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Acid reflux or GERD...


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Anyone else here suffer from GERD?


Still not 100% sure that is what I have, but in April I was diagnosed with acid reflux as I had some bad chest pains associated with what ever I ate and drank with real scary heart palpitations and irregular heart rate. Anyway, I have not been able to drink alcohol, not even in small amounts without it giving me problems. Since April after my ER visit, I have cheated twice and drank Guinness beer twice and both times I had issues with my heart.

Now that the holidays are quickly approaching, I want to have a few alcoholic beverages with my friends and family during this X-Mas festive season. However, I am in great fear drinking even one glass of wine or a bottle of beer will give me problems again. :(

Other GERD sufferers here, are you able to drink alcohol at all, or are moderate amounts alright with your body? How are you all dealing with this medical condition?

Been really pissed I've been drinking the "rich man's" bottled water at bars and clubs for 7 months. It's just criminal paying $9 dollars including my tip for a bottled water at the Brass Rail because of my medical condition.


Jun 6, 2009
You're able to to drink (define drink though) and eat spicy food, but depending how bad your case is, you'll pay. I've had in the past for a long period and it eventually went away, but I was reminded of it often during it's stay. It can also hide a gall bladder problem so don't guess. Neither is life threaten but you could pay a price down the road. go see a professional.


Active member
Nov 19, 2004
toronto and us
Even OTC ranitidine or Pepcid helps, or antacid
I took those before a date, hate it when my stomach burns while I am doing eg 69


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I feel your pain (no joke) as I'm in the same boat. I carry Pepcid Complete as I find it works quickly to kill the pain. This lets me do a bit of social drinking.

My doc did have me on a drug for it for a bit - Prevacid I think it was - but I found it gave me discomfort at the other end of the digestion path and elected to go with the Pepcid instead.

But I would recommend talking with your doctor about it... make sure it's not symptomatic of some other problem and/or maybe have a drug you can take.


New member
Sep 15, 2006
First off I am not a doctor and this advice is just my personal experience of how to deal with gerd. Until you know for sure it is gerd, assume it is a heart attack.

It is possible to get things back to normal, but you will have to dramatically change your diet.

1. First thing is raise the head end of your bed 4 to 6 inches. Don't use pillows to prop up your head, it wont work. I have my bed elevated at the head board with paving stones. This will give your stomach valve some releaf at night and prevent you from lurching awake which actually gives you a muscle strain in your neck and chest.

2. Diet , dont eat late at night. Make sure you have dinner at least 3 hours before bed, no late night pizza or wings after pounding back a few!

No coffee ever, no peanut butter, nothing with mint not even tooth paste. Mint is a muscle relaxant and loosens the stomach valve. Chocolate is also a muscle relaxant, so no chocolate. Ideally drink nothing carbonated. Avoid spicy foods until you get your stomach back in shape, and even then only occasionally.

Lastly, take your antacids prior to your meal. Once the heartburn starts is too late. Also take them prior to sleeping.

Ok, how to have a few drinks and not feel like crap.

1. People don't know how to pour beer in Canada! There is three times the amount of gas as there is liquid in a bottle of beer. It is MEANT to be Poured with a large head to discharge all of the gas. Start by tipping the bottle completely upside down filling the glass half way, the head should take up the rest of the glass even over flowing a bit. Once it settles you can gently pour the rest of the bottle into the glass.

If you drink from the bottle, all that gas is in your gut pushing up on your valve. It also bloats you preventing you from drinking more! Don't buy draft because the bartenders don't have a clue how to pour it properly.

If you drink liquor try rye and ginger.

My advice is to get it under control before you try drinking, but the above tips worked for me. I don't take any antacids now other than the odd TUMS.

