15 minutes with Sara


New member
Feb 9, 2007
From Kim at NBM

Hi this is Kim from NBM. I was banned from posting but have re-registered and hopefully this post will be allowed to remain on this site. There has been a lot of aqusations surrounding Terfan's appointment with Sara. Here are the facts that I know of.
Terbfan it was me you spoke to to book the appointment with Sara and not Terrie. Terrie came on here to post because I have been banned from Terb but it was not Terrie nor class and elegance that you dealt with in regards to this appointment. I have had the opportunity to speak with Sara regarding her recent visit with you, but we spoke of you as well before after she saw you for the first time. Sara went to see you the first time and in conversation with her after that appointment she expressed concern for not wanting to do some of services you requested of her. I told her she has to set her own ground rules and to not do anything that she felt uncomfortable doing. So she did in fact complain after the first session with you, however at that time she had only done a couple calls and felt insecure about expressing her feelings to clients. When you called and booked the appointment a few days ago I called Sara to let her know I had booked the appointment. She expressed that she was uncomfortable seeing you because she did not feel safe with things you requested her to do. It was ME who told her that she needs to be firm in her own decisions about her services and only SHE can express those do's and don'ts to the clients. After speaking to her for a few minutes she agreed that she would go and stand her ground if she was asked to do anything she felt may danger her health. She did say that she felt you were a nice guy she was just concerned with preforming some of the requested services you request and in regards to those specific details she felt uncomfortable with those services. Now from Sara's point of veiw, she received a text message shortly after arriving at your place, and because her cellphone has a reminder alert on it it went off twice after the initial text. That is why she expressed to you that she should check it to silence it. All girls who carry cell phones are not encouraged to use their phones during a call they are however encouraged to leave their cell phones on, for several reasons. First for their safety. Secondly so that when the hour is up I can contact them to let them know the driver is there to pick them up. I do not condone the use of a cell phone for private use during an appointment and I have spoke to Sara regarding this already.
As for the cancellation fee, Sara was at your place for 20 minutes out of the hour and she explained to me that she had already been servicing you (for a few minutes) before her cell phone started beeping. The cancellation fee is dispersed between the girl and the driver for their time. The agency never receives a penny from the cancellation fee as you may suspect. In this case the driver and Sara split the cancellation fee to cover their time and gas for the drive from Oshawa to Brooklin to the appointment. Had Sara been turned away at the door I would not have requested the cancellation fee but because almost half the appointment had been used I needed to pay the girl and driver for their time.
In this specific case I will make an exception and if you choose to use our agency again I will take the $50.00 off your next call. You mentioned that you have seen many other ladies from class and elegance in the past. I do recomend that you choose another lady with whom you have had an enjoyable time with in the past (either class and elegance ladies or naughty bedside manners ladies), someone other than Sara.
I truely am sorry that you did not have an enjoyable appointment, but I hope we can now put this topic to rest and move on. I hope that this clarifies any questions you had and I hope this settles any questions or concerns regarding this call. My last hope is that Terb allows this post to remain and allows me to continue to post on Terb.
Thank you!


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Wow Kim.......Terrie actually manages to somewhat salvage the situation & you go ahead & stick your foot right back in...............

Bringing up the unsafe request thing again.... It couldn't have made her that uncomfortable did she go back a 3rd time, & if it did she shouldn't have gone. This does raise a very real suspicion that you are simply trying to smear a customer.

She came, they got a little underway, he says*** she had a couple text messages that he says took a few minutes of time back & forth.... They apparently had drinks....she was in & out in 20 mins. Do you mind explaining how that counts for 1/2 the allotted appointment time?

Text messages do not require a lot of effort to silence...pick up phone...press a button...thats it. I agree that she should have an active cellphone during work....but if as you said you have spoken to her about it before....why is she not supplied with an agency cellphone that her boyfriend does Not have the # to?

