Seduction Spa

411 on Catherine St. Claire on EC?


Sep 23, 2005
I got an email back.......looks like she's looking for a couple of regulars...incall available tues and fri....outcall also available. Her rate is $400 for an "untimed" session. aprox length 1.5-2 hours. no mention of msog or anything else specific.Only...." I ensure every experience we have together is extraordinay."



Senior Member
Jun 21, 2005
$400?? Why do prices seem to continue to rise?? They go up weekly now!!

Someone should inform that this is not Toronto!!!


if she was smart ......

she'd do an introduxtory special. If she's on EC maybe she checks out TERB. I doubt she'll get too many to try her at $400 for an unspecified period of time for unspecified service.

If she'd drop to the normal range for an hour or even half hour as a way of "breaking the ice" I'd think guys would be more willing to give her a try. And if she's as good as she thinks then she'll get good reviews and maybe get to charge her rate.

just an idea, I'll shut up now (for at least 10 seconds)


The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
ncn2004 said:
$400?? Why do prices seem to continue to rise?? They go up weekly now!!

Someone should inform that this is not Toronto!!!
I don' know. If it's closer to 2hrs that's not bad at all. 'Course I have a thing for redheads.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Well, I know the answer is obvious but someone did ask the question -- why are prices going up? I don't think they are really, th3e girls are just asking for the higher amount. The key, of course, is to not pay it!!!!! Even in Toronto the going rate is $200-$250.


JPsoHot said:
Maybe she used to work at a gas station and is used to raising the price daily for no reason at all!!
if that was the case her late afternoon/evening rate would be lower than morn/early afternoons by as much as 25% !!



New member
Jan 17, 2005
I concur

JPsoHot said:
Maybe she used to work at a gas station and is used to raising the price daily for no reason at all!!
:D good one JP - now tell me a story about a girl who had the blood of the gods flowing through her veins.....(have you seen Sandy cum Stacey lately)?

Sorry I'm getting sidetracked - this thread is on Catherine St Claire so let me comment.

Her service is ~2 hours for $400 - no mention of msog or anything else specific.Only...." I ensure every experience we have together is extraordinary -
come on people, anyone who's open minded and around this business would see smell a rat here.

I did a poll a few week back to answer the question regarding the type of service that guys want: GFE was the winner, followed by PSE - only one person voted for a dinner date. So the conclusion then is for SPs to properly advertise in order to attract business - if guys wanted to chat, they'd go to a bar and have a few drinks with other guys. When a guy goes to an SP he wants to bang his brains out.
If you're a MSOG guy, would you not go someplace where you know you'll get MSOG?
That said Ms.Claire may be in for a dark future.


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005

The Lurker said:
I don' know. If it's closer to 2hrs that's not bad at all. 'Course I have a thing for redheads. coareful on acting on that "thing" for redheads.......I know what happens to you out there when you fall presy to those things..........
......ABM......."you account is over it's daily limit...please try again later"...

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Hey! Jennifer is a certifed Hottie. Besides I only got stuck in the back for 5 dances. As for this girl's pricing, I-N's seems higher for the 2 hr. Mind you their ladies have reviews.

Damn a flaw in the plan...


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
It's funny you should mention jennifer

I saw her the other day I at Barbarella's when I saw this ad I thought it might be her.

Jennifer used to dance under another name, Simone maybe ? at the playmate and before that Fanny's on Bank St.

She is a certifed hottie.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Too true. Unfortunately it's not Jennifer that is the SP. Or should I say, luckly for me.

Still an tempted to TOFTT with Catherine though. While a 1.5 hr session maybe expensive, it is not the worst in Ottawa. I think that Suzie is the absolute most expensive at $$$$$/hr min two hours!! Que?


