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A Visitors Guide to MPs and SPs in the UK


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix

Well I figured that this thread needed an update since my last trip as there were many topics that I did not have the time to cover as my first hand experience with one visit was more or less a primer. Given that I have a few visits planned over the coming year I thought that I would plan out who I would see and where I would visit during my stays. I did the same with my first trip covering a few different areas in regards to hobbying but these trips are focusing on other aspects. During my recent trip I focused on the following:

1) I would review a variety of Asian SPs focusing on Indy’s as opposed to Agency.
2) I would check out the overnight scene.
3) I would try to review more East Indians (and some variety to cover the remainder).
4) I would review a few threesomes
5) I would take a look at a variety of websites promoting SPs from both a North American and UK viewpoint.
6) Other Review Boards

At present #1 to #4 have been mostly covered by the reviews that I have posted in the Incall section with the one exception of the single outcall, however to note all the SPs I have covered do both. I will reflect on all five points below with #5 containing the least verbiage due to the reviews having website content already. #6 lists Other Review Boards and makes some general comments.

The Asian Scene

The major difference when you look at what is offered is that the SPs in the UK are better in terms of looks and service than what we have here. Here we have to go through a bunch of B&S ads to determine what is real and then after that the service levels are always in question, in the UK that type of false advertising is almost non-existent, that is not to say that it doesn’t exist but the rate is much lower and they tend to B&S about nationality more than looks and service.

You will find a predominance of South Asian SPs mainly from Singapore, Malaysian and Thailand in the mix of Chinese (mainly mainland and some Hong Kong), the odd Japanese (some real most pretend) and the odd few from Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia.

The average cost for an hour Incall is GBP150 and Outcall is GBP 200, from there you may have to pay an extra GBP 50 for A-Level (Anal) services but many include it within the cost, especially if you are booking for multiple hours or an overnight.

The Psuedo-Japanese phenomenon as I call it within my reviews was a pet project to see how many truly were and those that provide a service type that is similar. You may call it B&S similar to what we have here, I don’t have a problem with it, but my notes on the subject are within the reviews.

The variety is simply amazing as displayed by the various websites that are available. I have listed some websites within my reviews, but I will list some below as examples for now but the Website section of Part 2 is dedicated more to that subject.
This is a London based Asian agency that currently has 65 ladies working for them in which they have 4 Duo combinations. This agency has gone by a few names/weblink addresses in the past but always has a solid stable of ladies.
I used this agency during my previous visit and found them to be similar to many others that I have encountered. They have loads of ladies that don’t charge extra for Anal and are within the price range that is acceptable. What I really like about this agency is that they provide this short videos of some of their ladies and also access to reviews, which makes it better than the first example listed.

I am listing it here for a reason and to prove a point. Maylo, who I reviewed is listed this site but she is also an Independent, now look at Selina does she look familiar, well if you answered that she looks like Sammi from Asian Selection then you would be correct.

Note: Many of these ladies work at different agencies, including the Indys.

I did a review on an SP named Janny who I found on Eros first, during my research I found that this Indy advertises all over the place and works for at least 2 other agency and uses different names and charges different rates.
Here is the website for Sammi (aka Selena @ A1 Asians). There really is nothing that separates this agency from the others but is listed as a source.
This is the agency where Janny mentioned above works under the alias of Yoko. You will notice the same wide assortment of Asians but this agency also has a few EE in their stable, so it can be slightly misleading. If you look closely you will find the same pictures of ladies working elsewhere. Asian Agency with loads of women
Okay check out “Amy – The Garnet”, they gives the ladies a name and a stone, it’s our old friend Sammi/Selena who I pointed out before. You will find a few others as well but this agency is similar to the others except it has more Duo combinations and a couple of TSs as well. list of Asians
This site used to list a whole bunch of Asians, more than the others but is no longer in its previous working capacity. It would have been nice to see the sheer number but alas some things have to come to an end until you pay the bills. Asian Agency
This agency is all over the place in what they provide … Asians, Europeans, TS, etc. but the variety of Asians is better than some of the others as they have some Koreans and Philipinos as well. Do you notice Patricia and Melanee, well they are really Patricia and Emma @ Escorts In The City from my Hungarian threesome review and they charge GBP 400/hr which is GBP 100 more than what I paid, shows you that it pays to look around.

