A Social Disgrace!!! Men Beware.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001

I agree with the old maxim you quoted. (I like the magazine too, but that's another story...)

My point is that when a child is involved, IMO his/her welfare is more important than the father's feelings...

That said, it would be nice if the CAS and the police were perfect. They obviously fucked up big time in this decision.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
CAS and woman

A woman at my church was accused of the same thing by her ex husband and CAS riped there lives apart and even when it was deemed that the accusation might have been fabricated there was no penalties against the Husband who apearantly believe his Daughter. She admitted to lying because she wanted to live full time with dad. I said might because they never believe the girls admission of lying they figure she felt guilty.

I know we need to protect the children but we need a better system or experts that can get the truth from the children.

It cost her and her family 75K in legal fees and appearantly its still not cleared up.


Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
You are all very kind for responding.

This is an interesting read:


This is an emotional issue from both sides. Interesting that there are more negative comments about the CAS, the very institute that is supposed to protect our children. It would appear on the surface that the CAS is lazy in their investigating or put another way, it is easier to charge and let the Chips fall where they may!

But we are talking about peoples lives here! If you destrot the fathers life, what F***ing benefit is it to his kids? He can't very well support them financially or emotionally if he is bankrupt!

This leads to suicide and unfortunately murder in extreme cases. Sad, sad, sad!

I hope that in the future people can learn to resolve their issues in a civilized manner without the crutch of Government agencies to fall back on!

Have an awesome weekend people!

Chivas Regal, keep Smilin'
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New member
Jan 1, 2003
Chivas Regal said:

But we are talking about peoples lives here! If you destrot the fathers life, what F***ing benefit is it to his kids? He can't very well support them financially or emotionally if he is bankrupt!

Bottom line is that nobody cares about the father. The attitude is that he is a man, he can take care of himself, and so what if he is bankrupt.



Feb 5, 2002
Re: Alan Gold

Kostobi said:
this lawyer will handle your case....
Excellent lawyer, from what I hear, but he is another CRIMINAL lawyer. Very different from civil litigation. Problem is, no civil litigator will take on a case like this without a lot of $$$ up front. They tend not to be the publicity hounds that crim lawyers are.


New member
Jan 1, 2003
From that article that Chivas posted:

"we are very concerned about the Bill's gender neutrality, especially given the anti-woman climate of the courts"

Anti-woman climate of the courts??? This Pamela Cross must be kidding. Or lying, or both.

And, she admits right off the bat to being concerned about gender-neutral rules. I guess gender-neutrality (i.e. FAIRNESS) is a bad thing.

These women are just scared of losing their free ride and standing up on their own 2 feet.

Interesting that she talks about "gendered-reality" of families:

This week there was an article in the Globe about how women had attained only 12% or 14% (can't remember which exactly) of executive positions in business. Well, maybe that percentage would be higher if more of them would stop riding the gravy train.

Sorry to rant but had to say this.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Close, but no cigar.

The real reason more women don't make it to senior management is because they are caring for their families. When their older parents need care they are usually the ones to do this. Also, have you noticed the Senior management type female, she really isn't the sort to have her own steriotypical family scenario at home.

I dated a very senior and powerful woman once, and in all honesty her feminine side left a lot to be desired. They are not that attractive out side of the office. More male like than most men prefer. These types can take care of themselves.

No like most things in government and in this article particularly is that she has generalized ALL groups. I will be the first to admit that there are dead beat dads, but there are also a few women that fit the bill.

There needs to be a mediator involved right beside the case worker. Someone that is not BIASED by the social implications of the case. A jack of all trades so to speak. Lets face it, if both sets of Grandparents were in the room when settlements were arrived at, the out come would be a lot different. In all honesty I have a real problem with the Government at ANY level telling me how to live my live!



Jan 21, 2002
CAS they are a problem

God knows I would never defend the CAS, but in my experience with them, one of the major problem with each one is that they are understaffed, under funded and there is a high turnover of workers (the case workers are usually young girls just out of college who were raised in middle to upper middle class backgrounds who are out to save the world)
This leads to not enough time for the case worker to investigate and when the court documents are filed, no matter how negligently and ill informed, the CAS is inclined to stay with their original position just to justify their initial position. They don't have the resourses to do what they are supposed to do, ie keep families together and to provide adequate support systems to keep them together.
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