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A few reviews from the past couple of years...


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I've accumulated a few reviews over the past couple of years and it's time I shared - many thanks to the already numerous reviews here that helped me choose wisely. It's only when I ventured away from the sage advise that I was left wanting more - my fault. Use this information as you please and of course with a grain of salt aka YMMV.

In no particular order:

1) Sophia Kiss - her ads are 100% accurate along with her pictures. She's a tall readhead with legs that go on for ever. She was one of my first SP experiences and I'm glad is was since she was good at calming me down and making it an enjoyable experience. I spent a full hour with her (mostly I'm a half-hour appointment maker) and it was good to have the extra time. She didn't watch the clock and I went over by at least 15 minutes and THEN she offered up her shower and a bottle of water. She adds professionalism to the hobby. Everything was safe and very enjoyable. She specifically asked me how I wanted her to dress and when I entered the room, my jaw almost hit the floor. Cost 180/hr Likelihood to repeat 9/10

2) Mish - her ads are 100% accurate along with her pictures. She's the opposite, a short brunette. I like variety. Mish is simply a fuck-machine. I've only ever had one other SP that took it harder than her (see #3). She literally told me to give it to her as hard as possible. I happily oblidged. She has a deep resevoir of sexual energy which made this session particularly enjoyable. Again, she asked me how I wanted her to dress - a nice touch. Mish's menu is more full GFE but I choose not to partake for personal reasons. I almost broke my own rules with her... Cost 180/hr Likelihood to repeat 8/10

3) Naughty Nicole - OMG - this woman can F%^&. I was literally in pain (the good kind) when I hobbled out of her place. I was so fully sated that I had an ear to ear grin for a week following our session. Multiple positions, multiple shots, multiple... you get the idea. Her pictures do not do her justice - she's way hotter in person. She was wearing a simple red dress with black heels when I entered the room - it only took 2 minutes before both were on the floor and we were already at it. Nicole has a very extensive menu - again I choose not to fully partake but it was there for the taking. Cost 160/hr Likelihood to repeat 10/10

4) Shauna Sha - another stunner with accurate ads and pictures. I saw her for the first time on one of the coldest nights of this part winter and when I walked into her room, I was already over heating. She has my definition of the perfect body (height, weight, proportions) so I was in heaven. My first comment to her was about the extreme cold and when I was rubbing my hands to warm them up, she grabbed them and placed them on her ass to warm them up - she's that kind of lady. Another GFE provider that has earned her reputation for a solid provider. Cost 120/hhr Likelihood to repeat 10/10

5) Cindy Asian - she's not 25 - nowhere close. More like 45. It doesn't matter though - other than the tell-tale signs of having a child, she has a nice body with very tight man-mades that end with the largest and most erects nipples I have seen. She doesn't let you suck them for too long - too bad, they're yummy. Her sessions are scripted almost down to the minute but I like being told what to do sometimes. I prefer to see her first thing in the morning where she's much more into it. I'm sure I got her to climax twice the last time I saw her since her eyes were rolling back in her head and she was so into it that she didn't mind me sucking on her nipples. I'm attracted to asian women so she does it for me when I have the craving. Cost 100/hhr Likelihood to repeat 8/10

6) Sierra - ISIS - accurate ads but with vague pictures. It's definitely her in the pictures but you don't get a full sense of what she looks like until you see her in person. She looks older than she says but her body agrees with the age. This is a very tiny women. I was afraid I was going to break her, but she is a beast that took it very well. Her oral was very short and somewhat lacking but her other skills made up for it. I had her in positions I didn't know existed. I had a very enjoyable sessions with her. Cost $120/hhr Likelihood to repeat 7/10

7) Minaj - another OMG. She is a spinner and a very hot one at that. I was pleasantly surprised at how good this woman looks. I don't normally kiss Sps but in her case I made an exception. I literally felt like I was her boyfriend. She has a very tight and hot body. The combination of her height and proportions meant that she was able to assume some very kinky positions. I gave it to her so hard we literally broke the bed. My only beef with her is that she's so hard to track down. When her ads come up (sporadically), I'm never able to get through to reach her. I would love to repeat but haven't been able to. Cost $120/hhr Likelihood to repeat 11/10 Minaj - if you see this, please PM me so that we can schedule another session... please... I suppose this review won't help the situation... Hmmm.

8) Korina - the polish hottie that I posted about was using fake pictures. After that post, I decided based on a couple of reviews that I would like to see her. It's a good thing I did. She was very hot! The pictures were a close approximation of what she looks like except that she's shorter than the pictures led you to believe. It didn't really matter. She has huge man-mades and the rest of her voluptuous body was tight! I normally need a few good minutes of stimulation before I'm ready to drop a load but with her I had to stop after a couple of minutes to prevent a premature shot. She also smelled amazing. Her accent also did it for me. The entire combination was intoxicating. I felt really bad that I had posted that she was using fake pictures and told her about it but she said it didn't really matter so I didn't make any further comments in the post. She's one of the only ladies where I was able to have 2 shots in under half and hour and then a third one in the last half-hour. I'm sad that she is no longer in the area but my wallet's ok with it. Cost $180/hr likelihood to repeat 10/10 if I could find her again.

