CupidS Escorts

13 Year Old Hockey Coach


New member
Oct 12, 2010
you don't have to cause an injury to be guilty of assault. A doctor will say whether the broken wrist is from this incident.

I watched the tape a couple of times, I think he tripped him.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Yeah if you are coaching you are held to a higher standard.

And if you happen to be coaching kids it's an even higher standard.

So tripping an opponent and breaking his wrist is inexcusable.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
He should be banned from coaching and charged with assault as the kid he tripped suffered an injury. That, or put in him a room with the angry parents and see what happens. If he had done this when my dad was coaching kids this age,, my dad would have made sure he didn't leave the ice in one piece.
Banned yes, but put him in room with angry parents and "see what happens" is a bit excessive. The kid did have a broken wrist, but he didn't get a concussion or was bleeding etc... So lets say if these "parents" seriously hurts or kills the coach. So who then gets revenge for the coach? When does this vigilante justice end? Why must we always look for extreme violent punishments? Ban the coach but lets look at why he did what he did to prevent any future incidents by others.

An eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth type of justice just leaves everyone blind and speechless.
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