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"Adopt a tooth" program


Has been ;)
Nov 29, 2005
To the PROUD "father"...

gmuoo said:
NO QUESTION ASKED - after checking out all the adopted ones ... LOL ... and they love their adopted father too ..... all the others paled in comparison by far ...
You remind me of Stephen Colbert who is sooooooooo pround of "Junior", the baby eagle they named after him...LOL!!!

Lurker could argue that HIS canine could beat your IS!

Thanks for supporting the "cause" ;). Happy Birthday my friend!



Senior Member
Jan 21, 2004
Gmuoo -- one in a million

gmuoo said:
NO QUESTION ASKED - after checking out all the adopted ones ... LOL ... and they love their adopted father too ..... all the others paled in comparison by far ...

I already had a preview of what I may expect in the pics tonight .... can't wait to get my hands on my 3 pics (one donated to me by Bro Lurker of course) ....

If "Father Chad" gets a honourary adoption too, that means I will kindly accept his pic on his behalf too ... because he is retired!!! LOL!!! Now I am going to have 4 different lovely pics of Gab in May ..... :p

PS - Gab, please grant more honourary adoptions to anyone you know that has been retired .... I will gladly accept their prize on their behalf ... hahahahaha
gmuoo, with all your support for the sisters over the past year and half and for your continued respect for many of the ladies, I am more than pleased that you would have the pic of any honourary adopted tooth that the beautiful Gab would bestow upon me. For me, all I need to know is that my friends (the Luvxxx sisters and a few other ladies) are happy and safe!!!

As I know, all the ladies say you're a "keeper"!!!!!!!
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The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Chad said:
gmuoo, with all your support for the sisters over the past year and half and for your continued respect for many of the ladies, I am more than pleased that you would have the pic of any honourary adopted tooth that the beautiful Gab would bestow upon me. For me, all I need to know is that my friends (the Luvxxx sisters and a few other ladies) are happy and safe!!!

As I know, all the ladies say you're a "keeper"!!!!!!!
Ewww you 2 boys get a room! I'll take Gab... :D


May 17, 2005
"Grandfather Lurker" can keep dreaming .... LOL!!!

His canine is way too SHORT to be even noticeable ... my twin incisors are way more beautiful ....

I just checked all the Luv bite marks you engraved all over my body. The only Luv marks that are visible are from my twins ... hahahahaha ... LOL!!! All the other adopted and orphaned ones did not even make any impact at all ... that should tell you something about my twins ...

I have another silly idea now. I have some too and not just you ... LOL!!! Having seen your beautiful pics when you were 18 and in your early twenties, I want to trade you back 2 of my pics for one of those. Since I will have 4 new pics of you, I will settle for 2 new pics and 1 old pics of yours - hey good trade back deal!!!!

I love those cute baby fat on your face. You look much cuter with the baby fat. I guess mommy must be good to you back then getting you to drink your milk, cooking you nutritious food, and forcing you to bed early those days as opposed to whatever meals you are making for yourself now. I don't buy your theory that you tend to lose those fat as you age more - I wish that is true for me. My face is probably twice as wide now as my teenage days ....

Oh please!!! I must have one of those lovely pics!!!!! Really good tradeback deal, you know!!!! LOL .... but I am serious ... LOL!!!

PS - Since both Chad and Lurker have retired now, you should announce them as "Grandfather Chad" and 'Grandfather Lurker" in the future!!!! LOL!!!

BTW, that's 3 birthdays we have celebrated together .... don't you think there maybe a fourth one coming next year???? LOL!!!!

gabrielle_luvxxx said:
You remind me of Stephen Colbert who is sooooooooo pround of "Junior", the baby eagle they named after him...LOL!!!

Lurker could argue that HIS canine could beat your IS!

Thanks for supporting the "cause" ;). Happy Birthday my friend!

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The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Mr. Gmuoo your a nut. I saw Gab's pictures and fell in love all over again. But I like her look now is the best. She is somethin' no?

But really, if it means that much for you. You can have my picture too. I have my memories with the lovely sista Gabrielle. I prefer live over Memorex... But if she was SO gracious as to send me one, I would enlarge it and stick it on my wall...


Has been ;)
Nov 29, 2005
How to speak to a woman 101!

gmuoo said:
Having seen your beautiful pics when you were 18 and in your early twenties, I want to trade you back 2 of my pics for one of those.

I love those cute baby fat on your face. You look much cuter with the baby fat. I guess mommy must be good to you back then getting you to drink your milk, cooking you nutritious food, and forcing you to bed early those days as opposed to whatever meals you are making for yourself now. I don't buy your theory that you tend to lose those fat as you age more - I wish that is true for me. My face is probably twice as wide now as my teenage days ....
I look so much cuter when I was younger? Jee! Thanks a lot!

Now, I know there is the language barier factor here since English is a second language for both of us but COME ON! What are you saying bro? Quoi???

You don't buy MY theory on how I lost the baby fat on my face just by aging? Yes, I "invented" that "theory" (I wonder why we call it BABY fat though?)...LOL! Perhaps I should listen to your advice and eat more...I'm sure that the weight I would gain would go directly to my face!!! Boy Gmuoo, you must have had a very busy day at work because...YOU ARE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE!!!! If you are going to tell me that I looked better 10 years ago and that I should DO SOMETHING about it, at least say something logical bro! There is a solution to this aging "problem"'s called cosmetic surgery, injections, botox etc...

The truth my dear is that I might have looked "cuter" in my early twenties but I am now in my early thirties and I actually enjoy the way it feels AND looks to be in my early thirties...;)

And by the way, the point of getting the pictures when you adopted your teeth was so that you could look at your, you are NOT getting a picture of me when I was younger since your twins did not exist then...