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
the ad

given the information we have, it sounds like who ever she is, she is either used to another market's prices or new at the game. Since she didn't have a set amount of time she was quoting prices for I would guess she's new at this. Even Sp's who are not clock watchers and often go beyond the appointment time still specify a length of time to start with. Her ad also doesn't mention the price or the type of service. My guess is she's new at this.

The Lurker

All grown up. :O
Sep 7, 2005
Time will tell. Still lots of time for people to post a real review. She maybe a primadonna, which is not bad at the ballet.

Jury is still out. Ah red heads...


Oct 1, 2005
Hi guys, this is my first post (so I'll make up for it with detail...LOL)...longtime lurker though. I don't visit here regularly but every now and again.

I've not been (pardon the pun) doing the SP thing for very long and have only seen three here in Ottawa (Nathalie from OPG, Carrie Moon and just recently Catherine St. Claire) and few in other cities when I've travelled. Here at home, I've been looking for that "personal touch" know, someone who plays the role and doesn't make you feel like you're paying for it and seems to enjoy being with you as much as you with them...etc.

I've seen posts about Nathalie and Carrie that fell in line with my thoughts and I never felt the need to post anything additional up about them. However, I did see Catherine St. Claire on Friday evening...and it bothered me (because I sooooo enjoyed my time with her) to read all these negative comments and assumptions and no one has even seen her! :rolleyes:

Here's "my" story and since it's the first...I'll be very verbose for everyone (need to spread across multiple posts to get it all in), I'm no shill...and all I'll say is YMMV (and for me, I *will* be a return customer!):

I had the day off work Friday and after doing some running around and getting some things done, I was home by noon and into my usual online "horn doggin" and surfing around. I checked escorts-canada and saw the new ad for Catherine St. Claire and was intrigued. I agree that the wording of her description leaves a lot to be desired (ie. no rate, no details, etc)...but the title of "ultimate GFE" left me curious. So I sent her an e-mail.

Within an hour I had a reply. She indicated that her rate was $400 for 1.5-2 hrs and that she wasn't a clock watcher. She indicated that it's hard to describe one-self online and a personal encounter with her would leave me speechless. I decided what the heck...I know what some of you are saying about $400 and all...but she did say for ~2 hrs ($200/hr) which is pretty much inline with others (...well Carrie was $300/hr, but anyway).


Oct 1, 2005
So I asked about her availability, she said she had an opening Friday evening. So I set up for a get together at 10pm. At 10pm on the nose, she pulled into my driveway and walked up to the door in a long dark trenchcoat, gloves and a wide brimmed dark droopy hat. I answered the door and I was like WOW. I couldn't make out anything body-wise because of how she was covered up, but from her face (her hair was all tucked up in her hat) she looked soooo elegant and soooo like that mature, sexy older woman you'd see at a lounge drinking a glass of wine with some know, the kind that when you see them in those situations...all you can think about is taking them home and just cuttin' loose...

Anyway, she came in and I took her jacket, hat and gloves. She was wearing a gold colored tight jacket showing lots of cleavage...short skirt, fishnet stockings and long knee high black leather boots (oh I so love a woman in those. She is ~ 5'3", shoulder length auburn hair and she lists that she is ~125 lbs...not sure what ideal weight is for 5'3" but she has a little extra (I'd guess ~10-15 extra) but it looked good to me (I really don't like the thin as a board, no hips, anorexic I'm about 30 lbs overweight myself, so it's right in my ballpark :D ). Anyway, overall...very attractive.

I had some soft classical music playing and we proceeded to sit down on the sofa and talk. Catherine had asked me to lead on upstairs and I just said "let's chat and relax first". So we chatted for about 30 minutes on all kinds of things about me, about her, some common interests we held, etc. She is fresh from the south-eastern U.S. guys, she covers up the accent well but when she wants comes out....nothing sexier than that southern drawl...