9) Michelle (Native) - I'm going to be very diplomatic about this one and say very little. First session a couple of years ago was great, a more recent session was a dissapointment Cost $100/hhr.

10) Lisa (German cutie) - she's very cute and looks very young, but that's where the good words stop. I'ver never had a woman be so much like a dead fish in bed. It was painful - literally. I asked her to get up into cowgirl and she layed down on top and didn't support a single lb of her weight. It was terrible. I finally lifted her up and off of my hips to where I could get some kind of rythym going - it was no use. It was like she was purposefully working against me. It's too bad since she is a very striking lady. Cost $120/hr Likelihood to repeat 5/10 (she was hot and I would ask her just for mish)

11) Lina (Polish 25yo) - her ads are not fully accurate about her size and her pictures are deceiving. I don't mind women of any size so this is nothing against that but please be honest in your ads. She is also much older than 25 - I would say more like 35. Again honestly is prefered. Regardless, she had good oral technique and worked it hard in a few different positions. Conversation flowed easy and overall I had a good time. Cost $100/hhr likelihood to repeat 5/10

12) Tia (Young black barbie) - her ads are accurate and her pictures are too. She's very slim and knows how to handle her body very well. This was my first time with a black lady (sorry for the terminology) and it was a very good experience. She's cute, young and took it very well. She was dressed in some very provocative lingerie that also enhanced the experience. The only downside was the location - the dreaded Knights Inn. I almost cancelled when I found out where it was but I did a drive by and it was a particulary quiet night so I decided to go for it. Cost $100/hhr Likelihood to repeat 7/10

13) Miel (Mila, French) - Very cute, very slim and very fun. I had an amazing session with her one very early morning. I think she was surprised to hear from me so early (I prefer morning sessions) so it took her a little longer to prepare but it was worth it. My only beef was the leg stubble. Other than that she had amazing skills at oral and in various positions. She had a great energy about her that kept me intrigued the entire session. She's in and out of town so you have to catch her when she's here. Cost $100/hhr, Likelihood to repeat 8/10

14) Mia - the oral specialist according to her ads. I don't fully agree but I suppose it's a YMMV type of situation . I don't partake in bbbj so that might be why she wasn't fully into it. Even so, her pictures are somewhat misleading since she doens't look as young as her pictures and they don't fully capture what she looks like. Once I got past the initial dismay at being somehwat misled, we had a very nice session. She works slow and sensual which at the time was what I needed. Her place was a bit of a mess which also threw a bit of a wrench into the plans where she spent a couple of minutes cleaning up prior to our session. Cost $100/hhr, Likelihood to repeat 5/10.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Wow! Your memory must be special to recall all your SP experiences of the last 2 years. Did you take notes during or after? (j/j) LOL


New member
Aug 15, 2007
10) Lisa (German cutie)
i was about to write a review about this girl. that is her- dead fish. she is also clock watcher. the damage to me was 100/hh. for that kind of service and attitude, 60 is enough, right just for mish.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I find all of Hankaarons reviews to be very well written and of his experience!! Maybe he does remember every session....It shows much respect on this side of the spectrum..and?? if he took notes..Kudos to him!!.
It's reviews like this that make me feel like...someone is actually and honestly respecting the Sp's out there!!
I am not writing this because I am listed in it...I am writing it because, I feel this review, should be defended because it obviously took alot of time, and lack of forgetfulness.
I read each review, and it feels like I was in the room. I know alot of the above mentioned, and I see the honesty in his reviews, knowing them as a fellow SP and as being a women!
So.....I give you a standing ovation!!!! And a above and beyond award for taking the time to write it, of course knowing someone would chime in...(and more to cum, no doubt)....I , and if the only matter....appreciate your review!!
Happy hobbying...and remember...If you are having a bad day(anyone out there..)..fawk an Sp today!!! good or bad??? you can always post on TERB!!!
xoxoxo...Vash-t-Vay!!! ;)
Last edited:


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Back of Beyond
Wow, excellent post - very helpful. Saves a lot of time that would be needed to search for each girl individually. I now have an even longer TDL to spend my meagre discretionary funds on.

We should all take notes from Hank's methods. My limited experience with Sps would produce a much shorter commentary but I imagine some of you gents could fill a page! ;)

Well done.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Futurelegend, i love the clip of that girl you have in your sig. Her tits look all natural and great. Whoever she is, she has a great body!


New member
May 21, 2011
I had the pleasure to see Nicole on tuesday and the donation for me still was $160.00. unless she has diferent donation for diferent Guys.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Lol - thanks all. The only notes I took were mental. Perhaps I may post updates annually :)

Thanks Shauna - you're a class act (and a smoking hottie too).