Hes says*** she told him she was pregnant....now I know that is a good thing to some people, but really....that sort of thing should either be disclosed Ahead of time...or kept silent. It seems Very likely that she just lied to get out of doing her job properly. You should have at least an idea of your girls attitudes & situations. Everyone has bad times & injuries...that is understood.....but If she cant do the job she was paid for...Why is she working??? Really enough with the " I can't know everything cop-out" Of course you can't know everything....but that doesn't matter...in the service industry...if something goes wrong or gets by you for whatever reason IT IS Your Fault. Every Time. NO Excuses. Everyone else who runs their own business has to suck it up, why are you any different?

You actually named the town he lives in..... luckily...he lives in an area that is large enough that he can still have some expectation of privacy....but seriously...where do you get your nerve?? Are you in the habit of betraying a customers confidence with such ease?

In Summary:

- The cellphone issue--> could have been handled with some discipline & planning

- The pregnancy issue should Never have been one, & neither should the issue with Sara's discomfort. If you are not %100 confident that your girl can lay ground rules she is comfortable with it is your duty to look out for her & your customer Or do Not send her.

- Actually...the privacy confidence issue is enough to absolutely Bury you. Who in their right mind would want to trust you with anything now? What are you going to do next? Post his address & phone # in another desperate hissy fit to silence complaints?

- Last But certainly not least is your idea compensation............... Your idea of making it right is to knock $50 off another booking?? Are you serious?? After all this why in the world would he take you up on that offer?????? Why would he risk getting screwed over by your agency again for only the "discount" of the $ he shouldn't have had to pay you in the first place???

That $ should be returned to him immediately ON Principle. Apparently in addition to having no sense of customer service, tact, or discretion, your Principles seems to be deficient as well.

Thank you again Terbfan for opening the discussion that allowed this lady to show exactly what her & her agency are all about. Thanks for saving me the cash & hassle.

***I say he says because I wasn't there but I'm willing after all this to take the man's word as Gospel over yours....

Actually I think it might be nice to help her out a bit....every member ho has read this thread & have been turned off by the owner's attitudes please reply so she can get a feeling for how much this single instance of unprofessionalism has cost her.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
15 minutes with Sara sounded like a minor topic. lol :p

Why was Kim banned anyway? The only reason I ask it has a bearing on the credibility of her posts and statements.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
terbfan said:
She has offerred to reimburse me the $50 and personally bring it to my home if I wish. It was a nice gesture which I do appreciate so no hard feelings. So I do believe her when she says she regrets what happened.
What she regrets happening is the back lash against NBM in this thread as a result of the way she slagged you in her first post. Also the support you have gotten by 9 members so far after your review judging by their comments.

Kim says if you tuned her away at the door no cancellation fee would apply. You should have know terbfan at the door that Sara would spend the first 15 mins. talking/texting on her cell while drinking your booze(while pregnant?) and that all these restrictions were going to be in effect.

She did somehow manage to "service you" for a few minutes they say so you are obliged to pay the $50 bucks but in this case will make an exception.

The exception being you have been a loyal repeat customer and them wanting this thread to die.

Anybody else would be SOL. I take it.


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
Well, that pretty much sums up an intersting thread. The owner affiliated with NBM but NOT running NBM puts her foot in her mouth, gets chastised by Terbfan with a very logical breakdown of what happened, apologizes, and then it appears maybe everyone learns something.

Then NBM's owner comes on (she was banned for breaking a rule on TERB, which last time I looked has few rules, but the one's it has, are sacrosanct) and then uses a half assed apology while slagging and defending her girl, reopening all the old wounds. Really smart. I find this just facisinating how two people running a service business (selling sex is no different than selling fast food in that if you have an unhappy client, you have to try to understand their issues). The customer is said to be always right, but as terbfan pointed out, he was a repeat customer who got on well with Terrie and many of the girls. What is more, Sara had been there 2 other times with no issues, so I think his version of the story not only had merit from the get go, but as he explained the nights events it is obvious that managment at C&E and NBM need to get their heads out their asses and realize the reality. The reality is a lot of these young ladies do NOT take this seriously. They will get laid for the money we lay out, but they don't understand the dynamic at all. It is an issue of maturity, and they don't get that some of us may work 10 hours for the money we are going to pay them for ONE hour. IF they cannot at least put in the effort to please their customer, you people in "management" better tell em to walk out the door. I will not EVER consider your agencies now I have read this. My dough is too precious to be wasted on someone who doesn't care and is very willing to lie about the night's events to cover up her own indifference and rudeness.