She mentioned that she had submitted her description text to escorts-canada and they changed it around on her...she never asked to be listed as a GFE (because it means different things to everyone) but wanted to be listed as the "ultimate companion" because she takes limited clients (tries to limit one or two per day) and wants to establish a connection with people to make it very personal and to encourage return business. I told her this is exactly what I was looking for. I hated how most of the other SPs watch the clock, their handlers call 45 min into the visit and once you SOG...they shut it down, dressed and on their way...lickity split.

So all this while, talking for 30 minutes, we're facing each other on my sofa and she has her leg up crossing mine. So the whole time I'm talking/listening, I'm gently and firmly caressing/massaging her leg (up and down thigh, calf, foot). At ~30 min, as I'm talking...she smoothly and quickly "glides" up and over me so that she's straddling on top of me and just grabs my head and VERY passionately starts kissing me (deep open mouth)...caught me off guard, but boy was I lovin' it....dayuuuuum! I sooo love DFK and it's rare to find an SP that really does it justice...Catherine does! LOL ...just we stayed like that for about 15 minutes, just DFK and my massaging her ass between grabbing firms handfuls...

Then she started to start tear clothes off, was starting to get that heated. I got up and led her upstairs as my neck/back just weren't into the "on the floor, against the wall, on the kitchen counter" kinda thing that it was most likely to turn into... LOL we got up to my bedroom, undressed and got into bed (under the covers) and just cut loose.


Oct 1, 2005
I'll leave the remainder just between Catherine and I...but will say that it involved DFK, DATY, CBJ (deep throat and likes to ball lick), we did that for over an hour of it. She did mention fyi that she does the spanking thing and some domination stuff, but that's not my didn't query any more on that. Engaged a couple of positions, would have liked to go more...but that CBJ was sooo good that after her riding ontop, I had to return to it in a 69 flavor and I didn't last too long after that...LOL ...oh and when she cums, she cums HARD... LOL

It was about the 2 hr mark of the encounter when I SOG, so didn't get an opportunity to see if MSOG was part of it...but my feeling is that yes it is just from my impression of her and our encounter. She had mentioned earlier that her next appt wasn't for another 2 hrs, so she cleaned me up ("don't lift a finger" she said) and took care of me then climbed back into bed with me and cuddled under the covers for another 20 min...then realized that she should check her e-mail to make sure there were no changes/ I lent her my computer so she could check her mail. She grabbed my shirt, pulled it on and hopped on my computer (she really isn't very computer literate...and I mean really not). Once she had checked her mail and was all caught up (~15 min), we climbed back in bed and cuddled under the covers as I lightly brushed my hand over her hair and the back of her head...she was practically falling asleep in my arms. This lasted for yet another 30 min, until she kind of awoke startled, looked over at my clock and it was just after 1am. She had to go to make it to her next appt at 2am. I live about 35km outside of downtown, so it would take her a bit to get back downtown and ready for the next one.

So a couple more DFKes and the lingering look of her not wanting to leave...was driving me nuts. She got dressed up, got her jacket, boots, gloves and hat back on and a couple more DFKes at the door before she left.

Dayuuuum! This was the one and only SP I've ever had that left me feeling this way...not feeling like she was an SP but infact a GF or date, not wanting it to end (me or her) and thinking of her constantly since shes been gone. She blew my mind...

So all in all, my best encounter to date...and as for the $ she charges and time quoted...I paid for 2 hrs and got 3 hrs...but of course, YMMV depending on if/how you click with her... ;)

She indicated that she prefers the older clients as they are the ones that know what it's all about (not just wham bam...but something more passionate and lingering). I tend to agree with that for the most part. I'm 38 yrs old btw (same as her).

So I hope some of you will read this and give this girl a chance before you diss her...again, just felt I needed to say something since a lot is being said and no one has even seen her. I'm no shill, I hangout at Pigales quite a bit...and if any of you others would like to hoist a beer and check out some titties some time at Pigs...just let me know, that would be cool (gotta hoist a beer with you Lurker at some point, you seem like pretty cool guy).
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