Oh boy do I know that! <shakes his head> ...LOLThe Lurker said:Still better than a fist full of ATM reciepts from the local rippers, eh?!
Ah crap!ricflairjuniour said:the_hwyman, you're writing style is very similar to wow123's .... hmmmm.
What that I'm "verbose" or I write like I speak (many have told me that)?ricflairjuniour said:the_hwyman, you're writing style is very similar to wow123's .... hmmmm.
Just raises more doubt. You said you're a long time lurker in the Ottawa section; and you've never heard of Wow123 ?the_hwyman said:What that I'm "verbose" or I write like I speak (many have told me that)?
No worries and no need to be paranoid...I don't know who it is you're speaking of but I've never been online here with any other name...just this one and have never posted before the last couple of days.
I said I was a longtime lurker, but even that doesn't mean I read this board daily or monitored every thread...ricflairjuniour said:Just raises more doubt. You said you're a long time lurker in the Ottawa section; and you've never heard of Wow123 ?
You can make silly assumptions all you want, but please tell me how anyone around here can really prove that any newbie is or is not someone in particular... Kinda makes things a little frustrating for anyone new like myself if all your gonna do is accuse me of being someone I'm not...I mean what am I supposed to do or say about that?!?ricflairjuniour said:There are a few other things that give you away as well.
No worries man...thanks.The Lurker said:HEY! I liked the writing! Besides, Ric only steps in when folks are having fun...
Offer to meet for a beer and shoot the sh*t as said above is open to you too...if that's what it'll take to prove it to you...ricflairjuniour said:Eyes on you the_hwyman, eyes on you.
the_hwyman said:No worries man...thanks.
Shoot me a PM next time you're thinkin' of hitting Pigs, Barbarellas or the Fax and maybe I'll meet up with ya, have a beer, enjoy the scenery and shoot the sh*t...
LOL ...you don't have to explain weakness to me...my best friend and I are like that but with Pigales...The Lurker said:NNNNooooo! I switched my retirement from SPs to SCs. I was keeping the Diamonds owners in pussy and beer for the last six months!
Nah...got things covered there. I know a few that really push it or are "good to go", so no worries there...but no one that comes close to the overall experience I've had with Catherine...so I really don't need to drop any more bills to dancers for the time being...The Lurker said:If you want recomendations on the dancers (sans extras), you have but to ask. Antlerman know of my weakness for the dancers...