Hope that helps
Last edited:


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Excellent advice! I would also add that if you are not in shape, getting in shape will also help provide relief. (I'm still working on this myself.... I need an exercise plan that doesn't require me to do anything - lol)


Sep 4, 2008
hey Spacewalker and others,

I've had GERD for 1 year now and it has really messed me up. I hope some of you can help me understand some things and hopefully I can share my experience with you guys to help you as well. It stared a year ago where went to the ER because i was having problems breathing, my chest was burning and i felt like I was having a heart attack. I was dignosed with GERD. I was put on a anti acid medication called Tecta. For about a month I was eating and drinking properly. After that, i started to eat fast food, chocolates, chips and starting drinking and still took my medication everyday for about 6 months. I felt fine doing this, but it all caught up with me and one night it got really bad and i went to the ER. Now I thought should start eating better and stay away from all the food that causes GERD to really mess up my system, It has been 5 months since then and I still get alot of heartburn and the worst thing is that my chest gets really tight and I get shortness of breath, this is all with eating and drinking properly. My chest gets tight especially when I am driving. I got a scope done, the doctor said everything looks pretty good and put me on prevacid. As far as my chest goes, does anyone if this is part of GERD or something else because the specialist told me that my chest has nothing to do with GERD. The past five months has been hell, I dont know what to do anymore, any suggestions would be greatly appriecated. So spacewalker, my suggestion to you would be stay clear of all foods and drinks that causes you discomfort, start eating healthy foods and stay away from drinking beer and liquor. I wish I had started eating and drinking properly after I first found out i had GERD. Any thoughts would be appreicated. Thanks


Jun 6, 2009
Man...how old are you guys?
I'm not sure what that has to do with it. I had my one and only ulcer in high school and learned my lesson. Then had GERD in my early 40's, a long time ago. At this point in my life I eat all sorts of food and except for the time of day for my last meal, I don't need to worry about what I eat.


Active member
Nov 19, 2004
toronto and us
It scared me, --did not go to ER though-- started 2-3 yrs ago as chect discomfort.

But the 4 dollars (no HST) bottle of generic Walmart (us) Ranitidine(2 tablets ata time ) and antacid does the job.
Sometimes a glass of milk as well


New member
Sep 15, 2006
Milk turns to acid.... Don't drink milk if you have problems with reflux. If you need some temporary relief eat a freezy or a Popsicle.

Reflux and gerd can give you anxiety attacks. Many doctors mis diagnose the symptoms and prescribe anti panic meds.

Raise the bed asap, get your diet in order, loose the gut if you have one and you will feel like a million bucks.

To replace coffee try a green apple in the morning and green tea. Green apples give you a sugar rush and green tea has caffeine and an ingredient that calms your nerves.

Age has little to do with it, however ED meds also force blood to the stomach valve which will give you heartburn. So I guess older guys on the blue pill may start to see symptoms of reflux more often.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
hey Spacewalker and others,

I've had GERD for 1 year now and it has really messed me up. I hope some of you can help me understand some things and hopefully I can share my experience with you guys to help you as well. It stared a year ago where went to the ER because i was having problems breathing, my chest was burning and i felt like I was having a heart attack. I was dignosed with GERD. I was put on a anti acid medication called Tecta. For about a month I was eating and drinking properly. After that, i started to eat fast food, chocolates, chips and starting drinking and still took my medication everyday for about 6 months. I felt fine doing this, but it all caught up with me and one night it got really bad and i went to the ER. Now I thought should start eating better and stay away from all the food that causes GERD to really mess up my system, It has been 5 months since then and I still get alot of heartburn and the worst thing is that my chest gets really tight and I get shortness of breath, this is all with eating and drinking properly. My chest gets tight especially when I am driving. I got a scope done, the doctor said everything looks pretty good and put me on prevacid. As far as my chest goes, does anyone if this is part of GERD or something else because the specialist told me that my chest has nothing to do with GERD. The past five months has been hell, I dont know what to do anymore, any suggestions would be greatly appriecated. So spacewalker, my suggestion to you would be stay clear of all foods and drinks that causes you discomfort, start eating healthy foods and stay away from drinking beer and liquor. I wish I had started eating and drinking properly after I first found out i had GERD. Any thoughts would be appreicated. Thanks

