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Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Fake news & FAUX go together like Karl Rove & turd blossoms!....:eek:


Jun 6, 2009
Let's see, maybe it has something to do with the fact that Fox doesn't get a dime of taxpayer money to operate. It actually makes money from advertisers and having the highest viewer ratings of any cable channel.
We've already uncovered this fallacy in another thread sometime back when Gayass went off on this. The reason FOX has such high viewership is because the disciplines of Limbaugh and company have only one channel to watch that share their views. Where as there is more than one channel for the factions of the political spectrum to watch and glean their news.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
We've already uncovered this fallacy in another thread sometime back when Gayass went off on this. The reason FOX has such high viewership is because the disciplines of Limbaugh and company have only one channel to watch that share their views. Where as there is more than one channel for the factions of the political spectrum to watch and glean their news.
I stated a fact but it wasn't even central to my argument so I don't see the point of your post. But there's no fallacy there it has by far the highest ratings of any cable news network.
CNN and MSNBC combined were 1 full percentage point behind Fox News during the week of Jan 18-24, 2010.

And a poll done by Public Policy Polling (btw a Democratic polling firm) showed that Fox News had the most fair and balanced reporting.

Need more?
The average Fox household viewer earns $62,000 per year (the same as MSNBC) and far higher than CNN $47,000. Must be uneducated right? WRONG
Gee look at the top knowledgeable news audiences - they are all conservatives. Weekly Standard, Rush Limbaugh, O'Relly all boast the most knowledgeable news audiences. As far as Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are concerned, MSNBC boasts the least informed regular viewer with 23% high knowledge, Fox News has 28% high knowledge and CNN has 31% high knowledge. % of viewers with college degrees MSNBC 31%, CNN 28% and FNC 23%. The only reason Fox is lower here is they typically have an older audience than the other two cable news networks.

Kinda pokes holes in Peckrwood's theory that the majority of Fox News viewers are uneducated lemmings of the religious right doesn't it. Not surprising, leftist loons like he and you continue to distort the truth and facts when in fact the truth really hurts your position.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
the highest viewer ratings of any cable channel.
We've already uncovered this fallacy in another thread sometime back when Gayass went off on this. The reason FOX has such high viewership is because the disciplines of Limbaugh and company have only one channel to watch that share their views. Where as there is more than one channel for the factions of the political spectrum to watch and glean their news.
You misuse the term fallacy. K Douglas states that it has the highest ratings of any of the Cable News channels which is in fact a correct statement.

As for the hundreds of left leaning news channels splitting the market into such small fractions that Fox News is able to have the greatest market share, there are in fact but three: MSNBC, CNN and CNN-Headline.

That there are many more cable and satellite channels is comparing apples to oranges. The target audiences of Animal Planet are different from those of the Food Channel.


Jun 6, 2009
You misuse the term fallacy. K Douglas states that it has the highest ratings of any of the Cable News channels which is in fact a correct statement.

As for the hundreds of left leaning news channels splitting the market into such small fractions that Fox News is able to have the greatest market share, there are in fact but three: MSNBC, CNN and CNN-Headline
I'm not able to find the quote mentioning 100s of channels, but go ahead.

The fallacy comes from the intension to make FOX sound like the voice of the majority of American by saying it has more viewers than anyone else. It's the assumption/statement that is the falsehood.


Jun 6, 2009
I stated a fact but it wasn't even central to my argument so I don't see the point of your post. But there's no fallacy there it has by far the highest ratings of any cable news network.
CNN and MSNBC combined were 1 full percentage point behind Fox News during the week of Jan 18-24, 2010.

And a poll done by Public Policy Polling (btw a Democratic polling firm) showed that Fox News had the most fair and balanced reporting.

Need more?
The average Fox household viewer earns $62,000 per year (the same as MSNBC) and far higher than CNN $47,000. Must be uneducated right? WRONG
Gee look at the top knowledgeable news audiences - they are all conservatives. Weekly Standard, Rush Limbaugh, O'Relly all boast the most knowledgeable news audiences. As far as Fox News, CNN and MSNBC are concerned, MSNBC boasts the least informed regular viewer with 23% high knowledge, Fox News has 28% high knowledge and CNN has 31% high knowledge. % of viewers with college degrees MSNBC 31%, CNN 28% and FNC 23%. The only reason Fox is lower here is they typically have an older audience than the other two cable news networks.

Kinda pokes holes in Peckrwood's theory that the majority of Fox News viewers are uneducated lemmings of the religious right doesn't it. Not surprising, leftist loons like he and you continue to distort the truth and facts when in fact the truth really hurts your position.
I'd love to see how the questions in the poll was put; how many were 2 part, 3 part, 5 part questions. It really does make a difference. Ah, 3 part question mostly. So it either/or, very American.

The average income for FOX being higher means what? That richer folks watch FOX or that fewer poor watch it. Averages are funny that way.

As far as college degree viewers are concerned, we already saw how dumb 14,0000 California college students were, when it came to basic Civics, in a past thread. In a word, DUMB.

As far as watching Rush and company. maybe that's more a function that conservatives have nothing better to do than sit and listen to that drivel, while others are actually out doing something useful. I'm just sayin'.

the fact that the polling was done by a Dem firm show simply that they'll publish results even when they show unfavourable results.
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