To come on here and act like Terbie is the problem is not only the height of stupidity, it is the ultimate in chutzpah. I know that I have never used girls from an agency, and what I have seen spilled on this thread has done nothing but confirm why I haven't. Sadly, I suspect my comments will be as seen as me picking on you, but you called this on yourselves.

Contrary to popular belief, bad publicity is NOT better than no publicity.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Well, well, well. I can hardly believe this:rolleyes: . NBM and C&E, tsk, tsk, tsk. Terbfan, I am sorry for what you have gone thru here. The agencies slagging you here is really uncalled for and naming your hometown, yikes, that is frightful. These agencies have to take some constructive criticism and that is the customer is always right, to a point. Poor service is at $180 per hour is just shameful. A personal unwaranted attack is most shameful as well. The personality of all their girls is the same. Disdain for the customer must be their motto.

Oil Please

I recently had an appointment set with a lady from Little Darlings. I showed and was not impressed with the lady so I left and called Joe , I told Joe she wasn't for me. He said "don't worry about it". He then said "I want my customers to come back over and over again so if she wasn't what you expected than by all means its your right to cancel". I was charged nothing for this and it was made very clear to me by Joe that nothing was expected from me. Customer service at Little Darlings is by FAR the best in Durham Region!


Feb 18, 2004
Turoro, Nova Scotia
Just avoid such ladies who have no intrest in their work or services!
If they think that the tributes which are being offered to them for their services are grown on Canada's Maple Leaf Tree's then its worth saying goodbye to them for good. There are many lovely ladies available in your region, do your research well, read their reviews and then book an appointment for your own pleasure and worth for your hobby $$$ too


Feb 19, 2003
Well now we know, avoid NBM unless you want bad service from the girl and a bad attitude from the owner. Thanks for saving me the time and money.


Lives for DATY
Aug 17, 2001
East of TO
Oh come on Oil just admit she zinged you with your own words.

You have to be careful how you word things. They will come back and bite you otherwise.

I do not see a misquote any where, maybe out of context but the quote is accurate.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Hi Guys
I didnt plan on revisiting this thread but it seems its been ressurected. Just thought that in fairness Id let you guys know that Malica and I have exchanged a few private messages since all this occurred. She has apologized and made what I think is a more than reasonable offer, that I just cant refuse, to make things up to me. I thought it was a really nice gesture actually considering she didnt even make any money off of the incident. Looks like Ill be trying out atleast one of her new girls in the near future. I like to think that lessons were learned. Atleast I hope so. So Ive decided not to write the agency off as I think her efforts to make things right lead me to believe she knows this type of thing cant happen. OK so case closed. Thanks for the support


New member
Mar 24, 2006
Opportunity Missed

I will surely not use the services of either of these companies. A customer should be allowed to voice his complaints in this open forum. A company should only respond to them in a professional manner. This was a great opportunity for these companies to make an unsatisfied customer happy and in the process gain the type of advertising you can't pay for. Instead they have done more to tarnish their reputation than any complaint on this board could have done.

Oil Please

Dodger said:
Oh come on Oil just admit she zinged you with your own words.

You have to be careful how you word things. They will come back and bite you otherwise.

I do not see a misquote any where, maybe out of context but the quote is accurate.
She added her own words to my quote! That is why I said she misquoted me! But why does she continue to harass me? Why can she just not stay clear of me as I have of her?

Oil Please

terbfan said:
Hi Guys
I didnt plan on revisiting this thread but it seems its been ressurected. Just thought that in fairness Id let you guys know that Malica and I have exchanged a few private messages since all this occurred. She has apologized and made what I think is a more than reasonable offer, that I just cant refuse, to make things up to me. I thought it was a really nice gesture actually considering she didnt even make any money off of the incident. Looks like Ill be trying out atleast one of her new girls in the near future. I like to think that lessons were learned. Atleast I hope so. So Ive decided not to write the agency off as I think her efforts to make things right lead me to believe she knows this type of thing cant happen. OK so case closed. Thanks for the support
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