I have covered more than the handful I would have liked to but I wanted to get a few points across to the readers that I felt were important. There are many other websites devoted to Asians or have a few on staff but I can’t get to them all. I cover more websites in the Website section which has more links than you can weed through with search functions and categories which make it easier.

contd ...


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
The Overnight Scene

When I did my research here it had to be lots of reading and searching as trying out overnight tends to get expensive. I limited myself to five and decided on a maximum of GBP 1000 per overnight. Those reviews are posted now, four Asians and one EI to add to the EI I reviewed on my last visit, would like to do more but it does get expensive.

As I researched the various Indy’s and Agency’s I noticed that there was a range that was developing from GBP 600 to 2000+ and I looked for any reason for the disparity but I found none. The 600+ range had more in the way of Indy’s going for them, when I got to the 1000+ range I still saw a few Indy’s but the Agencies were taking over now and dominated for the upper ranges. The upper ranges were reserved for the high class escorts with the Maxim looks, mainly EE types with great bodies but I can’t comment on the service level.

The East Indian Scene

I have made two trips and have reviewed my adventures and provided comments about each. I did visit Indian Palace this time around but the there was a screw up with my appointment and with them being busy I decided to pass and check out others instead.

East Indians do cover a broad range, whether being born in India or the UK or elsewhere, being from Pakistan or Bangladesh, being half Indian and the other European, etc. there is variety to be found that is being labelled East Indian. This is similar to Chinese and Koreans being called Japanese which I touched upon previously. I have not encountered any West Indians like we have here so that B&S problem is not present.

The Threesome/Duo Scene

There are three important factors to note about a threesome, the first is being Interactive, the second is price and the last is service levels. I made some notes in my reviews but I thought that I would touch upon selection.

The first has been covered in detail and basically means that you want to not only book two girls who are Bi but also that they work together in a manner that shows to you the client that they are into each other and you at the same time. Reviews are the best source but reader beware of shills, I get into this on the Other Review Boards section.

The second is price. You are going to find that most of the duo’s listed are from Agency websites and the prices are listed for solo and duo. The cost of the duo should be equal to the combined cost but preferably they should be lower for the duo. Price is also a factor in regards to service levels.

The third and last for now is the service levels, this is to say that you should pick a duo with both ladies having compatible service levels. Having one who DFKs and the other who doesn’t especially with you is not something to choose when there are many that that will and do like crazy. DATY and A-Levels (Anal) are two other factor to consider in that you would like to do both Anal if possible but there is so much more as you would like both to enjoy ass play as well and rimming may come into play for all parties including DATY by both ladies. This ties back to the interactive and price factors above.

There are many other minor points that I can cover but I believe that these are the groundwork in regards to decision making.

Websites of the UK

I covered a few of the Asian Agency websites as a primer as to what to expect but here is where I go into more detail. I will start with the websites that we as north Americans are accustomed too and then I will cover some of the websites that UK punters use.

Websites for the North American:

Most of you are familiar with CityVibe and Eros and for many it is there first look into the world of UK SPs. There is only one link for CV but you will find two links for Eros to deal with London and the other to deal with the rest of the UK. I left Redzone and a few others out because they are small fish.

The best thing about both these sites is that they provide a whole load of Agency websites which is overwhelming and time consuming to the individual reader. You could spend hours upon hours going over every site that is listed and they change constantly.

The Agency’s that advertise on CV and Eros are doing so because they want to cater to the punters across the pond. They are fully aware what we have to offer now they are trying to get our money or their share of it if they can. Let me tell you something, if you do a little more research beyond CV and Eros it will be worth your while as the UK has it’s own websites dedicated to finding what you want from the not only the visitor perspective but from the resident side as well.

Websites for the UK Resident and European:

I am just going to list them and provide commentary on each:
This is a Mega site which covers both Indy’s and Agency’s in the London area. There is too much to list that is offered from this site and I found it to be a useful resource.
This is another Mega site similar to Cherrygilrs but this one covers the UK. There are also links to Europe and USA at the top.
This is a worldwide list that covers UK, USA, Canada, Europe and the rest of the world.
Another Mega site with lots to offer and UK only. There is also a Forum that you may want to check out.
This is a WorldWide escort directory, enough said.

