Toronto Escorts

634 Park RD (MP)


New member
Nov 28, 2002
Anyone try this "new" place, its very hard to find but I found it. I rang the door bell and was greeted by a 45+yr old Russian lady, that look very worn. She wasn't my type so I asked her when they were open till and left.

Has anyone tried any of the ladies at this place? If so, please PM me the details, looks, age, and cost. Thanks in advance.


Playing The Field
Aug 24, 2004
tmleafs999 said:
. . . I found it. I rang the door bell and was greeted by a 45+yr old Russian lady, that look very worn. She wasn't my type so I asked her when they were open till and left.

Has anyone tried any of the ladies at this place?
- Your much braver than I was ! I just drove up to the address, and the looks of the place and set-up was enough to scare me away ! There's probably plenty of others who've done the same, but maybe someone has "gone in", and TOFTT .


Jul 2, 2004
Oh Christ, don't bother. I went there. Older looking lady. Looked alot like Tom Petty with tits. Brought 80, spent 60. Figured I'd go for topless. Took off her bra and her breasts went KAPLOP. Nipples hanging to her knees. They weren't even big breasts. Just very saggy. I swear, they must have started just a bit above her belly button. Massage was pretty much her moving her hand over my back and asking if I wanted nude. Nope. The finish? She ripped my dick off. Like a jackhammer. She keeps my scrotum mounted now. I'm going off to steal it back. See if I can sew it back on. Damn. She made me bleed. I came home afterwards and their was blood on my boxers because she was yanking so damn hard.

Jack Mioff

re: members
Dec 23, 2003
Tried it a few weeks ago......

Not trying to scoop you SlitherySOB, but here is what i encountered:

Looking for some quick relief I found the ad in the WTW paper: New Grand Opening Special $35. Drove around for half an hour looking for the stupid place. Finally had to call. Sorted things out and parked at the Coffee Time and walked to the house. Very public intersection, I might add when walking. Went in the house ( small sign on the door said 'open'). Tom Petty was there with his older sister. The sister was all dolled up with makeup and lipstick and such, and bleached blonde hair. 55+ I would guess. Not totally unpleasant for her age. Once I commit to something , I follow through. So I takes a deep breathe and ask if this is the place to get a massage. The sister says "Yes". We all just stand there. I look at Tom. Then his sister. Then back to Tom, who is smiling now because nothing's happening. I say, "well let's get to it." We proceed to a room with a table. Tom's sister asks for some seed money and I say "How much?" She says, "40" I say the ad says "35 - Grand Opening" She says, "What paper" I say, " Here's 40". Get on with it. First day on the job, methinks.
She proceeded to give me a massage from head to toe which wasn't that bad for someone who obviously wasn't trained in any massage technique. Teasing was very minimal. A frontal massage was given as well which left out the naughty bits. "All done" She says. "What about the rest?", says I.
She sort of shrugged and proceeded with a happy ending. Nothing to write home to Mom about.
All the while a CD was playing but the boombox was set on single song repeat. It was almost comical hearing the same song over and over for a half hour. It may have been a half hour or not though. No clock in the room.
Showered in the bathroom in the hall wearing a supplied robe.
Tipped her 10 on the way out for no other reason than it must have been her first day.

Repeat?: Absolutely never.


SlitherySOB said:
Oh Christ, don't bother. I went there. Older looking lady. Looked alot like Tom Petty with tits. Brought 80, spent 60. Figured I'd go for topless. Took off her bra and her breasts went KAPLOP. Nipples hanging to her knees. They weren't even big breasts. Just very saggy. I swear, they must have started just a bit above her belly button. Massage was pretty much her moving her hand over my back and asking if I wanted nude. Nope. The finish? She ripped my dick off. Like a jackhammer. She keeps my scrotum mounted now. I'm going off to steal it back. See if I can sew it back on. Damn. She made me bleed. I came home afterwards and their was blood on my boxers because she was yanking so damn hard.


Playing The Field
Aug 24, 2004
- TERB has got to come up with Medals for Valour for guys like Jack and Slith . You two fella's set good examples of our Mens Club ! Bravo !!!!


Jul 2, 2004
A house? I think we may be talking about different parlours. The place I went to was in a little plaza, near Mr. Burger and east of Gagnon Sports.

Oil Please

SlitherySOB said:
A house? I think we may be talking about different parlours. The place I went to was in a little plaza, near Mr. Burger and east of Gagnon Sports.
Much Diiferent! The place your talking about was on Bloor. This is Park Rd.

Jack Mioff

re: members
Dec 23, 2003
yea been there too and reviewed.

SlitherySOB said:
A house? I think we may be talking about different parlours. The place I went to was in a little plaza, near Mr. Burger and east of Gagnon Sports.

The one I was talking about is on Park.

Not the Park as we know, but the Park that is the tail end of the drive from GM. If you just go straight north from GM on Park, there's a little street. Don't turn on Bloor. 3 houses. On the left is where Tom Petty and his sister hangs out.
Funny that he is in two places at once, though.

Runnin' Down the Dream. - T.P..



Jul 2, 2004
Curse that Tom Petty. Has a new album out, and he's working at shithole massage parlours.
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