5 Women BURIED ALIVE for wanting to choose own husbands


Feb 8, 2005
Wow, what a great religion. Don't they usually say it is about peace?

I wonder what happens when you try to leave and join another?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Music_Box said:
And here in Christian countries we have had like 1,000,000 husbands killing their wives for trying to leave/divorce them, so what's your point?
More BS from the box.

If someone Muslims does something bad, the only real response could be making up stats about Christians.

I guess it's impossible for him to say "yes, this is bad."


basketcase said:
More BS from the box.

If someone Muslims does something bad, the only real response could be making up stats about Christians.

I guess it's impossible for him to say "yes, this is bad."
ive noticed this too..the point is, those WESTENERS that kill their wives act as individuals..TRADITION and CULTURE arent teaching them this, no GROUP is preaching them this, they are outcasted of their CHURCH

But these muslims, use the religion as their defence and think it is OK, those WESTENERS KNOW THEY ARE GOING TO ROTT IN HELL....

these muslims, think they are doing something legit and OK, and ask the religious muslim community to stand for them and therefore dont goto jail in shitholes like pakistan


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Charge them with murder and move on. Frankly sometimes when I read about these situations (think like stonings etc) my gut reaction is to napalm the entire village and wipe out any vestige of these "traditions", but that is just an emotional reaction.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Music_Box said:
And here in Christian countries we have had like 1,000,000 husbands killing their wives for trying to leave/divorce them, so what's your point?
That has to the stupidest response I have ever seen.

While that may happen every once and a while, it does not compare to burning a person alive for not wishing to forced into marriage with a Muslim man who has been taught all his life that he is superior to woman

While there is good and bad in all societies and religions, there is an alarming number of reports & incidents related to Muslims and the value some Muslims (not all) place on other peoples lives


my question is, if these girls got SUCH a harsh punishment for wanting to be liberal in the 16-hundred year era standard..what would happen if these muslim porn stars were to go back to a islamic state nation?

would they be gangraped by all politicians and civilians then be beaten to near death, then raped again, then buried in their last breaths?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Well...let's think about this for a moment....

JohnLarue said:
While that may happen every once and a while, it does not compare to burning a person alive
So is your point that the methodology of murder makes a difference, or that once a man has married a woman, well, come on, you kinda have to expect that he's gonna get mad if she tries to leave...so....

JohnLarue said:
for not wishing to forced into marriage with a Muslim man who has been taught all his life that he is superior to woman
Many men in North America think they are superior to women....do you read this board? It just isn't part of their religion...unless the are conservative Christians, then in fact it is.

JohnLarue said:
While there is good and bad in all societies and religions, there is an alarming number of reports & incidents related to Muslims and the value some Muslims (not all) place on other peoples lives
And yet, somehow, more people die violently in North American cities...and something on the order 90% of assault and murder victim actually know their perpetrator. I would think THAT would strike most people as pretty damn bizarre...people killing their friends and family...but we just accept it here as de rigueur.

I am NOT defending this behavior...on either side of the fence. I just find it amusing that so many people get on their high horse to judge and condemn something taking place in a society a world apart with which they are not familiar....but are blase about what takes place in their own backyard.

Do you not think people in other cultures shake their head in amazement at how we can watch the daughters, sisters and mothers of others used as sex objects for entertainment? How we can have so little regard for our elderly? How little stock we put in the ties of family? How we can commit acts of violence, some times leading to death, for NO reason (versus a reason you don't understand)? How we can damn near glorify public drunkeness? How we can pay movie stars and athlete millions while watching our fellow country men die of starvation?

Of course some of these examples are distorted to some degree...or over the top. You don't think western media does the same with incidents in Muslim countries for the consumption of its western readers?


New member
Feb 28, 2004
Why is this a religious discussion? If you read the article it clearly states this was a tribal "tradition". There was no mention of Islam.

Rather than attacking Muslims we we should be condemning archaic, misogynistic practices and the closed minded, status quo governments that allow it to continue.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You are kidding me???

glaeken said:
Why is this a religious discussion? If you read the article it clearly states this was a tribal "tradition". There was no mention of Islam.

Rather than attacking Muslims we we should be condemning archaic, misogynistic practices and the closed minded, status quo governments that allow it to continue.

...I just assumed...which was pretty damn stupid of me.

Ahh yes...Canada...the land of tolerance....


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
glaeken said:
Why is this a religious discussion? If you read the article it clearly states this was a tribal "tradition". There was no mention of Islam.

