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2011 NCAA College Football


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Couldn't find a thread in the past month -- I know there is a big ten thread, not sure if their is a general thread.

Some season defining results today. Wisconsin who had to think they had a shot at the BCS game, were shocked in one of the most thrilling final plays ever. It was so close, but the replay got it right, as he got some forward progress just at the end.

The shocking game that is going down now is Texas Tech at Oklahoma. Texas Tech is up 31-17 with two minutes left in the third quarter.

Going into the week, it seemed like LSU, Bama, and Oklahoma were a class of its own.

Stanford beat #25 Washington 65-21. I would like to see this team up against one of the SEC powerhouses. They are great at executing trick plays and smart, which may make up for the huge talent gap, and off course clearly have the best player on the field in Luck


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
And if you want to watch the Oklahoma-Texas Tech game on ESPN through the Rogers SportPak. Your shit out of luck. For some reason they are not showing it. Outstanding.


Apr 7, 2005
NCAA is so corrupt and there are so many cheaters and liars throughout college football that I have a hard time lately stomaching watching any game.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
I am hoping you can't stomach junior hockey either - our own little dirty secret. Sending kids away from home 2 years before university, drafted WITHOUT THE CHOICE of where to play, and getting paid a few hundred a month.... while the fracnhise values of these franchises have went up enormously on their backs the past few decades.

Its always amusing how Canadians pick on the NCAA system, and them not getting paid, when we have a much more corrupt and unethical system in our own backyard. Drafting 16 year olds -- giving them no choice where to play -- the financial benefits are miniscule -- and individuals have made millions of franchises.

A system where its possible for kids to play an extra 32 playoff games.


Apr 7, 2005
I am hoping you can't stomach junior hockey either - our own little dirty secret. Sending kids away from home 2 years before university, drafted WITHOUT THE CHOICE of where to play, and getting paid a few hundred a month.... while the fracnhise values of these franchises have went up enormously on their backs the past few decades.

Its always amusing how Canadians pick on the NCAA system, and them not getting paid, when we have a much more corrupt and unethical system in our own backyard. Drafting 16 year olds -- giving them no choice where to play -- the financial benefits are miniscule -- and individuals have made millions of franchises.

A system where its possible for kids to play an extra 32 playoff games.
OK I didn't say anything about hockey.
I thought this thread was about NCAA football?
Trolling your own thread? That's a new one.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
NCAA is so corrupt and there are so many cheaters and liars throughout college football that I have a hard time lately stomaching watching any game.
The NCAA is supposed to be a part of the path of higher learning where they teach students morals and ethics and how to live in society. Prepare these students for life.
They are not supposed to cheat by paying student athletes to come play for certain schools or given more when they play better. Also are they not supposed to make sure these student athletes attend class. Remember, it is supposed to be a school first, play sports second. Unless of course I have had it wrong all these years.

I am hoping you can't stomach junior hockey either - our own little dirty secret. Sending kids away from home 2 years before university, drafted WITHOUT THE CHOICE of where to play, and getting paid a few hundred a month.... while the fracnhise values of these franchises have went up enormously on their backs the past few decades.

Its always amusing how Canadians pick on the NCAA system, and them not getting paid, when we have a much more corrupt and unethical system in our own backyard. Drafting 16 year olds -- giving them no choice where to play -- the financial benefits are miniscule -- and individuals have made millions of franchises.

A system where its possible for kids to play an extra 32 playoff games.
ahh ...
Exactly what secret have you uncovered here ? What rule has been broken ?
Young players are drafted into the OHL and leave home to play hockey, pursuing their own dreams. Each player can choose not to go. Parents can say 'Johnny is too young to be so far away from home'. A team can trade him to a close organization or wait until next season.


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
NCAA is so corrupt and there are so many cheaters and liars throughout college football that I have a hard time lately stomaching watching any game.
NCAA football is a big business, there is going to be corruption, and cheating in any business with that much money involved. That being said, most players or students don't receive money and play by the rules. The average player will not go pro, and make any money from playing football. For every Cam Newton, there are thousand of players who get nothing, but a chance at college education!


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
ahh ...
Exactly what secret have you uncovered here ? What rule has been broken ?
Young players are drafted into the OHL and leave home to play hockey, pursuing their own dreams. Each player can choose not to go. Parents can say 'Johnny is too young to be so far away from home'. A team can trade him to a close organization or wait until next season.
Canadians love to point to how the NCAA takes advantage of players -- who actually have more choices and get more benefits and are chasing the same dreams you note -- yet never look at the CHL. A league that does not give 16 year old much choice is corrupt in its foundations.

If you want to go to the NCAA to get an education, you can. And you get the CHOICE of where you go. To say there is choice when your pursuing the junior hockey route is nationalistic hypocrisy.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Ironhead you are correct. I should not have labelled it a secret as none of the information I conveyed was new . I should have simply called it plain old ignorance to a corrupt system.


New member
Aug 17, 2003
Well I would love to see Penn State in the Big 10 Championship game, but lots of football ahead. Their QB situation isn't the greatest that's for sure. I always thought Wisconsin was overrated this season. Wouldn't have picked Texas Tech to win last night.

I soooooooooooooooo badly want to see Boise State in the championship game against an SEC team. They will need help. In order to get there they probably will need Stanford and Oklahoma State to lose and probably Clemson as well. And I am sure that if the LSU and Alabama game is a close one, people would want to see a rematch.

Man, wouldn't a playoff system be great. Greedy bastards.
Ashley Madison
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