First off I am not a doctor and this advice is just my personal experience of how to deal with gerd. Until you know for sure it is gerd, assume it is a heart attack.
Heart attack was exactly what I was concerned about that first day I went to see the walk-in clinic doctor. He ran some tests on me including an EKG and immediately told me to get myself to the ER in a hospital instead of the walk-in clinic because the EKG showed some concerns. After my initial ER visit, the entire months of April, May and June I pretty much couldn't eat anything without it giving me some type of "heart scare". It was not until sometime in May one doctor diagnosed me with GERD. However, as I mentioned earlier I'm still not 100% that is what I have.

Since I turned 40 earlier this year, I have been plagued with one medical problem after another. Really not my year! :( Just last week I had a colonoscopy and have found myself a very good doctor (gastroenterologist) and will get another diagnosis as to whether I have GERD or not from this specialist. I didn't have this doctor back in April when this "GERD" problem first started happening. Anyway, once I have my follow-up with my gastroenterologist after last week's procedure, I will direct my GERD medical concerns upon my next visit.

Started this thread earlier today because for months, I've been a pretty good boy when it came to eating and drinking and trying to live a healthier lifestyle. However, I got a bit of another scare today after only one cup of tea which caused some anxiety for me concerning my heart again.

I may sound like a recovering alcoholic just craving a drink, but for years I've always been just a social drinker (age 16 to 40) . Usually maybe 2 or 3 drinks at a social engagement or a night out which is probably only once a week. Was thinking of the holiday festivities and really started missing my alcohol. As I mentioned in my first post I've only cheated twice since April and both times I paid for it.

BTW, thanks for everyone who gave their insight on this medical condition. Also, I can't take stuff like Gaviscon because it is magnesium based and bad for my kidney stones problem. Plus, my prescription drug Prevacid is very expensive. Sorry for my Friday night rant! LOL


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Don't have GERD but do get the occasional bout of heartburn, maybe once every few months. I am fortunate that pepto bismol normally takes care of it. When it is really bad though, I have some Pantoprazole. Its an acid blocker - stops the stomach from producing acid. One pill brings almost instant relief (well, within a few hours), so if I get real bad "heartburn" I take the panto for 3-4 days. Ask your doctor about it.


New member
Sep 15, 2006
If you are worried about your heart insist on a complete stess test. If they won't do it pay for one at a private clinic.

If you have done everything I suggested in the diet and still have the problem you need to raise the head end of you bed 4 to 6 inches. No floor is level, your bed may already be inclined at the foot board which will exsaperate the problem.
I can't stress enough how important this is!

I used prevacid for a year until I got my gerd under control. Once it was under control I switched to Zantac (or a no name equivalent). ten years later I don't need anything. Prevacid is an acid blocker, but it also blocks a lot of other things. For example I burned my hand slightly while on prevacid and the scar never healed. No issues once I stopped taking it.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I have suffered with GERD for over 10 years. It was diagnosed after I had my first gall bladder attack. Since then I have been on prescription medication and have to really watch my diet - no spicy foods for me anymore. I agree with Rubmeister, it is a serious condition that warrants medical attention. To treat with just OTC medication is not a wise thing to do.


Sep 4, 2008
Hey rubmeister

You need to clear your PM box. No I am under weight, I am 6 foot 2 and weigh 140 pounds. Thanks.


Active member
Dec 9, 2003
If the "heartburn you feel is caused by too much acid in your stomach, then I have an easy suggestion for you.

Go to a health food store that carries the NOW brand of supplements and get a bottle of Super Enzyme. This is an ox bile based supplement that helps the stomach break down fats.

My SO takes it after every meal and that enables her to eat a lot of food she could not before. She had a gall bladder removed years ago which makes it harder for the body to process fats. The Ox Bile replaces that and has completely taken away her symptoms.

I don;t know if this is a good solution for you or not, but for a $25 bottle of these supplements, it certainly won;t hurt you and may help.

Good luck
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