100 reasons to get a girlfriend


New member
Jul 31, 2012

Here are 50 Reasons to get a girlfriend ... (for full list see blog above). . and let's hear some of your own reasons... and would be interested to note how many guys with girlfriends actually hit up them escorts spots, or if their love lives are just not doing too well..

1. hit on a girl in person, you get to pick..
2. have a real girl
3. go to wedding and not feel like a failure
4. less delay than meeting a girl overseas
5. don't spend valentines day alone depressed
6. free sex
7. don't feel like a failure in anywhere (but the gym)
8. someone to cook for you
9. someone to spend friday nights with instead of alone
10. someone to care about you almost as much as you care about urself
11. you can't suck your own dick
12. a girl jerkign u off is three times better than you doing it yourself
13. girls have tits which can be fun to fondle and suck on
14.girls have vaginas they are fun to learn how it works and they look nice in doggy style
15. girls can swallow
16. girls can deepthroat
17. girls can get you birthday presents
18. girls can get you valentines day present(and or sex)_
19. someone to cuddle with like in the movies
20. someone to keep you warm
21. i hate being lonely
22. a girlfriend is more fun than a video game
23. sex!
24. a girl can be shaved and very hot body
25.siomeone to maek yourself happy by making them happy
26. someone to buy you stuff, or ease the financial pressure of a home
27. someone to start a family with
28. someone to give your live meaning with by having kids and living on
29. show off
30. appreciate the nature
31. girls can look amazing with makeup and lip gloss and eye shadow
32. girls are usually see-see no touch.. the girls on tv etc.
33.girls can be great listeners
34. girls can do missionary
35. girls can do doggy style
36. girls can let u bust on their face
37. girls can let u bust on their tits
38. girls can have hot lower back tatto
39. girls can have tongue rings
40. girls can have belly rings
41.they can put you to sleep
42. they can smell nice
43.they can wake you up
44.they can make u feel like the happiest man on earth
45. They can talk dirty to you
46. The girl you hit on has good chanxce to live closer
47. Its more romantic and a challenge to hit on a girl
48. Having a girlfriend gives life meaning
49. To finally show those girls who rejected you cthat you are a fun persobn
50. Make other girls jealous

Plan B

Race Relations Expert
Jun 7, 2008
A juvenile list.

How about 100 reasons to not have a girlfriend:

1. Monogamy is overrated and boring
2. Her mother is a battle ax
3. You won't have to hang out with her friends that you hate
4. No guilt trips
5. No silent treatments
6. No wasting your hard earned money on stupid presents
7. No trying to get a reservation at a restaurant on Valentines' Day

I can go on..

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
A girlfriend can also falsely accuse you of rape & abuse...and totally ruin your life. By the time the courts are done, you're done too...even if you're innocent.
Lol, least with an SP your word is as good as hers

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
In fact, it's more expensive than going to an SP. Some would say a lot more expensive.
Is it ? If you factor in all the time you spend together "free" vs $250 an hour for companionship is it cheaper ? You might spend thousands of hours together but then say oh gee SP are cheaper. They are only cheaper cause you spend far less time together. Add it up, GF are cheaper but yes, one complaint and you might find yourself locked up. So you gotta keep her happy all of the time..and SP could slam your hotel room door shut on her way out and its the last you ever hear from her most likely. A GF could go crying to the police and then you find out like DSK how it can be like


Aug 15, 2010
France is over - rated

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
Sorry, a girlfriend jerking you off isn't better than doing yourself.
You need a strong yet loving masculine grip, someone who knows the needs of your cock intimately.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
I would have liked to say the only good reason is for bareback sex but even if she's not banging 100 strangers per week, a girlfriend can still, and probably will, give you herpes, syphilis, AIDS, or an unwanted child (she didn't take the pill on purpose). The latter is the worst because it only leaves you with two bad options: 1) raise a child you didn't want with a woman you didn't want as the mother of your child 2) kill both the mother and child to be free of them, but live in perpetual fear that the law will catch up to you someday.


Oct 31, 2004
Sorry, a girlfriend jerking you off isn't better than doing yourself.
You need a strong yet loving masculine grip, someone who knows the needs of your cock intimately.
Depends on who is your girlfriend, I have never cum without ejaculating multiple times doing it myself.


New member
Dec 31, 2003
A girlfriend can also falsely accuse you of rape & abuse...and totally ruin your life. By the time the courts are done, you're done too...even if you're innocent.
What kind of women are you dating????


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
I would have liked to say the only good reason is for bareback sex but even if she's not banging 100 strangers per week, a girlfriend can still, and probably will, give you herpes, syphilis, AIDS, or an unwanted child (she didn't take the pill on purpose). The latter is the worst because it only leaves you with two bad options: 1) raise a child you didn't want with a woman you didn't want as the mother of your child 2) kill both the mother and child to be free of them, but live in perpetual fear that the law will catch up to you someday.
I hope you're joking.
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