Hmmm... what would I do with 22 Million?
I will buy $700,000 townhome near Casa roma, spend about $50,000 to make my home comfortably furnished and enviomentally friendly(solar power panels on rooftop, all appliences energy efficient etc) I will also add mini Japanese garden if space is available.
I will pay off any dept I have or any dept my mother have which will round up about $10,000(at very most). I will also give my mother $100,000. I will cover $10,000 for my friend's wedding cost.
Oh yes I will buy hybrid car but it doesn't have to be fancy, just nice and reliable.. $35,000.
Remainder of the money goes to low risk low-mid return investment in Swiss bank and put 2 million dollars aside for my future children. I will be comfortable with it, I'm sure, hey it's good to dream!