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15 minutes with Sara


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Had Sara from NBM over tonite. Id seen her twice before. The first time, several months ago, we had an awesome two hours together. The second time she came complaining she didnt feel well and apologized over and over for not being ill as apparently she'd had a rough session with some guy days before. She kept promising she'd make it up to me the next visit. Fair enough, we all have bad days. $180 down the crapper. Gave her another chance tonite. I wont go into all the gory details but suffice it to say I wont have her over again. Apparently shes pregnant so the session now starts with the list of not to do's including limitations on the act itself. Fair enough I could handle that and I was prepared to settle for the $180 BJ. Thought I was being pretty easy going considering this was strike two. But after being interupted by the fourth phone call in fifteen minutes and her back to back text messaging to her friends I asked her to turn it off. She went on saying, "Im not on the phone, Im texting" as if that makes a difference. She was oblivious so I explained that Im paying $180 for the hour I dont expect her to be on the phone with her friends. Then she starts giving me attitude and calling me rude and explains she wasnt texting her friends, she was texting her boyfriend. Oh, Thats different. I told her she didnt have to stay if she feels shes being treated unfairly. In fact with her attitude and to bad experiences, Enough was enough, I told her to leave and called NBM to have her picked up. I got hit for fifty bucks for cancellation but it was worth it to see her now much larger butt head through the door.

NBM actually was pretty good about it but Im not convinced I should have been hit for $50 for the pleasure of watching one of their girls text message her friends / boyfriend, whoever.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
A quote taken from another satisfied customers thread at the beginning of this month...

"...in conclusion I would like to say that both myself at C&E and Kim At NBM do not purposely try to provide bad service and many times we are caught as off guard as you. Try effectively working with us on these problems instead of coming onto a board like this and unsuspectingly ripping into us."

I accused the co-owner after that of just trying to keep a lid on bad press. Guess I was wrong huh?

Curse this review board.

Asian Lawyer

Mar 11, 2007
I find Terbfan's review very disturbing and will no doubt cost this lady extra business.

This lady's safety has been jeopardized and the 'to the point' aspect of the review is very much uncalled for.

All in all, good review of a marginal provider.


Nov 15, 2006
Why even pay $50. Don't know what a NBN is but most of these drivers are just that they arent going to want to fight.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007

Its OK XTORONTO I'm sure if the reviewer calls them back they will be glad to refund his $50. Customer service is their number one priority they say after all right?


Aug 1, 2003
i have never paid a cancelation fee.
if they don't show up as advertised ie bait & switch or unusable they get kicked out with no $.
what r they going to do if you don't pay ?
call the better business bureau or the police?


New member
Apr 4, 2004
True enough

Youre right in that they certainly arent going to involve the police but then neither are you if on the way out she loses it tosses a rock through your window or keys your car paint job. You dont really know who youre dealing with do you? Its your home and neighbourhood and you certainly dont want any kind of a scene which might be difficult to explain to the neighbours so I paid the $50 to get her out of there quietly. Of course I wasnt pleased about having paid someone $50 to drink my booze, text message with her boyfriend, and tell me I was rude for expecting more than that for $180/hr.

In response to the agency response that I should have gone to them to let them deal with it before posting. Thats the second time they've pulled that line out of the bag that I know of and basically its still crap. They took my phone number when I booked so they could have contacted me to make things right when I complained. I called once while the provider was in my house, told her what happened and asked her about my money. I was told I would have to pay $50 cancellation fee. I called back once Sara was outside and explained what had happened in detail. The response was that she would talk to her about it. That was it. So I did take the issue to the agency who had every opportunity to apologize , offer restitution, or offer a discount on future service before I posted on the issue. They did not offer either or any option. To come on here now and say that I should have gone to them to work it out before coming on this site is therefor lame. That being said, I didnt get any challenge from the agency either so as I said they were pretty cool about it that way. Ive dealt with C&E and NBM numerous times and overall found both good to deal with. The fact that a provider doesnt perform or behave well isnt, as far as Im concerned, a strike against the agency. Its how the agency responds to that situation. Perhaps $50 was a fair compromise. Still they should realize that Im not about to put myself into that position with them again so they've lost future revenue.

