La Villa Spa
Ashley Madison

Adorable Chloe.............not so adorable. Read on

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
It pains me to have to write this review but I feel I need to do so to warn my TERB bretheren about this SP. I had some business to attend to in Ottawa so I decided to book Adorable Chloe and make it a dual purpose trip. I noticed that her website was down but she still had an ad on Escorts-Canada
so I decided to contact her. She responded and said that she would be available for Tuesday evening and that I should feel free to call her so I did. She seemed quite pleasant on the phone with a cute girly voice. The rest of the correspondence was texts back and forth, some of which made me think twice about whether she was all there. I chalked it up more to scatterbrainedness.............hey I'm not hiring her for a stimulating conversation about 19th century English literature! So I made my way to her incall actually walked from my hotel which was a bit of a mistake since it was so damn humid. Called up knocked on door and she opened it. First impression was wow is she cute. Wearing her schoolgirl uniform I was like damn I've scored. Boy was I wrong. Here's where it gets bad.

So I mentioned to her nice place do you live here or just rent to see clients. Her response was "I didn't ask you personal questions". Um ok I was just making small talk. I asked to take a shower because I was sweaty from the walk and she said sure. Left donation on ledge in an envelope $420 for 90 minutes. Came out of shower and she was leaning over the arm of the couch (face to me) looking a bit incoherent. I apologized for the "personal" comment told her I was just making small chat. No real reply other than to say I'm too serious. So she offered me a bottle of water which I accepted and sat down beside her on the couch. So I say "so what do you do for fun" and she replied "I kill people and small animals". Normally I would say um ok but to see her expression it was a bit crazed like she was contemplating it. Made me very uncomfortable so I said you know what I'm going to leave as we clearly have a personality conflict thing going on.........and I value my life too much to risk it on pussy. I got dressed and offered her $50 for her time, she said its $140. I told her no and then she proceeds to block the door threatening to call a detective with Ottawa police. At this point she was very excitable and started dialing. For all I knew she could have been calling a pimp. So I decided to diffuse the situation and said ok have $140 I'd like to leave. "It's not about the money, you're not leaving until I get dressed and escort you out. Now come with me to my bedroom." I said no I'm leaving right now and went to open the door and she again blocked it. I didn't want to push her out of the way being a gentleman so I pulled out my phone and called 911........I think this startled her. Operator answers and I say I'm at such and such place and I'm trying to leave but the girl won't let me, she's physically restraining me. All the while Chloe is wailing "don't hurt me please don't hurt me, stop hitting me...."

I'm saying to operator that this girl is lying she's trying to grab my phone and I believe she punched me in the chest. I finally manage to push her away with one arm, phone in my other all the while talking to the 911 operator and got out of the apartment where she proceeds to chase me to elevator. I push button and she comes at me and tries to hoof me in the nuts. I managed to block the kick (thank god). Elevator opens and I jump in. 911 operator tells me cruiser is on the way to get out of building and wait for it. Cruiser arrives in about 3 minutes followed by 2 backups. Officers interview me asking how I know the girl I say I met her online. They asked through personals, I say no she's an escort and I hired her. I feel bad but I'm not going to lie to them. They were actually quite understanding. Gave them my side of the story they asked if I want to press charges and I said no I don't want to get involved. I'd rather that she get some help for her issues. As I was leaving they mentioned this wasn't the first incident they were called to with this girl.

Bottom line is I don't know what has happened to Chloe. Maybe the biz has messed with her head but she's clearly not well. I do recall her saying when I asked if she was retiring from escorting "I'm in a better place now". Somehow i don't think so. Guys beware, play safe and trust your gut when booking with an escort.
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New member
May 19, 2012
Wow, what a crazy story. I agree with CH, brave of you to call the police, things could have gone horribly wrong.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Whoa - What a crazy nightmare thing KD. Glad you got through it man.
This post should go in the Warnings category.


Mar 11, 2012
OMG, that's horrible! This is what no client should have to go through when they go and see a SP. What puzzles me is that I remember reading her reviews and they were very good. Her name was even mentioned in the thread regarding the most beautiful SP's/MA's. Hope she gets well.


