You mean like going to the official Canadian website listing military weapons? I must have hand written that site on terb.
Sure, hunting varmints on a closed property with no risk of hitting anything else may benefit from a semi-auto but that is not the vast majority of hunting and not the way most people use their hunting rifles. Canadian law is about the costs and benefits of a particular, dangerous tool. Considering Canada has already banned a wide variety of semi-auto long guns, it seems that my opinions aren't that stupid.
But keep going on with your ridiculous straw men (do you not even know what the term means?). All you do is show you have no argument to make. I choose not to hunt because I don't find it enjoyable but sure, try to overcome your insecurity by pretending everyone who disagrees with you is poor, stupid, and crazy.
I'm quite secure, because I know what I'm talking about because I do it. I'm the one that's received marksmanship training, practice regularly and follow the laws.
I have credibility. You don't.
I'm not the one posting how to do things I've never done before and then go around telling people who do how to do it or that they're doing it wrong. That's you.
You've proved your ignorance multiple times, all by yourself, without my help. You post misinformation on this topic all the time. I'm just the guy who points it out so others aren't mislead.
Four provinces are refusing to cooperate with the Liberal Government Order in Counsel on the firearms ban. The current RCMP Commissioner will probably lose her job because of her trying to cover up political interference in the Nova Scotia shootings to forward the Liberal Agenda. You're okay that the democratic process is circumvented as long as it achieves your means. Shows what kind of person you are.