There are many more of these Mega Sites around but a handful sites the purpose. I will now list a few of the Agency website that I came across that you can browse through to see what is offered besides Asian: EE Agency Agency Variety Agency Various price levels Agency – Hot Girls Agency - mostly EE but some Ebony as well Agency - BLONDES lots of them !!! Agency Agency Agency Agency $$$$$ hot girls $$$ More EE girls (for Bugsy)

Other Review Boards and Reviews in General

Like many review boards of the past and present there is always a tendency for reviews to go unchallenged depending on the format. For example Punter has come under scrutiny for being a haven for shills as many Agencies are vying for the consumers money and many a client don’t mind getting a freebie in exchange for a review and the SP gives them above average service levels. This is something that we have to live with and it is the reason why you don’t trust the review board but tend to trust the reviewer based on your own judgement. Remember it is not the number of reviews it is the track record.

Reviews that are linked to Agency websites should always be taken with a grain of salt, whether they be internally generated by a client or with a link to another review board. Indy websites that have links to reviews on Review boards should be taken with the same grain.

I already had Punter down as a source for reviews but I am going to add a few others.


Yes, I am listing this site but with a word of caution given past events. You can search by choosing “London” under the City drop down menu.

Know Punter

This is a relatively new site that those who are sick of the Punter Shills have gone to. Lets see how it turns out is my attitude for now so that is why I have included it here.

In closing ... I hoped you enjoyed this latest installment and by chance benefit from the information provided. No this is not the end as on my next trip I will plan out something else to benefit and enlighten the members.

VBB :cool:


Jan 17, 2004
Great idea VBB. Unfortunately the exchange rate between the GMP and CAD is somewhat prohibitive for most of us mere working stiffs. I go back home to the UK to visit family and friends from time to time. If I didn't have friends or family to stay with, they're no way I could afford a hotel room each night. As you're well aware, the Brits spend a GBP the same as we spend a CAD. IE: In the UK a lottery ticket costs 1GBP, in Ontario a lottery ticket costs 1 CAD. The same equation can be applied to most commodities, including hotel rooms, food, etc. I've read a few of your UK posts and it would appear than a decent SP charges in the neighbourhood of 200 GBP/hour. The current rate of exchange is approx. 2 to 1. Therefore, an SP would cost 400 CAD/hour. That price, my friend, is way out of my reach. Having said that, I enjoyed reading your reviews, you certainly got around the lovely country. Good on ya, mate.


Active member
Dec 22, 2003
Back in the 6ix
Great idea VBB. Unfortunately the exchange rate between the GBP and CAD is somewhat prohibitive for most of us mere working stiffs.
Thanks for the feedback and you opinion is a valued one, however I would like to point out a few things. You are correct, disposable income varies among the members so I try to present a series of reviews that represent that range if I can. I suggest you check out my first set of reviews as I presented some values for those on a tighter budget. I am planning a lower cost solution to the UK but that requires more research but it is coming in a later installment.

I go back home to the UK to visit family and friends from time to time. If I didn't have friends or family to stay with, they're no way I could afford a hotel room each night.
I said earlier that I am not a flight agent but I believe that you can get Air and hotel for around $1000 CAD for a week at a 4 star hotel in London (Ex. )

Flights are cheap but they nail you with the taxes and fees which in some cases cost more than the actual flight. Zoom airlines is quite good.

Of course, if you are going on business your company will cover the costs or you can expense most of it.

As you're well aware, the Brits spend a GBP the same as we spend a CAD. IE: In the UK a lottery ticket costs 1GBP, in Ontario a lottery ticket costs 1 CAD. The same equation can be applied to most commodities, including hotel rooms, food, etc.
Lottery ticket is a bad example, do the math, but your basket of goods on average do tend to cost more. The food example is probably the best but they vary like most places but are higher on average still.

I've read a few of your UK posts and it would appear than a decent SP charges in the neighbourhood of 200 GBP/hour. The current rate of exchange is approx. 2 to 1. Therefore, an SP would cost 400 CAD/hour. That price, my friend, is way out of my reach.
I don't expect everyone to be able to afford an SP who charges in the GBP 200/hour range, I even consider that amount to be quite high for what we get here. Most here scream if they are over CAD 200/hr and yell even louder when they see higher rates, I am well aware of that fact given our own Sexy Violet’s high semi-pro pornstar rates double every so often (sorry dear but I needed an example).