As you can see, agencies do curse this and other websites when they see negative posts on their girls. Funny they dont seem to mind tho when positive reviews are posted. Then the forum is awesome.


Class & Elegance
Aug 23, 2001
Durham Region
Terrie @ CE

I am going to start off with your question regarding cancellation fee policy:
Yes I do have a fee in which it is stated on the website pertaining to
A cancellation fee of $50.00 in Durham (look at website) - this fee is in affect and is based upon reasons to why an appointment is being cancelled examples are: you been called into work, there are children in the establishment, hard-drugs etc... If the appointment is being cancelled because of you than YES there is a walkout fee of $50.00 which gets divided between the lady and the driver for their time their gas. If you question the walkout it stays in effect as long as it doesn't pertain to the lady.

TerbFan - as pertaining to your specific fetish, I personally would prefer you
use a different source to relieve your tensions, should in the future you would like your fetishes to be reversed I personally could send you the right type of person suited for your needs her name is Eboney with Class & Elegance and she provides dominatrix services and other fetishes.

After hearing about your session yesterday with NBM and previous sessions with NMB and viewing your post today I spoke to Sara who is very upset regarding your alleged claims of
1.) Being Pregnant, Sara is indeed not pregnant. I personally feel that you were very abrasive in your slanderous innuendo. ( I little bit of weight gain does not pertain that
a lady is pregnant)
2.) That guy that you are alleging that Sara had a rough encounter with is in retrospect YOU and to claim that it was some other client of C&E or NBM is a false statement.
She was apologies to you and because of the ACT itself.

In the future please call or ask the service that you are calling for a lady that can cater
to your special needs/ fetish in question so you don’t hurt anyone that is new to your lifestyle.

I have seen some of the other post regarding Sara of NBM and I have only seen positives experiences regarding her.


Mar 21, 2006
the plot thickens =o


Lost IN the Shwa
Aug 20, 2001
All I can say is the man said "apparently she is pregnant". Did the lady say this or he is guessing? If the lady says she is to the client as an excuse to not do something, and if said lady isn't preggers, that is bad. The fact she kept her cell phone all and kept texting with the BF is just a joke.

Terrie, you don't get it do ya? You cannot win this PR battle by slagging the customer. The customer is always right in a service business, and terbfan has any credability with the posters of this board (37 posts, maybe some do have some credability with someone) then you are going to be fighting a losing battle. As for ladies in the biz who show the attitude that this lady apprently had, well, I wouldn't want to pay the cancellation fee for THAT. My time and money are more valuable than hers, and if she is going to waste my time, I still think that 50 dollar charge is a bit of a joke. If the girl was ripped off, I would be 100 percent behind you, but from what was said (and we only have his words to go by, he could be an idiot or not, I wouldn't know), the customer has a legit beef, and the fact he paid the money and didn't blame you for your girl's actions says a lot.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
The message I walk away with after reading her post is don't write any public negative reviews in terb or her girls. Discuss problems with her only or else she will reveille personal sexual preferences or some other "dirt" on you for all to see in retaliation.

Terrie, maybe this guy is no angel I don't know. Doing what you did though in your reply shows absolutely no class or elegance when dealing with your customers.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
Well. Terrie. Where should I start?

First of all, I didnt make the assumption that Sara was pregnant. She started out the sesion on arrival by stating that she had put on alot of weight since the last time I had seen her and she told me that she was pregnant. Time will tell whether she is or not but obviously shes not going to tell you the truth if she is now is she? Think about it

Secondly. As to Saras claim that I have some type of strange fetish, that's her made up excuse and if you're buying it you obviously havent thought things through. Firstly, Sara has come to my place three times. Had I ever abused her she certainly wouldnt have returned now would she. The second time she came over, she was very out of sorts and told me that a client you sent her to had rough forced anal with her. I havent ever had anal with her although I wouldnt have minded had she been willing. Key phrase, had she been willing. Obviously had I done anything to her she wouldnt have come over a second let alone a third time now would she? Think about it. Had she ever made a complaint about me before I posted. Why do you think that is? Her apology after the second meeting was for coming to a call and being in such poor physical condition that she couldnt have int**course. It was she who repeatedly told me shed make it up to me the next time. Funny that after supposedly being abused shes already talking about coming back and does. I paid for that hour and didnt make any complaints. Then after I give her another chance she shows up, obviously she wouldnt have had I ever done what you claim, and well you know the rest.

