Blondie Massage Spa

400 Speedvale

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
Well, I suppose I kind of owe a review after my post this weekend. I had been keeping this one to myself and a couple of others but sharing is caring right? Yuk, I hate cliches!

So last week I decide to put a moratorium on my 400 Speedvale visits. I wanted to save a little $$$ for a rainy day (ok Kissubaby Tina) - you know the drill.

Anyhow, about 10 seconds after I return from my business trip where does my internal GPS take me? You got it... 400 Speedvale! So much for personal willpower. So I get there on the Saturday tired, but on a misson. Mamasan Michelle guides me to the room with a big smile on her face knowing already what I want. "Echo" she screams through the building "Your boyfriend is here for you!"

Oh shit, I'm thinking. What have I gone and done now? So she comes to the room (must have run there) out of breath and jumps into my arms as I am stripping down. Ok, I purposefully only have my shirt off just standing there (working out lately) and kinda want to get groped hehe! She is acting genuinely excited and is peppering me everywhere with kisses and ripping me out of the rest of my pesky clothing. I am half delirious as I haven't slept in 36 hours and should have waited but I am not exactly patient and wanted to play with her a little more despite the personal ban. Again, Pussy 1 - Willpower 0

I can't count how many times I have seen Echo now (along with the rest of the crew) but my dick must be some kind of hybrid now I am getting such good mileage! Thankfully, Echo is very good at her job and worked out the multitude of kinks all over. She is quite skilled in coaxing even the most reluctant, rest-depraved extremities. Although she is the youngest there (25) she gives a great massage and has really pretty, innocent eyes which are quite captivating.

Leaving there stumbling like a newly-born fawn and still seeing stars I vow not to return for several weeks and let the whole BF thing cool right off...

Well, nothing like 24 hours and some hard-earned sleep to put things in perspective. With that, I dutifully returned the next day determined to set things straight. Of course the only thing straighted out was, well you know...
Pussy 2 - Jimmy's Willpower (BIG 0)

Nothing but smiles from Michelle upon the great return. Oh ya and her bellowing... "Echo.... your husband is here!!!" God dammit, I really like her but this shit is starting to scare me. At this point basically a repeat of step 1 from the day before until this happened...

Getting pampered and in the zone i hear from my massaged slumber:
"I really like your ass! Its like a piece of white cake. I want to bite it and eat it!"
Damn this chick is enthusiastic and dirty - shit I thought she was all innocent from those eyes too. What a great (not) judge of women I am!
Before I can do much arguing I feel a well placed munch on my left cheek. Damn, this was really happening! I have seen shark week on A&E and didn't think I was at risk till I hit the open seas. Wrong again!
So after some giggles and my extremely devoted attention she asks about a digit in the ol' starfish. "What the hell?" I am thinking - "Does she really want some chocolate icing on that nice white cake?"
I have seen her a good 10 times now and never anything like this before. Needless to say, I was taught a good lesson (and taught her about my a-hole having an exit sign only)

Basically, Echo is a really nice/bad girl who I will undoubtedly be returning to in the near future thanks to my spaghetti-spined willpower. What happens is only my fault now...


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Congratulations Jimmy C... one of the most creative reviews I've read in a while.

I can't really tell what happened during your session... but it sounds like you had a great time. :p

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
I'd be glad to share however, I really don't want to blow up her spot. We all know what a great place it can be there so I thought I'd leave most of the additional details to the imagination.
I can say that she is about 5'3", 110 long dark hair, pretty face with a smaller perky set, nice trim and very talkative with good English.

I always have a great, safe time!:p

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
Too funny. If she was anything like that, I'd pop her (yes some more), get my small fortune back and run.

I knew I could count on Sir CallOway to come riding in with some comic relief.:D
BTW, glad you liked the review.


New member
Jan 5, 2005
ive always had a good time at 400, havent been there in a while partly because i keep getting the same crappy room (the first one on the left); are all the rooms in similar condition or have they fixed the place up a bit?

just curious



Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
All the rooms are crappy and not very soundproof.

Unless renovations have happened... the "largest" room is the first one on the right. The room you were in is the second "largest" and the third room (second one on the left) is even smaller.

The only advantage of the third room was when Karla worked there... :p

Jimmy C

Jun 20, 2007
They might even have a fourth room (closet I think - no joke) now! And no, they haven't gotten around to stuffing any kind of soundproofing in those paper mache walls. Don't you think the sound of foreign dramas and moaning kind of add to the "ambience"?:p No wonder Michelle keeps up with the BF/Hubby crap. She likely can't help but hear most of the activity...errrr conversation going on in the place.
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