A rant, and some news

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
*steps up to the microphone, taps it*

*feedback is heard*

Morning everyone.

I've called this thread to make a few observations. Recently, it has come to my attention that people are taking the review boards way too farking seriously. I may have been one of the offenders, but I'm stopping now.

When personal information about board members is posted on other boards, circulated by email and spraypainted on the side of the SkyDome, no wait the Rogers Centre (I may have made this last part up), not only do I get nervous but I think that ... this just isn't fun anymore.

*a murmuring is heard in the crowd*

As such, I have tendered my resignation as a Moderator to Fred Zed this morning. I don't wish to wield any power on this board anymore. I don't wish to have my comments on this or other boards mis-interpreted as TERB's official position or policy. Quite frankly, I want to be a regular asshat poster again.

*someone throws a rotten tomato*

*ducking* Let me reassure you that this is not because of any difference in philosophy between Fred Zed and myself. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Fred and the moderators here ALL do their level best to be fair to everyone who posts on the board. Perhaps we seem overly strong-armed at times, but most of the time it is because we are trying to be fair to everyone.

I think a lot of people don't realize just what a pain in the ass it is to be a moderator of a board of the size and subject as TERB. The he said/she said allegations, the demands from people wanting such-and-such deleted because blahblahblah require us to have the wisdom of Solomon sometimes. Sometimes we may not make the best decision, but we do try our best.

Perhaps a lot of people don't realize that we do all of this work unpaid and in our spare time. Yes, we're volunteers. We receive no remuneration whatsoever. Hell, we aren't even allowed to accept freebies (sorry to those that don't believe that, but it's a simple fact).

The board isn't fun for me because I've got to be "good". I want my freedom back. Lately I've been posting more on some other boards and it's liberating. But if I post something someone doesn't necessarily like, it is suddenly a black mark on TERB because apparently I speak for TERB. Shouldn't be that way, but it is.

So, the bottom line is this: as of tomorrow, I won't be a moderator on TERB anymore. This is still my favourite review board, and philosophically the best in Toronto in my opinion. I'm still going to post. I may get warned, I may get banned. I don't care. I'm going to be me.

And that's all that matters.

Thank you very much.

*walks away from podium while people start yelling questions/throwing fruit*


I wonder if this might mean the return of the funny Goober


Friendly Arrogant Bastard
Dec 25, 2002
Downtown TO
Any patronage?

It is traditional in our country, and even in our neighbour to the south, for departing politicians to go wild with patronage appointments just before they retire. Are you planning to pardon (un-ban) anyone before you leave "office"?

On the flip side, will there be a wild banning spree before you hand back the gauntlet (or condom) orf power?

Do you still like pie?

Personally, I hope that we will still get to read your input on these pages.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Goober, I was always loyal to you! It was the others that made spurious comments about you. Fangster and YYC were the ring leaders. Even if I did make nasty comments about you they were only made so YYC and Fangster would think I was part of the Junta. Check out the Fangster's hands for red paint residue. I'm sure I saw him recently in the vicinity of the CN tower with a spray paint can in his hand. ;)

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
re- post my post

Yeah....hugs and kisses for parting as a Mod *** I hope I don't make myself sick with this**

Will the real Goober please stand up tomorrow. **this should be good..I'm figuring he will be banned before the day is out**

Send my love to your mom how is she taking the news of you quitting ** Like I give a fark**

Well tah tah for now I'll be looking for you tomorrow when you are just a regular terbite. ** I feel sorry for Fred he now has to deal with the mother all asshats tomorrow**

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
zog said:
It is traditional in our country, and even in our neighbour to the south, for departing politicians to go wild with patronage appointments just before they retire. Are you planning to pardon (un-ban) anyone before you leave "office"?

On the flip side, will there be a wild banning spree before you hand back the gauntlet (or condom) orf power?

Do you still like pie?

Personally, I hope that we will still get to read your input on these pages.

auto doctor: I'll tell you what I think of you tomorrow. If you aren't banned by then. See above.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
I know where my bread is buttered

Fark you Goober. I always thought you were an asshat. Sheik, on the other hand, is such a wonderful person that words fail me. :p



A long, long time ago I can still remember how banning people used to make me smile
and I knew if I had my chance I d take those freebies for a little while
but February made me shiver with every banning I delivered
bad news to Fred the man
I could not take one more ban
I cant remember if I cried when I told Fred I was fried
but something is broken inside
the day a mod died

Bye bye Mod McFly
Drove Alien's Chevy to the Levy
But the humour was too dry
an the good ole mods were getting frisky and and eating pie
singing this will be the day that goober the mod dies

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
eyeofthedragon said:
A long, long time ago I can still remember how banning people used to make me smile
and I knew if I had my chance I d take those freebies for a little while
but February made me shiver with every banning I delivered
bad news to Fred the man
I could not take one more ban
I cant remember if I cried when I told Fred I was fried
but something is broken inside
the day a mod died

Bye bye Mod McFly
Drove Alien's Chevy to the Levy
But the humour was too dry
an the good ole mods were getting frisky and and eating pie
singing this will be the day that goober the mod dies

Don't worry if you need the Googer ....All I have to do is rattle my MCfly

wrong hole

May 4, 2003
25 malbury lane
Goober Mcfly said:
So, the bottom line is this: as of tomorrow, I won't be a moderator on TERB anymore.

Since you are not a Mod anymore......I can finally speak my mind

"Goober....you sir are an elephant head"


Lucifer's Assistant
Nov 26, 2003
Hell. Where Else?

Just FYI, whenever I need a laugh because some asshat is being a prick in the office I will head to TERB and search the posts for some funny remark made by you. Even the "unfunny" goob was good enough for me to crack a smile.

I am sorry to hear that the power of moderating this unruly mob was unfulfiling and that you missed the opportunity to say what you really felt.

I do hope that you will NOT leave us and that you will still post as frequently, if not more than you have in the past. Because quite frankly YYC just thinks he's funny.

Best of luck,



Goober. What can really be said?

I've actually enjoyed my last two days "with" you more than I've enjoyed any other period on this board except for when Bobbi and Leo were degrading me in the most pleasurable of ways imaginable. I've noticed lately how serious things have been getting elseewhere (Iraq, for example) and I completely understand how upset you could be by developments both here and elsewhere (the survivors of the Tsunamis, for example, have nothing on the pain you've been having). I hope that by all getting along and working together we can all realize that this life is a short one and that we are all here for a good time, not a long time (gratuitious references to bad rock song lyrics made for CanCon purposes only). So let's all look toward the future and remember that Westmount small-town is merely an Oxymoron.

P.S. Great Bear already has his resume in to Fred to replace you so I'd disregard everything he says as mere puffery in support of a job application.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Well, fuck superquad, I'm not leaving. I'm just giving up my responsibility and ethics. Or some such thing.

See, I want to be free to call Cardinal Fang a festering herpetic vaginal blood fart licker without the inevitable PM's stating that that type of comment is uncalled for from a moderator, or the questions asking if that's TERB's official position. Which it is, by the way.
Toronto Escorts