I'd like to add that as a former agency girl and a current Indy girl, we often do take a minimum half hour break- we need to clean up, shower, re-do our make up, and mentally prep for our next companion.
It takes a lot of emotional energy.
It does drive the industry down, and it really does contribute to exploitation and skeezyness.
Lingerie, lube, several sizes of condoms, sex-toys,hair, nails, and make-up and shos are expensive; those are the expenses of an agency girl- plus the percentage to the agency and condo rental fee.
An Indy has ads, a website, a new phone, and/or new phone number or pay-for-app to pay for. Hours of answering calls, texts, and emails from their personal email, along with terb and cerb account to go through. Then there are the costs that come from lingerie, hair, nails, make-up, and shoes. Not to mention the cost of condoms, lube, sex-toys, massage chairs, and rent for our office space.
On top of all these fees for the girls, come the expense of living. Which includes rent ( additional if Indy), food, clothes, education, savings, pet expenses, lessons (for a hobby), hygiene/self-care. The list goes on and on. How about the 600$ needed within six months to get HPV vaccinated? How about taking time off if you want to get tested, and refrain from working until you know you are in the clear?
For those complaining about the fees; look at our expenses to even do this. Then add our living expenses. God forbid an underground, socially unacceptable, dangerous profession pays high and puts money in our pockets.
From what I've seen, here are the things that are grossly overestimated: How many clients we see in a night/ day. How much we make. How easy this job is. How 'infrequently' we get tested. How often we preform poorly.
Here is what has been grossly underestimated: The expenses that go into being an escort, and to be considered quality. How physically and emotionally exhausting it can be (especially if you charge really low and need to see as many people as possible to make ends meet.) How little clients, not Sp's, get tested. How many time-wasters we deal with. How many harassers we deal with (pimps, other girls, bad clients, immature boys). How many incredibly rude people we deal with.
Place yourself in our shoes, even without those expenses, would you do this for 100$ an hour? If yes, would you do this for 100$ an hour WITH all the expenses listed above? Are you also cognizant that you are not guaranteed an hour, or even more of work per day? This that doesn't happen to 'good Indies or agency girls? Still don't think it's expensive? Go to Nordstorm, Victoria Secret, La Senza, Mac cosmetics, Sephora, and any sex shop and just tally how much things cost- without rent and phone and everything else. How about the Wine/Spirits we Indies offer clients?
I really hate being a nag, or even complaining about my job. The honest truth is I love my job. Sometimes it's frustrating- every job is.
What's upsetting is the very obvious exploitation that is being condoned, and even encouraged. People then wonder why police want to crack down on Escorts.
This job really is about privilege too; of course you need to be attractive to succeed, but being educated, having money before going into this and being addiction/ mental health issues free plays even more into success here than any other industry.
Because this job is so secretive, particularly for an SP, it forces girls to be separated from others- this means they don't know who does what for what. They don't always know where to go for sources either- thank the gods for the internet. That can help. It can also set things back too- by having threads like this pressure girls into doing things they don't want- just to stay on top. Or to have girls drastically lower their rates too. It's not just John's-on-girl action either, it's girl on girl too. Girls and Johns can really set other girls up for being taken advantage of- I've seen it in an agency setting ( not Mirage).
The point of this massive post is this: I have the right to a safe workplace, and one that doesn't exploit me like any other working person. Other Sp's should have a right to this too.
I love my job, and want to keep it But stuff like this, amongst the numerous other reasons listed, is why we have such a high turn-over.
There was a post I saw earlier about CERB censoring John's and how awful it is- think about how SP's and even agencies are censored.
I risk a lot here by posting this. I'd like to feel it will be worth it in a few ways: One, it helps change some great guys,who were mislead's minds. Two, it helps some Sp's make some decisions about how they would like to run their business. Three, it weeds out come POT's from here from ever seeing me. Lastly, it makes everyones work place and hobbying much more enjoyable. Treating the girls on here better really, greatly enhances the quality, and enjoyment in an SP's service, and in turn reflects directly to the John.
Agencies work their asses off to support the girls, run their business, and find great talent. Indies work hard by being that fantasy, and bringing you enjoyment. You guys help us out by supporting our lives, our education, and our luxuries we work hard for. It could be so easy to have more of a symbiotic relationship, with a few cultural changes, etiquette and realization. How about we stop treating each other so poorly because we arbitrarily feel entitled too? This goes to SP and John alike.
Okay, I'm done being an idealist now.
Happy Hobbying to everyone.