Aug 3, 2003
Gee. I was thinking of seeing her as I saw some good review about her. Thanks so much for the story - you save me from all these grief.

the general

Active member
Oct 31, 2010
I have to say, I would expect that this is a two-sided story, and this is one side, I suspect the other is much different and the truth somewhere in-between. I would say that if this was repeated behaviour, we would have heard of this before. So, I would put a big caution on this side of the story. And we will likely never get the other side, but there have been many positive comments before.


$ Talks Bullshit Walks
Nov 27, 2002
yea. wow. sorry to hear of your troubles man. I agree calling the cops was the right thing to do.. though very brave.. fuck she's a loon.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
I've seen Chloe several times over the past few years although I haven't seen her in about a year now. I never had an experience remotely like this. However she does come across as spacey sometimes and claims she takes medication for epilepsy. One time she also admitted to being high on weed but heck, she certainly wasn't the only SP I met in that condition. I have also been completely stood up by her on occasion. I still see her every now and again because she is hot and when she was on she gave really good service.

There may be two sides to the story but this looks like a mental health issue. I've seen similar things in the past and all I can say is I hope she gets the help she needs. Things may either be declining for her or she may of had an issue with continuity of her medication (if she is already getting help).

Sorry to hear of your experience but I am very glad you shared it with us.


thx for sharing that, must have been terrifying for you to call the cops. Sorry you had to endure that but at least you got out ok.


Well-known member
Mar 20, 2004
I saw Chloe last month and found her friendly and accomodating. The initial greeting by the couch was similar to what you described. Nice chit-chat and made a good effort to please. The chemistry wasn't quite hot for me but overall a pleasant experience.

Sorry to hear things went so bad your way. Pretty scary if that's how it went down.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Wild story. I saw her years ago and had a fantastic time. She was accommodating, played safe with no other restrictions but I must say came across scatterbrained. Maybe her response to you was her idea of a joke and, being "too serious", you took it the wrong way and things spiralled out of control. You must be relieved you still have a set of balls left!:Eek: Further evidence that, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
You did good to call the police and the fact that they were understanding will help some of us do the same if the same situation occurs. A similar situation happened to me a long time ago with an MA but I was afraid to call the cops. I hope she will not harm anybody before getting some help. I was thinking about seeing her but not anymore.


New member
Jun 5, 2012
Always 2 sides to a story but in saying that I had an appointment with Chloe where the session went from being great to awkward when she seemed to become aggressive in her tone and not in a good way. I know looking into her eyes it didn't feel like she was there @ the moment. Things changed 5 minutes later and everything seemed fine the rest of the session. That moment has left me hesitant to see her again. I had seen Chloe 3 tines prior to this session and didn't have any issues during those sessions.
Sorry to hear what you wnet through, not an ideal situation. Good call on calling the police.
Mar 29, 2010
I wasnt going to post this but I emailed her a few weeks ago asking if she was available that day. She said only after 6pm and I responded and said oh ok I was looking for afternoon. She responded and said I can be available at 430 but I said its ok I was looking for around 2 to 230 I will try again. A few days later I emailed her again and said hi there just wondering if you are available today. She said yes I am here with a girlfriend come right now. I said oh really i dont think I can but just wondering how much you charge for a duo. She said its free just come right now. I said oh really I dont think I can leave work right now but thanks for the offer. She then wrote back saying see I knew you were all talk time waster. She then started spamming my inbox with repeated emails that just said time waster time waster. I thought maybe I just was out of line and didnt realize it and moved on but now that I see this above it makes perfect sense this chick is wacked.


Aug 22, 2003
i had saw her a couple times , the first time she was really trying hard just not a lot of Chemistry but she did try hard offered everything with no protection and I declined, this was a few years ago and she was wasted. I then heard she cleaned up her mess and was trying clean now so I saw her again and everything was safe and mechanical and there was a hygiene issue so that was the last time. Maybe she has fallen off the wagon. Just be very carefull
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