Terrie. You need to take a step back and get some perspective. Over the last couple of years Ive repeatedly seen almost every girl whos been with you and never had a complaint from any of them. In fact, most have either given me their phone numbers or told me that anytime I wanted to see them again to tell Terrie to call them even if they werent on that evening. If girls were in fact abused by a client as you are implying I did or do, neither they nor Sara would return for more now would they? Again, Think about it.

You need to get a grip and think about what youre saying and what your girl is making up. As they say, listen to what they say, look at the facts, then make a decision. The fact that this girl continued to return willingly then claims that I abused her somehow. Do you really think shes going to admit that she was repeatedly taking calls from her boyfriend while on a call and thats why she was asked to leave. Of course not. Shes going to make up some story, and did, to explain why she cost you money. You should have seen through it.

As for the $50. Keep it. Its the last buck of mine you'll ever see after me having given you thousands of dollars over the last couple years. I have been a very good client. You just dont realize it because I just moved to a new home. As I said, Ive seen almost all of your girls and have had some great times and some real disappointments. Ive never blamed the agency for poor service. The one time I complain I get this after you go on previously saying that we should work with you. What a joke.

The short truth is this. I may not have been screwed by Sara lately but you sure were and dont even realize it.


Class & Elegance
Aug 23, 2001
Durham Region
Terrie @ CE

TerbFan :

Yes, every time in the past when you have dealt with me at C&E I have not had any negative issues with you. in this situation you have not been dealing with myself at C&E, you have been booking your appointments thru NBM. Regarding the girl in question, Sara, you never booked these appointments thru me, you never called C&E, you called NBM and when there was an issue, you spoke to Kim at NBM. Grip is you never spoke to me directly or indirectly you have been booking you appointments thru KIM not me. As matter of fact, you did speak to me once in March you booked Riley of NBM and I had NBM phones and booked that appointment for you - with no problems. That is the only time I have spoken to you since last year when you had been calling C&E.

I can only post on a situation as to what I have been told, especially when the appointments were not C&E ladies but NBM ladies. Yes I am co-owner of NBM but I am more of a silent partner and am certainly not the person you should be dealing with. Unfortunately, for both Kim and myself, Kim has been banned from posting on Terb, therefore I am the one that has to come up and do PR on Kim's behalf, going only by what she and this Sara are saying.

Maybe the board should allow Kim to have her say on this board so she can post replies that occur thru Naughty bedside Manners and I can post anything pertaining to Class & Elegance. Subsequently, you can call Kim at NBM and I'm sure she would be happy to work this out with you.

I am sure that if KIm is allowed back up she can answer all your questions in detail pertaining to Sara and Naughty Bedside Manners Ladies.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
I would suggest then, that in the future you refrain from coming here and making such insulting accusations to a long time client to whom your agency already owes an apology. Atleast, THINK FIRST before you post. As I said, you got screwed by someone who didnt do her job then made up stories to cover her butt. I can empathise with you for that. But you then screwed yourself, with that ridiculous post which did the lions share of the damage to your credibility. Realize it or not, this has gone way past the issue about an individual providers behaviour on a call. The issue now is one of how you the agency responded to the issue. To quote from my earlier post "The fact that a provider doesnt perform or behave well isnt, as far as Im concerned, a strike against the agency. Its how the agency responds to that situation." Thats the thing. You the agency, and you are a co-owner by your own admission, charged me $50 to watch your girl drink my booze and take phone calls on my time and then called me rude for asking her to turn off the phone. I shouldnt have been charged $50 for that. At very least the agency should have apologized and offerred to make it good on the next call. Neither happened. Rather, you came here and took shots at me. Now you're back saying that youre not responsible for what you posted as I read it since you just reporting what you were told. Of course you should consider what youre being told. But more importantly you have to look at the facts that you know for certain to be true. Here are the indisputable facts. Forget what I said and what she said. Look at the facts then draw your conclusion

Fact. Sara came to my home three times voluntarily. Fact. Sara left my home during the third visit not because she wanted to but because I told her to. Fact. Sara is aying that I abused her on the first and second visit but continued to come back. Fact. Sara never complained before but suddenly when I ask her to leave she says Ive been abusing her on previous visits. Fact. You yourself say you've never had any negative issues with me.