Rather than attacking Muslims we we should be condemning archaic, misogynistic practices and the closed minded, status quo governments that allow it to continue.

because it makes things simpler for the simpleton racists on this board to blame just about anything on Islam the new boogie man of the West, rather than looking and analyzing things such as these traditions that demean women were there LONG before Islam was, the bigots on here race to their keyboards and say its ohh Islam lets bomb them etc etc

And you want to find men who have cynical views on women and sex just look at the threads about teachers having sex with children and how awesome some guys on here think it is :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
scouser1 said:
because it makes things simpler for the simpleton racists on this board to blame just about anything on Islam the new boogie man of the West, rather than looking and analyzing things such as these traditions that demean women were there LONG before Islam was, the bigots on here race to their keyboards and say its ohh Islam lets bomb them etc etc
Can't we just go back to hating the Soviets?


New member
Mar 14, 2007
basketcase said:
Can't we just go back to hating the Soviets?
Hopefully we can do better than simply having to chose to either generically hate a group or treat that group like a sacred cow.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Music_Box said:
And here in Christian countries we have had like 1,000,000 husbands killing their wives for trying to leave/divorce them, so what's your point?
Wha? :rolleyes:


New member
Feb 3, 2002
basketcase said:
Can't we just go back to hating the Soviets?
Not until Poland is invaded, it's tradition.

Like has been said this is not really about religion (not that I need much of a reason to take shots at religion personally but they have to make sense at least in my head.) But what I wondered reading this is the same thing I wonder about Afghanistan: why are we supporting a government that doesn't share even our most basic values? The Pakistani government has no intention of pursuing this, why do we deal with them at all? I know if we took that seriously about 60-75% of the world would be off the table but I need more of an answer then that.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

gramage said:
Not until Poland is invaded, it's tradition.

Like has been said this is not really about religion (not that I need much of a reason to take shots at religion personally but they have to make sense at least in my head.) But what I wondered reading this is the same thing I wonder about Afghanistan: why are we supporting a government that doesn't share even our most basic values? The Pakistani government has no intention of pursuing this, why do we deal with them at all? I know if we took that seriously about 60-75% of the world would be off the table but I need more of an answer then that.

...Afghanistan is a haven for terrorist. If you don't support the government, the country falls back in to the hands of the Taliban, Al-Qadea is once again using it as an open recruiting and training area, and what follows are bombs going off in cities of Western nations like England, Spain and the United States. And if you think Canada is immune, remember Flight 182.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons. You don't support the government, those weapons fall into the hands of people who might not like you as much as the current government does, and who might have an agenda that doesn't exactly line up with how you'd like your future days to play out.

Now, you don't have to accept either of these as absolute truths...because they are probably not. But if you can think something like this...

"I know if we took that seriously about 60-75% of the world would be off the table but I need more of an answer then that"

...then clearly you are not naive. So then you can appreciate that your security, on a national perspective, comes with a price, and that paying that price can at times be "complicated". Or, as I once heard...the "right" thing isn't always a "good" thing....


New member
Feb 3, 2002
MLAM said:
...Afghanistan is a haven for terrorist. If you don't support the government, the country falls back in to the hands of the Taliban, Al-Qadea is once again using it as an open recruiting and training area, and what follows are bombs going off in cities of Western nations like England, Spain and the United States. And if you think Canada is immune, remember Flight 182.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons. You don't support the government, those weapons fall into the hands of people who might not like you as much as the current government does, and who might have an agenda that doesn't exactly line up with how you'd like your future days to play out.

Now, you don't have to accept either of these as absolute truths...because they are probably not. But if you can think something like this...

"I know if we took that seriously about 60-75% of the world would be off the table but I need more of an answer then that"

...then clearly you are not naive. So then you can appreciate that your security, on a national perspective, comes with a price, and that paying that price can at times be "complicated". Or, as I once heard...the "right" thing isn't always a "good" thing....
I'll argue a little about Afghanistan (in the long run they are also Islamic extremists who have it encoded in lay that conversion from Islam is a crime punishable by death) but the Pakistan point is well taken, and thats the current argument. Your right that we can't do as I may preferand ignore/cut off a nuclear power. So I guess I'm just left to hope our (and other more powerful) governments are trying to get some more enlightened thought through as best they can. Damn thats depressing, I need a drink.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Things to note:

1. It happened in a very small, remote primitive village.
2. It was denounced by Muslim parliamentarians from larger, more sophisticated centres.
3. The only person who defended it was a politician who probably gets votes from that area.

The news media jumps on atypical events from out of the way places and generalizes about "Mulsim behaviour". That's like a Pakistani newspaper hypothetically finding a case out in Northern Quebec or Ontario where a judge and jury let a wife-killer go because she was cheating on him and saying it represents "Christian traditions".
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