My plan has worked,men love mystery. You will never know who I am, so I guess I'm the worst advertiser out their. Maby you'll meet me but I highly doubt it. See you later, have a good one.
brownteddy said:I'm very happy that you guys found a classy woman someone to respect in this bussiness. The girls that can do the things she should do well. I find I do better when I can make a guy feel like he is the most imporant person and no one else matters, at that time they are with me they are the most imporant man around.This is why I do well!! Imust say I respect here you men talk highly of her, I am very impresed.
You fargin icehole bastage! Do you have any idea how much therapy it took to get Star Jones & "can i play with your pee-pee" out of my mind? Next thing the French Canadian granny with the blue hair & the "wanna have some fun dances" will pop in to say hi. I hope you're wrong, but i gotta run off & book my therapist again just to overcome the shudders.calloway said:Rogie... do you know who I'm talking about? She moved from the Dollhouse to the Shiatsu MP on the second floor at Queen and Charles. Ladies and gentlemen...I think the mystery has been solved.
very very very interesting this review is so different than the others (spelling and grammnar) is amazing what spell check (or another person perhaps??) can do if they are the one typing the reviews for you....brownteddy said:You have already met me you don't remember me. but you are warming up to me. Sometimes you get men wondering about you when you can't see them. Our paths should met again this time pay more attention to me and I will make you happy.