Now with these facts in mind, consider what you were told and you'll quickly be able to see the truth . Rather than by putting these facts together and coming to the only possible conclusion, you came on here and slandered a long time client. A client to whom your agency actually owed an apology as well as $50. Claiming that you were only reporting on what you were told is no excuse and shows very poor business sense. There is no excuse for it and I suspect it will likely prove an expensive one for you. You had a prime opportunity to step up and make things right thus putting a positive spin on the whole event. Instead you made things worse for yourself.

As for the pregnancy issue, frankly I dont care if she is or not. I simply reported what she told me. I was going to suggest that perhaps you should invest some of my $50 in a home pregnancy test. Im sure everyone would be interested in the result but whether it comes up pink or blue, it still means the same thing. She was lying. Only thing it proves is which of us was lied to.

Honestly Im disapointed by the whole thing. Despite what had happened, I would have used your agency again. But not after this.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
terbfan said:
Honestly Im disapointed by the whole thing. Despite what had happened, I would have used your agency again. But not after this.
*All points bulletin to Tow Truck operators in the Durham Area...

This is Durham Traffic Control Centre

Please be advised we have an emergency rescue situation in Durham Region.

Any unit in the immediate area we have a female in distress.

While representing NBM she has lodged her foot deep in her mouth and requires immediate tow truck assistance.

All units in the area please respond.



Mar 3, 2006
Wow. Good job letting all of us terbites know about your incident. The way Terrie responded by taking shots at your sexual preference shows this agencys lack of professionalism.

I normally dont post and come here to check reviews before i call for dates...but this situation just disgusted me to the point where I felt compelled to let it be known. NBM does not care about its customers


Sep 14, 2003
this says it all

Bearlythere said:
All I can say is the man said "apparently she is pregnant". Did the lady say this or he is guessing? If the lady says she is to the client as an excuse to not do something, and if said lady isn't preggers, that is bad. The fact she kept her cell phone all and kept texting with the BF is just a joke.

Terrie, you don't get it do ya? You cannot win this PR battle by slagging the customer. The customer is always right in a service business, and terbfan has any credability with the posters of this board (37 posts, maybe some do have some credability with someone) then you are going to be fighting a losing battle. As for ladies in the biz who show the attitude that this lady apprently had, well, I wouldn't want to pay the cancellation fee for THAT. My time and money are more valuable than hers, and if she is going to waste my time, I still think that 50 dollar charge is a bit of a joke. If the girl was ripped off, I would be 100 percent behind you, but from what was said (and we only have his words to go by, he could be an idiot or not, I wouldn't know), the customer has a legit beef, and the fact he paid the money and didn't blame you for your girl's actions says a lot.
I have used C&E and NBM a few times, I stopped because it always feels like you are toftt as the two agencies are so inconsitent.


New member
Apr 4, 2004
First off
Just wanted to let everyone know that Terrie private messaged me today. She has offerred to reimburse me the $50 and personally bring it to my home if I wish. It was a nice gesture which I do appreciate so no hard feelings. She certainly didnt profit from the issue so I dont intend on taking her up on it. As I said, I have had good and bad experiences with some of her girls in the past but havent had any problem with the agency or her before this. She obviously reacted in good faith based on the poor information that she was given and got caught in the middle. The agency in this case was NBM not C&E but being partners, whatever their arrangement, she been drawn into it. She is recommending speaking to NBM to see if we can work things out but has offerred to pay the $50 out of her own pocket if we dont come to something mutually agreeable. So I do believe her when she says she regrets what happened. Just thought you guys should know that.

Just one question for you guys. Do you think its normal for someone who isnt pregnant to start lactating? Just curious
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