These encounters represent a bucket list of sorts for me (tall, short, spinner, voluptuous, blonde, brunette, euro, spanish, asian, caucasian, etc, etc) so the reviews won't be as numerous going forward. I only have a couple more on my TDL - I'm trying to slowly ween myself off of this very expensive hobby. I've already given up two other hobbies to fund it- ACK!


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Thanks for taking the time to compile this list of your experiences!! I wish all the reviews on here were written as well and as concisely as yours. Do yourself a favour before "retiring" and plan a visit with Victoria and Sharla (if you haven't already). Two of KW's finest without a doubt....


New member
Mar 28, 2011
Lol - thanks all. The only notes I took were mental. Perhaps I may post updates annually :)

Thanks Shauna - you're a class act (and a smoking hottie too).

These encounters represent a bucket list of sorts for me (tall, short, spinner, voluptuous, blonde, brunette, euro, spanish, asian, caucasian, etc, etc) so the reviews won't be as numerous going forward. I only have a couple more on my TDL - I'm trying to slowly ween myself off of this very expensive hobby. I've already given up two other hobbies to fund it- ACK!
Your Welcome Hun.........I say it how I see it!!!! Best of luck to you in your weening process!!!!xoxoxo


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Ok, I have a few more to add. Three months this time for those keeping track :)

15) Helena Pleasures... The pleasure was all mine I'm sure. This is one very sexy and very classy lady. We spent about 10 minutes on her couch getting acquainted while I got very acquainted with her voluptuous goodness. She was dressed as I had requested and I had a hard time looking her in the eye while attempting not to stare down her top to her wonder-globes, and a little lower down to her wonder-legs... And that sexy perfume. Hmmm... We moved things into the bedroom where the goodness continued. Yum, yum and more yum. Use your imagination - we likely did it... Damage $200/hr. Likelihood to repeat 10/10

16) Khandi Khaos. Another wow. Tall, leggy, sexy and dressed to the nines. She made me feel like the centre of the universe. All activities were aimed and pleasing me. Unbelievable. I wasn't a huge fan of using only text to book (I much prefer a call to speak to the woman on the other side) and then the couple of minutes I had to wait outside knocking on her door before she opened it (I almost turned around and walked away to avoid the attention I was likely drawing), but once the door opened and the dog was tamed, I was glad I stayed. Her oral skill is amongst the best I've ever experienced and then when doing the nasty, she is very skilled at keeping the momentum and rhythm. Damage: $120/hhr. Likelihood to repeat 9/10

17) Nevaeh. Hmmm - this one is a little bitter sweet. I finally tracked her down and setup an appointment at her new location but the place was a mess and the dog was annoying. She on the other hand was a little firecracker that I thoroughly enjoyed. If she were more organized and professional about the whole deal, her phone would not stop ringing. As much as I would enjoy another session with her, she would have to clean up the location before I would repeat. Damage $100/hhr, Likelihood to repeat 3/10 until she fixes the location and arrangements.

18) Alysha Myst. I must not have seen the same lady as all of the other reviews since I didn't enjoy our session at all. I dont' like talking bad about people but I was bombarded with bad breath (and to a lesser degree other odors). I'm sorry Alysha if you are reading this - I mean absolutely no disrespect but I'm being 100% honest here. I go to the nth degree to make sure I'm 100% free of all noxious odors spending at least 2-3 times longer than normal brushing, flossing, water-pik and them make sure I've got mints, etc, so that there are no such occurences. It was very hard for me to enjoy when I could barely get into it. In retrospect, perhaps I should have paused the session and requested a shower. I'm not sure. I'm stating what I experienced. I finally got into things in doggie where I wasn't affected as much and finished off the deed. Damange $120/hhr, Likelihood to repeat 0/10.

19) Emma from Secret Encounters. I wanted a session with Nicole but she wasn't taking clients and steered me to Emma. I did a quick online pic check and said yes before reading other reviews. My fault. I was greeted by a tall leggy blond at the door and things were looking promising but once we got to the bedroom, she left just as quickly for a few minutes. When she came back, she was in a hurry to cover me up and spend about what seemed like 20-30 seconds on CBJ. Then out the door she went again for another few minutes and then after coming back, climbed up top and went for CG. Obviously I wasn't into it so that wasn't going to happen as she expected so she used her hand and lube to "wake" me up again and then continued on her quest to climb up to CG. I finally allowed it and she rode on top for a few minutes but of course I was totally turned off at this point. I then asked to switch to doggie. Once there, I closed my eyes and turned my thoughts to my previous session with Nicole so that I could get aroused. That was the ticket for me. After finishing round one, off she was again out the door and after a few minutes returned. I would estimate she was in the room about 7 minutes in total out of the 20ish that I was there. Unbelievable and unacceptable. Damage $120. Likelihood to repeat - 0/10.

I have only 2 more to go on my TDL before I finally kick this bucket.
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