I reviewed quite a few Asians in the GBP 150/hour range that are value when compared to here. Look at the prices that the comparables charge and you will see that many fall within a close range. The agencies like TAG, TOG, TIA all charge CAD 250+ and they don't even come close in regards to looks and service levels. I listed many who provide Anal as part of the GBP150 and a few that charge a GBP50 premium but I have gotten value for my money whereas I have been ripped off by many of the agencies here that provide substandard service for an inflated price.

By comparison Sugar, Daphne and Tina Kissubaby are the only ones that compare to what I have experienced in the UK. Only Tina charges CAD $200/hour $800/overnight and you need luck to bok her because she is in demand. Sugar charges $250/hr and Daphne $260/hr for a GFE and $340/hr for PSE which is more inline with the regular levels that these girls do.

Daphne – also note that she is a VIP !!!

These are hard to book SPs because they provide a level of service above and beyond what most of us have been accustomed to. In the UK that level runs rampant.

Remember Guin from the UK who came over here and charged CAD $250/hr … every guy was trying to book her and she is average when she comes back home. The variety there blows Tdot away in terms of looks and service.

You should note that if you do a price comparison of Multiple hour/overnights that you would be surprised to find out that it is a deal compared to almost all the Agencies here as they tend to give you a very small discount for a 10-12 hour booking of a regular CAD $200+ /hr SP and many times a small discount or none on a multi hour. The Independents vary in their pricing structure but you are going to find that many who charge in the CAD$300/hr range the overnight tends to range around CAD$2000 and up.

Yes, there are many an SP who do charge an exorbitant rate in the UK but there are also some value to be had in the MPs and SPs … you just have to do the research. The bottomline is that I have found value for my $$$ at many levels in the UK and there are many more avenues that I have to search through.

Having said that, I enjoyed reading your reviews, you certainly got around the lovely country. Good on ya, mate.
Thanks again. I hope you don’t take my points as being harsh, that is not my intention, as they are trying to point out a realisation that many don’t seem to grasp and a misconception that seems to permeate this board.

I understand it being out of your reach but I have others who PM me with requests who can afford it. It’s hard enough trying to please one Terbite when you have a whole army in the background.

Have a Happy Holidays !!!

Post Note:

In other news ...

It's our old friend Sammi/Selina/Amy the Garnet - that is 4 different agencies so far.

VBB :cool:
Last edited:
Flights are cheap but they nail you with the taxes and fees which in some cases cost more than the actual flight. Zoom airlines is quite good.
In addition to Zoom, another option is


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Actually when I was making withdrawals using my bank card, I got a 2.00 dead on exchange rate.

One thing to note is that some hotels (like the one I was staying in) are still using the old rotatory telephone service. Some calls to the Asian SP's didn't go through (, maybe I wasn't dialing properly?

My laptop and cell phone was virtually dead over there, and wish I had a voltage converter (this will be another thread to ask).

Love the food over there.

Heathrow airport security only allows one piece of bag, where as in US and Canada airports allow one hang bag + laptop briefcase. They expect you to insert your laptop briefcase inside your hand bag (which is not possible for me at least). This rule cost me 75 GBP extra, which is normally tolerated at other airports. Go figure. Not happy with that.
Big chain hotels generally more up-to-date, website should list their amendities. Althought LHR Renaissance could use a renov but 45GBP/night for 4.5 stars who would complain. True, handy to have own converter for laptops at airport.

Screener rule change with secruity bulletins & selective terminals w/less hassle. If in doubt follow U.S. biz-traveller, to avoid a scene screener less likely to challenge Yankee flyers. Don't stand behind groups or targeted individuals likely to be screened. To avoid racial profile complains, they screen passenges near such individual - impression they're not profiling. I was searched on 2 occassions for the vary reason. Screeners appologized repeatedly, hinted at the targeted group/individual in my queue so 'to be fair'. Screeners & their supervisor asked early on knowing I was early for my flight & if I mind being searched. I was flying AA during the bomb threat, screened 3 times for that flight, the razor accidently left in my carry-on made it thru the x-ray & all.

My LF the bag lady goes thru no hassle but in the priority check-in screening area. Guess you pay for it with the increased fare or flyer miles. Gatwick (that Zoom airline flies out of) & Standsted are cakewalk compare to LHR.

P.S. Kumi has a cute face.
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