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A SP's SO seeing another SP or MPA


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Brigitte said:

For the last 2+ years, although we've had the freedom to see other people, we've chosen to remain faithful to one another.
Neither one of us WANTED a monogamous relationship, it just kind of merged into one.

What I didn't mention earlier (in retrospect, I might've gotten a different response if I had) was that my decision to become a SP was more for pleasurable reasons then they were for monetary reasons.

Well....this additional information changes everything. You basically cheated on him and tossed it in his face.

If you were not happy you should had ended it with him before you started fucking other guys to satisfy your need.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
here's my take.

I like to know what "open relationship" means?

a couple ( single/married) will date other people with no sex.
a copule ( single/married) will date other people with full sex.

To me, crossing the line on sex is when both couples are seeing or looking at each other naked/nude. With lights on or off.

furthermore please use the following words with as they are meant:


Monogyny: pratice or state of having one wife at a time
monogynous; monogamy; monogamist
in botany : a of a flower, having one pistil

Polyandrous: having more than one husband at a one time ;
-in botany having numerous stamens

Polyamy: practice or condition of having more than one wife at the same time

Narcisism : excessive absorption in one's own personal comfort, importance - self-love
narcisist; narcissistic

so if in a monogynous relationship a person wouldn't be screwing another person right?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
Brigitte said:
A few weeks ago, I decided to become a SP. He was fully aware of my decision to enter the biz. We discussed minute details of the work. (Services provided, safety standards, precautions, risks, etc.) and he was always supportive, caring and understanding.
How is this cheating Scubadoo? It seems to me they may need to re-evaluate the situation, but no one has been dishonest.


New member
Sep 17, 2003
Re: Relationships

Anya said:

But I have to ask - how does he know all those details about what you do with your clients? (like squirting) Do you really come home from an appointment and give him all the gory details, and expect that he'll still be cool with it?

I totally understand the impulse, I mean one of the most difficult things about this profession is that you seldom have anyone to really confide in. But honestly, how do you expect him to deal with it when it sounds like you're rubbing his nose in it? You say this is just a practical solution for you to deal with your sex drive being more than his - are you sure you're not punishing him for it?

He knows all of the details because he asks. He asks me what I did with each client, whether or not they were attached, how much they paid and what they do for a living to be able to afford it and get the free time.

Because this is so new to us, he's curious and didn't realize that this could be an actual BUSINESS. He's a marketing guy, he thinks of things like "making sure I'm advertising to the right demographic" and "aiming for my target audience". It's as if he's split between the guy who wants to make sure that I make as much as possible and the jealous guy who realizes what I have to do.


New member
Sep 17, 2003
Holy shit!

Who needs a shrink when you have Terb?!

After reading all of your (rather informative) posts, I've decided that I've been acting like somewhat of a child. If I'm going to see clients, it's only fair that he visit SP's.

We've discussed it and have decided that we love each other and don't want things to end. We've been through a lot together and have helped each other through some pretty rough spots. Reverting back to friendship seems like the wrong thing to do.

*I'm going to continue working as a SP
*he's going to see SP's. (tall blondes and oriental women only)
*We're going to begin looking for a bi female to join us for 3sums
*We're going to begin experimenting with couples like we've always wanted to.
*He's going to start sleeping with me more often

I'm hoping that this will solve some of our problems.

He's a wonderful man and I truly appreciate how honest, attentive and caring he is with me. My only fault with him has been the infrequency of lovemaking. It's amazing when it does happen, I guess I just wish it happened more often.


New member
Sep 17, 2003
On that note and I know that this is going to sound pretty weird. does anyone know of any good CLEAN SP's with the following criteria?:

*A tall and fit blonde (the younger the better) with a pretty face, not too much makeup and at least a (real) D cup. Preferably someone a little submissive

*An Oriental female (not westernized?) with a pretty face, not too much makeup and at least a (real) c cup. Someone who gives really great massages

If they have websites that would be great (god, this is so weird)


New member
Jun 25, 2003
In the Doghouse again!
I hope I'm wrong!

Gut feeling is that Brigitte will find a new love/client that will replace the old, and "old faihfull""will get turned out to pasture. Such is the way of experimental love.
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