BTW: How are your IMAGINARY luv bite marks doing?

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Has been ;)
Nov 29, 2005
The Lurker said:
Mr. Gmuoo your a nut. I saw Gab's pictures and fell in love all over again. But I like her look now is the best. She is somethin' no?

But really, if it means that much for you. You can have my picture too. I have my memories with the lovely sista Gabrielle. I prefer live over Memorex... But if she was SO gracious as to send me one, I would enlarge it and stick it on my wall...
I'll email you yours Lurk! xxx


May 17, 2005
Dear, how could my brain be possibly normal when I am looking at you and my TWINS ... LOL??? You were cuter then but you are prettier and more classy now :)

I still love the before and after of the twins ... LOL!!! Good night and enjoy the long weekend if you have one. I don't unfortunately as usual ....

gabrielle_luvxxx said:



Senior Member
Jan 21, 2004
Cute Vs. Beautiful

gabrielle_luvxxx said:
I look so much cuter when I was younger? Jee! Thanks a lot!

Now, I know there is the language barier factor here since English is a second language for both of us but COME ON! What are you saying bro? Quoi???

You don't buy MY theory on how I lost the baby fat on my face just by aging? Yes, I "invented" that "theory" (I wonder why we call it BABY fat though?)...LOL! Perhaps I should listen to your advice and eat more...I'm sure that the weight I would gain would go directly to my face!!! Boy Gmuoo, you must have had a very busy day at work because...YOU ARE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE!!!! If you are going to tell me that I looked better 10 years ago and that I should DO SOMETHING about it, at least say something logical bro! There is a solution to this aging "problem"'s called cosmetic surgery, injections, botox etc...

The truth my dear is that I might have looked "cuter" in my early twenties but I am now in my early thirties and I actually enjoy the way it feels AND looks to be in my early thirties...;)

And by the way, the point of getting the pictures when you adopted your teeth was so that you could look at your, you are NOT getting a picture of me when I was younger since your twins did not exist then...

BTW: How are your IMAGINARY luv bite marks doing?

You may have been cuter when younger, but what is here in the present is drop dead beautiful!!! and I can just visual the beautiful woman you will be in the years to come..... Keep it up!!!!


May 17, 2005
Yes, couldn't agree more ...

Gab (Silly), with adoption programs, people ALWAYS get a before and after pic each just to show the adopted parents or grandparents how much better or happier things are after the adoption to actually know you have silly enough "special friends" like me, Lurk, and others supporting your silly cause. It is LOGICAL. Actually very LOGICAL. Besides, I warned you that the 2-for-1 tradeback deal was a silly idea just like your silly "Adopt A Tooth" program - hey, sillier vs silly, what could be a better match. Nevertheless, you should reconsider citing how all other adoption programs work ... LOL!!!! Silly sis!!!

And i think you will get a whole lot more adoptions if you throw that into the prize too (... I can guarantee you that ... LOL) .... I will be perfectly happy just with a softcopy of your "cute, young, and baby fat" version ... :p

BTW, what is botox anyway????

Chad said:
You may have been cuter when younger, but what is here in the present is drop dead beautiful!!! and I can just visual the beautiful woman you will be in the years to come..... Keep it up!!!!


New member
Oct 12, 2004

gabrielle_luvxxx said:
Can someone with better English skills than me explain to poor Mr Gmuoo what BOTOX is? I'm too tired right now...LOL!!!
Sure this should clear it upfor him.

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances in the world. Though it is highly toxic, it is used in minute doses both to treat painful muscle spasms, and as a cosmetic treatment in some parts of the world. It is sold commercially under the brand names Botox and Dysport for this purpose.

See what these girls risk just to please us!!


Has been ;)
Nov 29, 2005
softtouch99 said:
Sure this should clear it upfor him.

Botulinum toxin is a neurotoxin protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances in the world. Though it is highly toxic, it is used in minute doses both to treat painful muscle spasms, and as a cosmetic treatment in some parts of the world. It is sold commercially under the brand names Botox and Dysport for this purpose.

See what these girls risk just to please us!!
Thanks Softtouch! Here is a simpler explaination (to make sure Gmuoo gets it lol!):

Apparently what Botox does is that it "paralyses" your face so that you don't have wrinkles...but then you are left with only one facial expression: Regardless of if you are happy or sad, you just look constantly

It's sounds scary but Gmuoo, I heard that Botox works better to diminish the look of wrinkles than foundation or blush! (Inside joke lol!)


May 17, 2005
Thanks ST99 and Gab, I did google it afterwards too myself.

Gab, you silly thing, you should not know that much about Botox. Must be a women thing that have to know about every option available about being more youthful and beautiful ... I would stay with the blush ... LOL!!! Is Nip Tuck one of your and Raph's favourite shows too??? LOL!!!

I hope that is not the same stuff they use to inject into a woman's lips to make it thicker???? Ewwww...

PS - And I see that my logic is making some sense into your brain now too ..... LOL!!! Hey, great tradeback deal :p

gabrielle_luvxxx said:
Thanks Softtouch! Here is a simpler explaination (to make sure Gmuoo gets it lol!):

Apparently what Botox does is that it "paralyses" your face so that you don't have wrinkles...but then you are left with only one facial expression: Regardless of if you are happy or sad, you just look constantly

It's sounds scary but Gmuoo, I heard that Botox works better to diminish the look of wrinkles than foundation or blush! (Inside joke lol!)
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