off lines from The Rock? Something tells me the ladies don't respond very well to your WWE t shirt wardrobe. No wonder the only way you can dates is via internet dating sites.

Good luck on
After your mom tucked you into your bed last nite I was busy romping until the wee hours of the morning with my girlfriend from AM. As for my wardrobe, I'll be sure to use one of the T-shirts from my collection to wipe off my tool the next time I've finished banging one of my sweethearts.

You guys are the ones missing out. I could care less if you want to start hating on me cuz attractive women see my pics online, want to meet, then want to bang me. If you were able to do THAT, I'm sure you'd be typing your posts with two hands instead of just one.

Dont hate the player.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Scorpion King said:
After your mom tucked you into your bed last nite I was busy romping until the wee hours of the morning with my girlfriend from AM.
Mom jokes? Wow. You certainly are creative.By girlfriend do you mean your Rock posters and DVD`s?
Scorpion King said:
As for my wardrobe, I`ll be sure to use one of the T-shirts from my collection to wipe off my tool the next time I`ve finished banging one of my sweethearts.
By one of your sweethearts I guess you mean asian escorts you pay to have sex with you.

I guess things aren`t working out too well for you on the dating sites, eh.

Scorpion King said:
You guys are the ones missing out. I could care less if you want to start hating on me cuz attractive women see my pics online, want to meet, then want to bang me.
Of course they do. I mean, a guy who bangs hot women for free certainly wouldn`t be spending all of his WWE t shirt wardrobe money on duo`s with asian escorts, would he?

Scorpion King said:
If you were able to do THAT, I`m sure you`d be typing your posts with two hands instead of just one.

Umm, you used this insult in your last post.Time to go into your Rock archives and find a new insult.

Scorpion King said:
Dont hate the player.
Since when do "players" have to pay women to sleep with them?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
Here's a nonflame legit question. Why are some of you bashing the hobby on a site that is purely for hobbiests? If you don't condone or agree, why are you here?


Nov 24, 2004
Wit Jo Mama
the rusty tromb said:
For the comedy.
This is coming from the guy who said his mom was a sp.
I'm not sure if it was a joke or not but still.
I don't hobby anymore either, but I don't bash those who do.

Scorpion King

Feb 18, 2005
Planet of the Apes
the rusty tromb said:
I only make fun of those who are begging to be made fun of. In Scorpion King we have a guy who is begging to be made fun of.
Now I get it!! After reading a few of your other posts and seeing your confession about being bisexual it's beginning to make sense why you keep following me around with that dick pic of yours.

Why dont you just come out with it and ask me on a date??

Even though I would decline, it would probably be useful at this point if you just put your cards on the table so the rest of us can continue our discussion here if we so choose.

Here's another idea... why dont you try sucking your own dick and quit trying to jerk ME off????


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Scorpion King said:
Weak reply. For someone who's been a member here for so long I'm surprised by your immaturity. Are you THAT opposed to meeting women online that you feel a need to throw your limp jabs at The King?

Seems to me that your typing your posts with one hand.

When's the last time you had some pussy?
It is way too easy to be two steps ahead of someone like you Scorpion King. I almost feel sorry for you, but every once in a while I enjoy abusing a simpleton, please forgive me, but you really are an easy target.

In respect to your angst ridden queries - I type with both hands (but only use one to masturbate with) and the last time I had some pussy was three nights prior...The last time I paid was...never.

the rusty tromb

Webcam slut
Jan 28, 2002
Dale Gribble's van
Scorpion King said:
Why dont you just come out with it and ask me on a date??
Please, you're a grown man who gets all of his material from the WWE. Translation - I wouldn't fuck you with The Rock's dick.

Scorpion King said:
Even though I would decline, it would probably be useful at this point if you just put your cards on the table so the rest of us can continue our discussion here if we so choose.
Translation - So I can continue to lie, ahem, I mean brag, about how much pussy I get, while in reality, I have to pay asian escorts to fuck me.

Scorpion King said:
Here's another idea... why dont you try sucking your own dick and quit trying to jerk ME off????
Quit trying to jerk you off? Rocky groupie, it seems like you're already fantasizing about havng sex with me. Why is that? Are you ready to come out of the closet?

Lets see, your hero is a guy who you enjoy watching all oiled up in skimpy shorts wrestle with other half naked men. Yup, you're definitely a closet bi.

David Beckham 23

I'll bend it like........
Ref said:
For all of you guys who are looking for a wife/steady GF on-line, save yourself a bunch of trouble and stop now.

Take some courses on building self confidence instead (or seek help from a professional). The fact that you are hiding behind a "Cyber-Name" is only reinforcing your insecurity. These web-based love-matcher sites are only cashing in on your loneliness. The guys who own these sites are laughing at you!

My advice - Grow some balls and become a man. If you see a woman you are interested in at a store, on the subway, at a party, walking down the street, etc., then approach her in a friendly manner. Self confidence and a strong sense of security speak volumes on your behalf. If she's not interested, she'll let you know in a nice way. Take it as a sincere "thanks but no thanks" and move on.

This is the best advice I've heard on TERB ever!
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